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Indiehome TV is a platform to showcase your films and generate revenue from paying users and advertising.
Directors, producers and all filmmakers can distribute their films, series and content while presenting themselves in their own personalised channels. Monetise your films, control directly the box-office and reach a wide audience without selling your films' copyright.
Indiehome TV is a great partnership where Festhome provides the technical means and you provide the content.
Showcase and monetise your work!
% 85
+ 0.25€ short film
+ 0.50€ feature film
HD Rental
Viewers pay for renting your film in HD with no ads.
% 70
of subscription profits among viewed films
Viewers pay a monthly fee to access all films in HD with no ads
% 70
of advertising profits
Viewers access applicable films in low quality with advertisements supporting authors.
Secure Payments with PayPal
All you need is a verified PayPal account where you will automatically receive due payments every quarter.
Know from what countries your film is watched, seconds of viewership, box office income and much more.
All road filmmaker
If you thought directing, writing and producing was not enough, now you can become a distributor and an exhibitor.
Follow the comments and ratings your viewers leave for your film.
Block your content from countries and regions you already sold rights to.
Personalise your film's and channel page with images, background colours, texts, etc.