Logo of International Hall of Light

10 Apr 2014

Published: 09 Apr 2014
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Salón Internacional De La Luz

International Hall of Light

Bogotá D.C., Colombia

SALÓN INTERNACIONAL DE LA LUZ® Volumen XI Mayo 12-17 de 2020
El Salón Internacional de La Luz, Volumen XI, tendrá lugar en Bogotá D.C., Colombia, del 12 al 17 de mayo de 2020. Este año estará dedicado a establecer las relaciones entre la pintura y la luz, y su aporte a la creación fotográfica y cinematográfica.
El Salón Internacional de La Luz cumple 11 años dedicados a la imagen, a la creación con la luz y a la dirección de fotografía cinematográfica. Tendrá películas en competencia en las categorías de largometrajes ficción y documental, cortometraje ficción y documental, spot publicitario, video clip, experimental en cine, película preservada, realidad virtual y trabajo universitario entre otras categorías, donde se premiará exclusivamente el área de Dirección de Fotografía.
Se desarrollarán eventos teóricos sobre la luz, con invitados internacionales, conferencias técnicas y Show-rooms, con la muestra de la última tecnología en cámaras, películas, luces y soportes para la imagen en movimiento. Además, se realizará la muestra “125 años Luz”, con la proyección de algunas de las películas más importantes dentro de la historia de la dirección de fotografía cinematográfica.
El Salón Internacional de La Luz® comprende los siguientes apartados:
1.1. Pueden participar obras audiovisuales de cualquier nacionalidad, producidas con fecha posterior o igual a enero 01 de 2018.
1.2. Las categorías de la presente convocatoria son:
1.2.1. Largometraje Ficción (Duración mínima de 70 minutos).
1.2.2 Largometraje Documental. (Duración mínima 60 minutos).
1.2.3. Cortometraje Ficción ( Duración mínima de cinco minutos. Duración máxima 40 minutos).
1.2.4. Cortometraje Documental. ( Duración mínima de quince minutos. Duración máxima 40 minutos).
1.2.5. Video Clip.
1.2.6. Spot publicitario.
1.2.7. Obra experimental (Género libre y formato de captura exclusivamente: Cine súper 8mm, cine 16 mm, cine 35mm, cine Súper 35 mm y Cine 65mm, o mezcla de soportes, y con duración no superior a 30 minutos).
1.2.8. Película restaurada de cualquier época (Género y duración libre).
1.2.9. Trabajo de escuela o Universidad de cine, medios audiovisuales o afines (en los géneros de ficción y documental con una duración no inferior a 1 minuto, ni superior a 50 minutos).
1.2.10. Serie o película para televisión (realizadas exclusivamente para canales de televisión u otras pantallas diferentes a las salas de cine), de cualquier temática y duración.
1.2.11. Obras de VR (Virtual reality-Realidad virtual) de cualquier temática y duración.
1.3. Se premiará exclusivamente el área de dirección de fotografía.
1-4- Todas las obras para su selección, deben presentarse con subtítulos en español exclusivamente, si este no es su idioma original.
1.5. La inscripción de las obras (película, spot publicitario, video clip, experimental o trabajo de escuela de cine) deberá realizarse a través del sitio web del Salón, www.saloninternacionaldelaluz.com, enviar enlace para preselección a salondelaluz@gmail.com o en las plataformas habilitadas (www.festhome.com), hasta del 21 de marzo de 2020.
1.6. Los interesados deben llenar el formulario de inscripción que aparece en el sitio web del Salón Internacional de La Luz®, con toda la información requerida, incluida la ficha bio-filmográfica del participante.
No se aceptarán solicitudes de inscripción incompletas y sin firma. Este formulario se debe enviar antes de la fecha de cierre al correo electrónico: salondelaluz@gmail.com
1.6. La inscripción de una obra se acompañará además, de materiales de prensa y publicidad tales como: stills, press kits y tráileres. La copia de selección contendrá exclusivamente la grabación de la obra inscrita. Se recomienda que el remitente verifique la correcta reproducción de la copia de selección antes de enviarla al Salón. La imposibilidad de visualizar el contenido de una copia de selección, o que esté defectuosa, invalida automáticamente la inscripción de la obra en el SalónInternacional de La Luz®. Las copias de selección no serán devueltas, y pasarán formar parte del archivo del Salón Internacional de La Luz®
Las películas en idiomas diferentes al español, deberán tener obligatoriamente subtítulos en español, de no ser así, no se tendrán en cuenta para la selección final.
1.7. El jurado en cada categoría estará compuesto por reconocidos profesionales del sector cinematográfico, y sus nombres se darán a conocer el día de la inauguración del Salón Internacional de La Luz®.
1.8. Las características de los premios para cada categoría se informarán durante el transcurso del Salón Internacional de La Luz®.
1. Las copias para exhibición de las obras seleccionadas por el Salón Internacional de La Luz® , deberán enviarse antes del 15 de abril de 2020.
2. El Salón Internacional de La Luz®, sólo podrá exhibir las obras que participen en la Sección Oficial en alguno de los siguientes formatos:
• Cine 35 mm y 16 mm, DCP, Archivo de Datos, BluRay, LTO 6 o 7.
3. Los costos de envío de las copias desde el lugar de expedición corren por cuenta de quien inscribe la obra.
4. Por disposición de las autoridades de aduana, los materiales inscritos entrarán en el país bajo el régimen de importación temporal.
5. El seguro contratado por el Salón Internacional de La Luz®, cubre los riesgos de incendio, pérdida, robo, daño y destrucción de la copia para el período comprendido entre la llegada al Salón y su retorno a la dirección indicada por quien haya inscrito la copia.
6. En caso de pérdida o deterioro imputable, la indemnización por parte del Salón Internacional de La Luz®, se limitará al costo real de la reproducción de la copia. El plazo máximo para efectuar cualquier reclamación será de dos (2) meses a partir de la fecha de devolución.
1. El Salón Internacional de La Luz®, se reserva el derecho de seleccionar las obras que participan en la Sección Oficial y de establecer el orden y la fecha de exhibición de cada película. Una vez que la aceptación de una obra haya sido comunicada por el Comité de Selección al autor, productor u otra parte interesada que la haya inscrito, y esta haya manifestado su conformidad al respecto, dicha obra no podrá ser retirada antes de su proyección en el certamen.
2. La inscripción supone la plena aceptación del presente Reglamento. Para mayor información o consulta dirigirse al sitio web del Salón Internacional de La Luz®.
3. Toda la correspondencia relacionada con el Salón Internacional de La Luz®, debe dirigirse a:
Salón Internacional de La Luz®
P: (57) 3194957408
salondelaluz@gmail.com saloninternacionaldelaluz@gmail.com
Sitio web: www.saloninternacionaldelaluz.com

Durante el Salón Internacional de La Luz se llevarán a cabo una serie de conferencias en torno a la imagen y a la dirección de fotografía, con la participación de reconocidos invitados nacionales e internacionales. Esta sección estará abierta al público general pero se requiere previa inscripción por correo electrónico en : salondelaluz@gmail.com
El SIL®, ofrece un programa de actividades destinado a los profesionales de la dirección de fotografía, la post producción y todo lo relacionado con la creación de la imagen. Esta sección estará abierta al público general pero requiere previa inscripción por correo electrónico en : salondelaluz@gmail.com
Se desarrollarán eventos teóricos sobre la luz, con invitados internacionales, conferencias técnicas y Show-rooms, con la muestra de la última tecnología en cámaras, películas, luces y soportes para la imagen en movimiento. Además, se realizará la muestra “125 años Luz”, con la proyección de algunas de las películas más importantes dentro de la historia de la dirección de fotografía cinematográfica. Adicionalmente se dedicará esta edición, a explorar la relación entre la luz y la pintura y su influencia en la fotografía y cinematografía.
5- LABORATORIO DE LA LUZ® Continuamos con el proceso de formación permanente, con seminarios y talleres especializados en la creación con La Luz. Informes en: laboratoriodelaluz@saloninternacionaldelaluz.com
6- Otras actividades: InLight Magazine®, Tienda de La Luz®, Conversatorio de La Luz®, Café de La Luz® Presentación y venta de libros y revistas especializadas, insumos fotográficos y cinematográficos, exposiciones y conciertos. Lanzamiento especial de la revista y portal web especializado en la luz: In Light Magazine®.
7- ADFC LAB Presentaciones, talleres y conferencias de la Asociación de Directores de Fotografía Cinematográfica de Colombia ADFC.

Email: salondelaluz@gmail.com
P: (57) 3194957408 . Bogotá-Colombia.
Evento registrado: Zer01Digital® Media Lab
SIL® está asociado en ANAFE y registrado ante el SIREC.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental

Logo of Certamen de Cortometrajes de Benagalbón Cortoben

09 Apr 2014

Published: 08 Apr 2014
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner Certamen De Cortometrajes De Benagalbón Cortobén

Certamen de Cortometrajes de Benagalbón Cortoben

Rincón de la Victoria, Spain

Only for filmmakers from Malaga or living here. Shortfilm must be filmed after 1 Jan 2019.

Short film festival

 Fiction  Animation  Fantastic  Other  Experimental

Logo of Kratkofil Plus International Film Festival

07 Apr 2014

Published: 06 Apr 2014
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner Kratkofil Plus International Film Festival

Kratkofil Plus International Film Festival

Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental

Logo of Cine Campus

07 Apr 2014

Published: 06 Apr 2014
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Cine Campus

Cine Campus

San Juan, Puerto Rico

Cine Campus International Student's Film Festival cultivates and honors future emerging filmmakers as they explore and create works dedicated to offers an artistic exchange as well as opportunities for the global creative community that are not available in the established entertainment industry. It is designed to foster contact among film directors, artists, producers, distributors, backers and audiences.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental

Logo of Internacional Toluca Film Fest

07 Apr 2014

Published: 06 Apr 2014
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner Festival internacional Cinematográfico de Toluca

Internacional Toluca Film Fest

Toluca, Mexico

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary

Logo of The Art of Brooklyn Film Festival

04 Apr 2014

Published: 03 Apr 2014
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner The Art of Brooklyn Film Festival

The Art of Brooklyn Film Festival

Brooklyn , United States

The Art of Brooklyn Film Festival is a unique event that brings Brooklyn’s celebrated film and media makers together with their peers across the country and around the world. The award-winning AoBFF is a filmmaker-focused event, platform and showcase for exciting emerging creators and established voices. We partner with film distributors and media organizations, host world-class talkbacks, create innovative programming for networking and skill building, and screen in state-of-the-art theaters for enthusiastic audiences across Brooklyn.

Founded by working artists in 2011, ten festival premieres have gotten theatrical distribution to date — and one became an HBO series. We have held events in nineteen different venues in nine neighborhoods across Brooklyn (so far,) often partnering with local businesses and organizations to reach the widest possible audience.

Our innovative approach to ensure that no single POV dominates the curation process includes working with a different Guest Festival Director every season. And our ethical and transparent submission policy is a model for the industry.

We believe that film festivals exist for filmmakers, not the other way around.

In 2014 we became the only indie film festival to build and program our own video-on-demand streaming platform: Brooklyn On Demand, where we broadcast festival favorites, original series and more, online and on a Roku channel with over 16,000 subscribers, alongside Netflix, Hulu and Amazon Prime. brooklynondemand.com

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of Hollywood Shorts Film Festival

04 Apr 2014

Published: 03 Apr 2014
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner Hollywood Shorts Film Festival

Hollywood Shorts Film Festival

Hollywood, United States

Short Film & Animation Festival; Monthly microcinema. The longest running short film series in Los Angeles. Caters to wide audience of professional filmmakers and Film/TV industry creative leaders.

Annual Spotlight Festivals:
Women Directors ShortsFest,
African American ShortsFest

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental

Logo of Dances With Films

02 Apr 2014

Published: 01 Apr 2014
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Promotional card of Dances With Films

Banner Dances With Films

Dances With Films

Studio City, United States

A TOP 10 NORTH AMERICAN FILM FESTIVAL by USA Today - and the only one in Los Angeles.

Now in its 24th year, DANCES WITH FILMS (DWF:LA) is an original on the festival circuit, hailed by Indiewire as "widely recognized as the premiere showcase of innovative independent cinema, presenting amazing undiscovered talent to an industry audience in Hollywood," "the future of Independent Film," by Huffington Post and as "An innovator and leader in positioning raw and new talented directors," by CNN and voted one of Moviemaker Magazine's Top 25 Coolest Film Festivals on the planet (and the only one in Los Angeles to make the list in the only year it was actually voted on by filmmakers across the globe), Dances With Films presents more than 200 films each year to the LA Filmmaking and Film-going community.

Dedicated to giving opportunities to creative talents who may not be considered 'Names', DWF stands out from the crowd with not only the community we've built, but by the success of our alumni and the shared loyalty of DWF relationships.

This year's EMMY AWARDS, had a sparkling amount of DWF alums, from presenting to sitting in the audience, including 2011 & 2012 alum, Gina Rodriguez presenting on stage to 2006 alum Alexander Skarsgard winning Best Supporting Actor to 2007 & 2012 alum Joel Watson, nominated for editing SHARK TANK. DWF has had many filmmakers go on to create series, such as the highly rated THE LAST SHIP, created by 2000 alum, Steven Kane. HBO’s critically acclaimed and hit series ‘Getting On” and “Big Love” were created by DWF Alums Will Scheffer and Mark Olsen after screening their feature film "Easter" at DWF 2004. Our TV/Web division, premiered TREADING YESTERDAY in 2016, which in now in development for a series. Jeremy Cloe, 2015 alum & ICA winner, recently won a student ACADEMY AWARD.

2008 actor alum Jesse Eisenberg was nominated for Best Actor in "The Social Network" for the 2011 Academy Awards. 2010 Audience Award winner "Go For It!" received a nationwide theatrical release through Lionsgate in 2011. Betsy Brandt "Breaking Bad'' & “Parenthood” was seen early on in her career in the Grand Jury Winner of 2005, "Shelf Life." And her co-star in “Breaking Bad” Bryan Cranston premiered his directorial debut with us in 2000! 2010 feature "Cost of a Soul" was seen nationwide at AMC Theatres in conjuction with Relativity Media's Rogue. - Just a few examples of our alumni accomplishments.

Some quotes:

"Dances with Film is an incredible film festival filled with a ton of hot, new talent. It's what Sundance should be and SXSW is – but it’s in our own backyard! They put on top notch industry panels and events which sync sponsors together with the filmmakers as well as other VIPs. Their events are well attended and are extremely well organized. It's a great platform for a sponsor to promote their own projects and enhance their profile in the Hollywood and Indie film community while picking up material and making new connections."

- Chris Charalambous, Head of Acquisitions, Freestyle Media

"Dances with Film is a great film festival. They treat their supporters and sponsors incredibly well, put on fantastic industry events and is an enormous wealth of new talent. Gersh has signed 3 new clients since becoming involved with DWF. We couldn't recommend it more highly."

- Frank Wuliger, Partner The Gersh Agency

As you can see, DWF provides great exposure to the decision makers of the film industry. In fact past year's panels and 'conversations with' series rocked it with Producer, Stephanie Allain (DEAR WHITE PEOPLE, HUSTLE AND FLOW); Casting Director, David Rubin (TRUMBO, GRAVITY); EVP, Worldwide Distribution, Paramount Pictures, Syrinthia Studier; Packaging Agent, Gersh Agency, Gergen Crochet; SVP, Acquisitions and Co-Productions, Miramax, Rosanne Kortenberg; EVP, Theatrical Distribution, CBS Films, Steven Friedlander... just to name a few. Every year brings out industry stars, the caliber of which - you will rarely find at other fests.

Dances With Pilots!
In addition to narrative and documentary features and shorts (not to mention music videos!), DWF is thrilled to bring back the 4th installment of Dances With Pilots! as we present TV and Webisodes as a sidebar to the big fest.

Dances With Kidz!
We are pleased to present year 6 of Dances With Kidz! This program consists of films created for kids and most importantly... created BY kids. There is a pro section along with the kids section (18 and below).

2 Minute Short Film Challenge
And on the creative side, DWF also produces up to ten short films during the week of the festival. The 2 Minute Short Film Challenge has become an exciting favorite program at the festival. Utilizing the latest digital technology and pure filmmaking ingenuity, submitted scripts are shot, edited and screened in front of evening competition films during the festival.

Academy® Qualification:
We also qualify a slate of shorts for Academy Award® consideration through our friends at Laemmle Theatres and Double Exposure in Los Angeles. Short films that premiere with us actually have a higher possibility of being Academy® qualified than most any other short film competition in the country.

The Family:
Finally, the community of Dances With Films that has evolved since 1998 is a strong and loyal one. DWF offers the opportunity for filmmakers to strengthen and expand connections that will endure for years to come.

For more information on all the above statements, head over to www.danceswithfilms.com

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental

Logo of International Cine a la calle Short Film Festival

01 Apr 2014

Published: 31 Mar 2014
 Has submission fees
Short films

Promotional card of International Cine a la calle Short Film Festival

Banner Festival Internacional De Cortometrajes Cine A La Calle

International Cine a la calle Short Film Festival

Barranquilla, Colombia

This call addresses every person, collective, agencies, exhibitions and producers that have produced and/or own the exhibition rights of audivisual pieces of short length and of documentary, argumentative, experimental and videoart nature; on movie film, video or animation formats.

In 2024, this event will take place from August 13 to 17 in Barranquilla, Colombia. You are all welcome to visit us!


International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Other  Experimental

Logo of X Pineda de Mar International Short Film Festival

01 Apr 2014

Published: 31 Mar 2014
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner X Festival Internacional De Cortometrages De Pineda De Mar

X Pineda de Mar International Short Film Festival

Pineda de Mar, Spain

The Festival is organized by the CinemArt Association of Pineda de Mar, it is an International festival with the objective of promoting a specific space for the discovery, screening and dissemination of short films.

The main thematic axis of the festival is comedy; However, the theme and genre of the productions is free. Quality and originality will be prioritized as the main objective, and that the production be unprecedented.

The 10th Pineda de Mar International Short Film Festival will be held from September 23 to September 28, 2024.

The program of the 2024 Pineda de Mar International Short Film Festival. It will integrate different activities focused on publicizing the selected short films and promoting different aspects of the world of cinema in Pineda de Mar, with the collaboration of the Pineda de Mar City Council and entities local.

The closing ceremony and awards ceremony of the Festival will take place on September 28, 2024 at the Pineda de Mar Auditorium.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental

Logo of International Short Film Festival Psarokokalo

01 Apr 2014

Published: 31 Mar 2014
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner  Psarokokalo Διεθνές Φεστιβάλ Ταινιών Μικρού Μήκους

International Short Film Festival Psarokokalo

Pireaus, Greece

The International Short Film Festival Psarokokalo is an annual festival held in Greece since 2007. The festival aims to provide a showcase for the work of new filmmakers from around the world and to promote the diversity and richness of the short film. The festival is part of a project aiming to research, promote and develop the art of filmmaking. The festival program includes screenings of short films from Greece and abroad as well as audiovisual events, lectures, masterclasses, exhibitions, and live concerts. The quality of its screenings, lectures, exhibitions have managed to make it a reference point for cinephiles, filmmakers, professionals, and new artists. Each year the activities of the festival expanded, receiving more participation from different countries and getting bigger support from filmmakers and professionals. The festival aims to travel across borders to develop a spirit of friendship and cooperation with international festivals and filmmakers from all over the world. Psarokokalo International Short Film Festival is run by Kyklos a nonprofit organization based in Athens whose purpose is to promote actions relating to cinema and public awareness of environmental issues. ‘Kyklos’ in Greek means cycle and the vision of the cycle is the respect for fundamental rights including freedom equal opportunities and cultural diversity

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of DIVERCINE Children and Youth International Film Festival

01 Apr 2014

Published: 31 Mar 2014
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Festival Internacional De Cine Para Niñas Y Niños Divercine

DIVERCINE Children and Youth International Film Festival

Montevideo, Uruguay

INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL FOR CHILDREN AND YOUTH held annually with the aim of presenting an overview of the new film productions for children and adolescents, to the best and most diverse materials to the region. It also seeks to motivate local distributors to buy new films, TV shows and new formats with its extensive programming. Divercine is an open festival, he has never charged for sending works to your selection.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Animation  Fantastic  Other

Logo of Over The Fence Comedy Film Festival

01 Apr 2014

Published: 31 Mar 2014
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner Over The Fence Comedy Film Festival

Over The Fence Comedy Film Festival

Hamilton Hill, Australia

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental

Logo of Festival Protesta (international film festival on social critique)

01 Apr 2014

Published: 31 Mar 2014
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner Festival Protesta (Festival Internacional de Cinema Social)

Festival Protesta (international film festival on social critique)

Vic, Spain

Discover Festival PROTESTA, where cinema ignites social change.

This international event celebrates films that challenge, question, and inspire. With a diverse lineup of documentaries, fiction, and animation in both feature and short film formats, Protesta is a crucible for filmmakers committed to questioning and challenging the status quo.

We embrace creativity, positive social impact and innovative storytelling. With more than 11 editions, PROTESTA is the primary social impact festival in Catalonia and a main player in social cinema in Spain. Join us next October in the culturally vibrant town Vic in a series of parallel activities designed to enrich, educate, and inspire.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Other  Experimental

Logo of IN THE PALACE International Short Film Festival

01 Apr 2014

Published: 31 Mar 2014
 Has submission fees
Short films

Promotional card of IN THE PALACE International Short Film Festival

Banner IN THE PALACE International Short Film Festival

IN THE PALACE International Short Film Festival

Sofia, Bulgaria

IN THE PALACE is an established international festival dedicated to short films and digital arts and also presents special competitive programs for feature films and film series.

The festival aims to present and promote contemporary film art form from Bulgaria, Europe, and the rest of the world. IN THE PALACE is a Student Academy Award® qualifying festival, and an Academy Award®/Oscar® qualifying festival for shorts in the categories of Best Animation, Best Fiction and Best National Film (short film competition). IN THE PALACE is a member of the international network of festivals and institutions serving the short film sector – the Short Film Conference.

19th IN THE PALACE will take place on 26 February – 05 March 2022 in Festival and Congress Center-Varna (Varna, Bulgaria).

The program will consist of the following main components:

• International and national, professional and student competitive programs in 4 genres - fiction, documentary, animation, experimental - for short and feature films and series

• ON FOCUS programs and EFA and Oscar® nominated/awarded films

• Q & A sessions

• FILMER FORGE: educational program, industry market, industry meetings, film pitching session and parties

• Video library

• Film events and initiatives for general audience

Traditionally, IN THE PALACE takes place over one week and offers a wide range of events, activities, and programs for both - local and international film industry and audience. IN THE PALACE is a cultural meeting point of film industry, artists, students, educational institutions, and the general public, that provides access to the latest trends, developments, and learning in the arts and culture through screenings, training and interdisciplinary exchange.


International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental

Logo of Mental Health Short Film Festival

01 Apr 2014

Published: 31 Mar 2014
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner Festival de Cortos y Salud Mental

Mental Health Short Film Festival

Sevilla, Spain

International Festival

Short film festival


Logo of Fantosfreak Film Festival

01 Apr 2014

Published: 31 Mar 2014
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner Fantosfreak, Festival Internacional de Curtmetratges Fantàstics i Freaks de Cerdanyola Del Vallès

Fantosfreak Film Festival

Cerdanyola del Vallès, Spain

The first and the most important Freak Festival in Spain. We also accept horror and fantastic film. With an audience of 1.800 people every day from monday to friday and we would love to screen your shortfilms.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other

Logo of Curt de Gambals Short Film Festival

01 Apr 2014

Published: 31 Mar 2014
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner Curt de Gambals

Curt de Gambals Short Film Festival

Lliçà d'Amunt, Spain

International Festival

Short film festival

Logo of Int. low & no budget film-sharing festival

01 Apr 2014

Published: 31 Mar 2014
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner Int. low & no budget film-sharing festival

Int. low & no budget film-sharing festival

Stuttgart, Germany

Int. Low & No Budget Video Film Festival "film-sharing"

Latest Festival 2024 Announcement

Submit Short Films Now!

Film Sharing – 21th International Low & No Budget Video Film Festival 2024

Festival Date: Sept.2024 Stuttgart, Aug. 2024 Heilbronn Oct. 2024 Mainz
Open Screenings start: Mai 2024 /Stuttgart, Heilbronn ,
Place: Stuttgart, Heilbronn, Mainz
Status: Independent Short Film Festival
Festival Niveau: Semi-Professional
Outreach: International
Submission Deadline: 10/10/2023 to 30/04/2024
Category: narrative short films, animations, comedy ( no documentray, music clips, artfilms)
Lenght: 1 - 15 min ( please don't send us films longer than 15 min!!!!)
Ages: 0-99
Internet: www.film-sharing.net (download submission form)

Short Outline:
nineteen successful years of the ‘International Low and No Budget Short film-sharing Festival’ has inspired us to continue despite the disheartening of the cultural institutions.
Budgets for culture and the arts are being cut or axed. However, humour is when, in the face of adversity, you can still laugh! This year, we will defy commercialism and
capitalism and raise up our ‘Low and No Budget Film Festival’ with the opening in Stuttgart, Heilbronn, Schwäbisch Gmünd and Mainz. Moreover, we will continue to
offer the ever increasingly popular internet forums, which publishes the un-filtered short films, as an antidote [AA antithesis, counter platform]. We will be showing the s
ubmitted films on the big screen to the interested public who can discuss and talk together before, during and after the films. We will be showing the Film Festival Programme at selected cinemas. The festival is a non-profit endeavour and a large part of the entrance tickets will remain with the cinema operators to cover their costs.

We will show all short films under 15 minutes and we look forward to receiving new productions as much as older short films or even youthful follies or transgressions!
The audience itself decides at the open screenings in April and May which films will be included and shown in the July Festival Programme. All film makers,
whose film is shown, will receive the Film Festival OSCAR 2022 programme brochures.

Internet: www.film-sharing.net
The annual Film Festival was established in Vienna in 2003. Since then it turned into an annual event and has expanded mostly in Germany.

The main venues are now Stuttgart, Heilbronn and Mainz and now Schwäbisch Gmünd and Sigmaringen. All films are collected and complied and then shown at these locations. Film makers, who fall loosely under the ‘independent film makers’ category, from throughout the world, submit their short films.
Annually, we receive about 1,000 films which we then sort and compile into thematic genres.

Point of Special Attention:
The Film Festival does not award any material or monetary prizes, rather it proudly offers the broad public and large audience. A prominent feature is the so-called
‘open screenings’ that present the full and rich character of the films including those that that receive less public attention. Over 200 people come together in both
cultural centres and restaurants to rate the submitted films from over 50 countries.
We will show all short films under 15 minutes and we look forward to receiving new productions as much as older short films or even youthful follies or transgressions!
The audience itself decides at the open screenings in April and May which films will be included and shown in the July Festival Programme.

All film makers, whose film is shown, will receive the Film Festival OSCAR 2024, programme brochures .

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Fantastic  Terror  Other

Logo of MÈDIT, Festival de Cinema Mediterrani de Menorca

31 Mar 2014

Published: 30 Mar 2014
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner MÈDIT, Festival de Cinema Mediterrani de Menorca

MÈDIT, Festival de Cinema Mediterrani de Menorca

Barcelona, Spain

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary