courts dans la vallée


Logo of courts dans la vallée

16 Oct 2023

Published: 14 Oct 2023
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

The festival, present for fifteen years in Occitania, proposes to present short fiction and animation films to adults.

Our theme for 2024 will be "The popular party".
An honorary prize from the public and the jury supervised by a professional (eg Alain Guiraudie, Solveig Anspach, Paul Drissen, etc.) is awarded.

The duration (credits included) is thirteen minutes maximum, and will be translated into subtitles in French.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Animation

Photo of Courts Dans La Vallée
Photo of Courts Dans La Vallée
Photo of Courts Dans La Vallée
Photo of Courts Dans La Vallée

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Les Capucines du Cinéma Français (CCF)

Angers, France

Logo of Les Capucines du Cinéma Français (CCF)

16 Oct 2023

Published: 14 Oct 2023
 Has submission fees
Short films

Award ceremony for french short films.

Short film festival

 Fiction  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental

Photo of Les Capucines Du Cinéma Français (CCF)
Photo of Les Capucines Du Cinéma Français (CCF)
Photo of Les Capucines Du Cinéma Français (CCF)
Photo of Les Capucines Du Cinéma Français (CCF)

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National Television Series Contest FICAL 2023

Almería, Spain

Logo of National Television Series Contest FICAL 2023

16 Oct 2023

Published: 14 Oct 2023
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films

National Spanish TV series competition only.

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation

Photo of Certamen Nacional De Series De Televisión Almería 2023
Photo of Certamen Nacional De Series De Televisión Almería 2023
Photo of Certamen Nacional De Series De Televisión Almería 2023
Photo of Certamen Nacional De Series De Televisión Almería 2023

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Short Short Story Film Festival

N/A, United States

Logo of Short Short Story Film Festival

16 Oct 2023

Published: 14 Oct 2023
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

The Short Short Story Film Festival is a competitive international festival of films that tell a story in under six minutes.

For 2023, the 16th edition of the festival continues back with live audiences. The festival celebrates brevity in filmmaking, with films from across the globe, both live-action and animated.

Two programs, Heartstrings and Headtrip, both showcase dozens of films tightly sequenced in under ninety minutes, each with a distinctive tone yet wide-ranging styles and topics.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic

Photo of Short Short Story Film Festival
Photo of Short Short Story Film Festival
Photo of Short Short Story Film Festival
Photo of Short Short Story Film Festival

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Festival de Cine Escolar Raúl Ruiz

Quilpué, Chile

Logo of Festival de Cine Escolar Raúl Ruiz

16 Oct 2023

Published: 14 Oct 2023
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

El Festival Escolar de Cine Raul Ruiz, se ha ido posicionado progresivamente en sus dos versiones anteriores como el primer festival de cine escolar experimental del país, con una llegada cada vez mayor en distintas regiones del país. Lo anterior conforma un indicador positivo del impacto que ha tenido esta iniciativa. En ese sentido la iniciativa descrita se ha convertido en una reconocida ventana de difusión para el arte cinematográfico escolar. Además las posibilidades de exploración artística que sugiere el festival a través de sus categorías y criterios de evaluación, ha posibilitado que los equipos realizadores indaguen y experimenten sobre distintos lenguajes del cine. En ese sentido los nuevos desafíos que ofrece el festival en su tercera versión es por un lado, seguir y fortalecer la difusión y apreciación del cine escolar y por otro avanzar en la reflexión y exploración estética, como aportes integrales a la educación, con énfasis en la creatividad, la generación de proyectos y la experimentación de los lenguajes artísticos.

Dicha búsqueda está en concordancia con los objetivos propuestos por la especialidad audiovisual y la propuesta académica institucional de liceo (PEI), cuyo fin apunta a abrir nuevos espacios para la difusión y creación cinematográfica interescolar, valorando la creación estudiantil como aporte directo al desarrollo y aprendizaje de las y los estudiantes como del ámbito artístico y cultural de la comunidad. En ese sentido la propuesta tiene un doble objetivo y se instala como una oportunidad para progresar en los aprendizajes curriculares artísticos en el ámbito del cine, el audiovisual y el video pero también como una experiencia que promueve la articulación y el encuentro de estudiantes desde la experimentación creativa.
Es por ello que el III Festival de Cine escolar Raul Ruiz, es una oportunidad para ampliar los horizontes creativos de difusión del arte y la cultura audiovisual de la comunidad educativa estudiantil, potenciando un encuadre creativo a través instancias que apunten a mejorar la calidad de la enseñanza artística y a atender los intereses, aportes sociales, culturales y económicos de las comunidades. UNESCO es claro en señalar que los objetivos de desarrollo y mejora en la calidad de la educación debe estar acompañado de un cambio sustancial en el ámbito del desarrollo social de los establecimientos. Los proyectos de mejora educativa (PME), no siempre pueden avanzar integralmente hacia el financiamiento de instancias para la difusión, apreciación y creación de proyectos artísticos interescolares.

Según la consecución de estos objetivos, el Festival en sus versiones anteriores ha ido sumando actores relevante de la comunidad educativa y académica. Hoy nos apoya el programa Escuelas al Cine de la Cineteca Nacional y el Archivo Sarmiento Ruiz (se adjunta cartas de apoyo). Quienes se han incorporando abriendo e impulsando fuertemente las posibilidades de este festival a nivel nacional y con un fuerte contenido en el experimentación, la creatividad y el trabajo colaborativo en el ámbito del aprendizaje de niñas, niños y adolescentes. En ese sentido las prospectivas han sido auspiciosas, teniendo como antecedentes que en la primera y segunda versión nos han acompañado la postulación de más de 60 films provenientes de todo Chile y el mundo.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Photo of Festival de Cine Escolar Raúl Ruiz
Photo of Festival de Cine Escolar Raúl Ruiz
Photo of Festival de Cine Escolar Raúl Ruiz
Photo of Festival de Cine Escolar Raúl Ruiz

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Round The Globe Film and Music Festival

Springfield, , United States

Logo of Round The Globe Film and Music Festival

15 Oct 2023

Published: 13 Oct 2023
 Has submission fees
Short films

Film submissions are limited to 15-30 minutes in length. Songs submitted music to be submitted as an MP3 file, and if video, an MP4.

Films Inspiring Hope: The focus of the film should have a storyline in which the characters face a challenge, and find their way to become hopeful and overcome the incident. Character development is especially desirable in this film, and in some manner, the central charter offers the viewer inspiration.

Films of Encouragement: The underlying message of the film is meant to offer encouragement, uplift the viewer, and leave them feeling an increased sense of motivation.

Films Focused on Global Healing: There is a great disparity between countries and the availability of resources to address issues of health and wellness. Films in this category may provide insight to identify problematic areas, and remedies to address these concerns, and to support universal acceptance and love.

Women's Issues: Women are not only a resource of nurturance, but accomplish remarkable achievements either individually, as a part of a family, or within their community. Maintaining life-Balance is frequently a struggle because of the multiplicity of demands placed on women. Social position and status can look different within the context of various cultures. Films in this category are meant to explore female empowerment and bring insight and increased understanding of the roles women place within their culture.

Men’s Issues: The role of men in cultures throughout the world has been undergoing changes. This can lead to confusion and feelings of insecurity. Modern men may stay at home and care for the children, or they may continue to function in traditional roles. Film submissions about men’s issues are encouraged to address the ways in which men come to understand their emotions, become comfortable with the expression of emotion, and how they connect in significant relationships.

Spirituality: Religious practice is not necessarily the same as spiritual practice; however, both or either can play an important role in our health and well-being. Films that focus on spiritual development, our relationship to ourselves and others within this realm, and how we contribute to the world through spiritual practice would be of interest in this film category.

Social Issues, Resilience & Sustainability: In every culture, there are issues of social injustice, conflict, and social differences, which can affect human or animal existence and the ability to maintain resilience. It is frequently not enough to be resilient because multiple losses can occur, we must instead focus on our ability to sustain resilience. Films that speak to how we might address social concerns that involve the depletion of social, emotional, environmental, or financial resources are welcome in this category.

Best Instrumental Score: Music scores may be from any genre, and the music should evoke visual imagery, and heightened imagination.

Best Original Song: All genres are accepted and will be evaluated based on the quality of performance and production.

Music Video: All genres are accepted and will be evaluated based on the quality of production in sound and visual imagery.

Original Holiday Songs: Submit Chanukah, Christmas, or any Holiday song in any genre that inspires hope, encouragement, or global healing through instrumental or vocal music.

Holiday Short Films: Submit Chanukah, Christmas, or any Holiday short films that inspire hope, encouragement, or global healing through instrumental or vocal music.

Holiday Music Videos: Submit Chanukah, Christmas, or any Holiday music video in any genre that inspires hope, encouragement, or global healing through instrumental or vocal music.

Christian Music Video or Original Songs: Profess faith and send a message of hope, encouragement, and global healing through cinema or music.

PG-13 Music Video or Short Films: On occasion, filmmakers, videographers, or songwriters will include language that is not suitable for children but is in the script to emphasize a concept or lyric. This special category has been created so that these submissions don't have to be excluded. Notification of the PG-13 label will be announced at film festival events so that individuals sensitive to language, or who have children or adolescents with them can determine how to make an intelligent decision about viewing.

Special Interest and Historical Topic Short Films or Music Videos: Historical and current events can be cinema-worthy. Please submit films or music videos, that document life events that inspire hope, encouragement, or global healing.

Special Interest and Historical Topic Original Songs: Historical and current events can be music-worthy. Please submit original songs, that document life events that inspire hope, encouragement, or global healing.

Children's Short Films, Music Videos, or Original Songs: In an effort to communicate the importance of inspiring hope, spreading encouragement, and supporting global healing; Round The Globe features cinema and music specially made for a younger audience to view, listen to, and enjoy and they learn about the importance of health and wellness.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Photo of Round The Globe Film and Music Festival
Photo of Round The Globe Film and Music Festival
Photo of Round The Globe Film and Music Festival
Photo of Round The Globe Film and Music Festival

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My Film Project International Film Festival-23

Greater Noida, India

Logo of My Film Project International Film Festival-23

15 Oct 2023

Published: 13 Oct 2023
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Miniboxoffice is India’s based global independent films marketing, distribution & film festival organizing company. The company aims to promote independent cinema across the world and realizing independent cinema as commercial enterprise. The company has established film festivals across India mainly in Delhi, Noida, Bangalore, Hyderabad, Mumbai & Kolkata, along with esteemed ‘Dada Saheb Phalke Film Festival’. All the festivals are running successfully either in 9th or 10th year. Within a short span of time Miniboxoffice has earned reputation among filmmakers fraternity as more than 26000 films from more than 110 countries has participated in its film festivals. Brand Miniboxoffice is well known in industry & it helps extensively young & experienced participant filmmakers in getting recognition.

My Film Project is the latest edition to Miniboxoffice festivals family with the objective to bring fresh idea, stories & talent. The festival is global & open to filmmakers of all nations. The festival objective is to create indie cinema culture, promotion of upcoming filmmakers, developing sources of revenue generation for indie films and to make indie film making a commercial enterprise. The festival is open for professionals, students across globe.

So be ready to unleash you creative potential. I hope it would be great learning & fun-filled experience for you all and turn milestone in your filmmaking career.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Photo of My Film Project International Film Festival-23
Photo of My Film Project International Film Festival-23
Photo of My Film Project International Film Festival-23
Photo of My Film Project International Film Festival-23

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CINEMA23 - Cordoba Film Week

Córdoba, Spain

Logo of CINEMA23 - Cordoba Film Week

15 Oct 2023

Published: 13 Oct 2023
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films

CINEMA23 - Córdoba Film Week aims to bring together a wide and varied selection of cinema that is produced from Andalusia, with special attention to the most innovative proposals and emerging filmmakers, having the cordovan capital as a meeting point in order to position itself as the cinematographic event of reference in the cultural agenda of the city and become a meeting point for the state cinematographic sector.

The 2nd Edition of CINEMA23 will take place from November 27 to December 2, 2023.

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Experimental

Photo of Cinema23 - Semana del Cine de Córdoba
Photo of Cinema23 - Semana del Cine de Córdoba
Photo of Cinema23 - Semana del Cine de Córdoba
Photo of Cinema23 - Semana del Cine de Córdoba

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Peñíscola International Social Film Festival

Peñíscola, Spain

Logo of Peñíscola International Social Film Festival

15 Oct 2023

Published: 13 Oct 2023
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

2º International Social Film Festival.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation

Photo of 2º Festival Internacional De Cine Social De Peñíscola
Photo of 2º Festival Internacional De Cine Social De Peñíscola
Photo of 2º Festival Internacional De Cine Social De Peñíscola
Photo of 2º Festival Internacional De Cine Social De Peñíscola

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Le Matiné Audiovisual Festival

Montería, Colombia

Logo of Le Matiné Audiovisual Festival

15 Oct 2023

Published: 13 Oct 2023
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

The "Le Matié" University Audiovisual Festival is conceived as an academic space to highlight and promote the audiovisual works carried out by students of Social Communication - Journalism of the Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana and other academic institutions at a national and international level, conducive to sharing experiences of classroom, encourage originality and enhance the technical and conceptual quality of audiovisual products, thus encouraging the exploration of new ways of telling stories from real life or the product of the students' imagination, as well as news, reports and other narratives through of the audiovisual.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video

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Amazine 2024 International Short Film Festival

Montpellier, France

Logo of Amazine 2024 International Short Film Festival

15 Oct 2023

Published: 13 Oct 2023
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Amazine: Resilient Amazon

In its third edition in 2024, Amazine returns to its original roots and the theme that stands as its founding reason and backbone: The Amazon, or Amazonia, nine countries with the largest river and forest system in the world. A complex, incomparable, and irreplaceable biome that provides environmental benefits not only to the region but to the entire planet, including climate regulation.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Documentary  Animation  Other  Experimental

Photo of Amazine 2024, Concurso Internacional De Cortometrajes
Photo of Amazine 2024, Concurso Internacional De Cortometrajes
Photo of Amazine 2024, Concurso Internacional De Cortometrajes
Photo of Amazine 2024, Concurso Internacional De Cortometrajes

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Frame Film Festival

Itinerante, Spain

Logo of Frame Film Festival

15 Oct 2023

Published: 13 Oct 2023
 Has submission fees
Short films

FRAME Film Festival es un festival de cortometrajes itinerante, sin una única ubicación, que se celebrará en la provincia de Tarragona.

El FRAME Film Festival consta de dos fases.


El objetivo principal es difundir y promover la cinematografía en general y el cortometraje en particular, apoyando a las directoras y los directores de cortometrajes y creando un espacio donde puedan dar a conocer sus trabajos.

Pero sobre todo trabajamos para que las y los cineastas se sientan acogidos y vivan la experiencia de visitarnos cómo si estuvieran en familia. LA GRAN FAMILIA DEL CORTOMETRAJE!
Otro motivo es ampliar la oferta de acontecimientos culturales para hacer llegar el cortometraje a a poblaciones que no tengan la oportunidad de disfrutar de nuestro cine en formato CORTO.

En el FRAME Film Festival queremos darle al público que sigue y disfruta los cortometrajes, la oportunidad de decidir sobre la selección de las películas que pasarán a la FASE FINAL para recibir los premios TALENTO FRAME.

Short film festival


Photo of Frame Film Festival
Photo of Frame Film Festival
Photo of Frame Film Festival
Photo of Frame Film Festival

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Berar International Short Film Festival

Nagpur, India

Logo of Berar International Short Film Festival

15 Oct 2023

Published: 13 Oct 2023
 Has submission fees
Short films

The purpose of this film festival is to promote new movie makers, exchange of knowledge, information, ideas.

BISFF intends to organize a festival that connects the film fans & movie goers with the world, especially the serious filmmakers & their associates so as to bring about greater understanding of the art of film making.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Experimental

Photo of Berar International Short Film Festival
Photo of Berar International Short Film Festival
Photo of Berar International Short Film Festival
Photo of Berar International Short Film Festival

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Agropoli International Film Festival

Agropoli, Italy

Logo of Agropoli International Film Festival

15 Oct 2023

Published: 13 Oct 2023
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

The purpose of "Agropoli International Film Festival" is to honor the vision, the art and the work of Independent Filmmakers Worldwide.

The Live Event will be on 14/19 November 2023 in the "Area of movies" in Agropoli, a beautiful village in the Cilento Coast (Italy).

In more than 36 hours of screening, the best Short Films, Videoclips, Documentaries and Feature Film will be showcased and recognized.

The peculiarity of our festival is to interview all the filmmakers who will tell us about their films online through the "zoom" platform.

Please, read carefully the rules before submitting.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival


Photo of Agropoli International Film Festival
Photo of Agropoli International Film Festival
Photo of Agropoli International Film Festival
Photo of Agropoli International Film Festival

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Filmstube goes Cinema

Hamburg, Germany

Logo of Filmstube goes Cinema

15 Oct 2023

Published: 13 Oct 2023
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Film competition by Filmstube Hamburg e.V.
Can ChatGPT support the creative writing process for a screenplay? Can an Artificial Intelligence find a good film idea, improve a plot, write good dialogues, advise the author dramaturgically and help to write a really good screenplay?

Here's the task: Write together with ChatGPT a screenplay for a short film. Then put the screenplay into practice and submit the finished film to us by October 15th, 2023. A jury will then evaluate all submitted films and compile the best films for our festival "Filmstube goes Cinema". At the end of the year, we will then invite you to the screening and award ceremony.

Short film festival

 Fiction  Animation  Fantastic  Experimental

Photo of Filmstube goes Cinema
Photo of Filmstube goes Cinema
Photo of Filmstube goes Cinema
Photo of Filmstube goes Cinema

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Memorables Film Festival

Madrid, Spain

Logo of Memorables Film Festival

15 Oct 2023

Published: 13 Oct 2023
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

The Memorable Film Festival is a short films festival dedicated to showing and promoting the creation and dissemination of short films about Alzheimer's disease and its effects on patients and families, as well as its social interest.

The festival is organized by the CIEN Foundation, the Alzheimer Centre of the Queen Sofia Foundation.

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Other

Photo of Memorables Film Festival
Photo of Memorables Film Festival
Photo of Memorables Film Festival
Photo of Memorables Film Festival

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SydFest Independent Film Festival

Sydney, Australia

Logo of SydFest Independent Film Festival

15 Oct 2023

Published: 13 Oct 2023
 Has submission fees
Short films

SydFest Independent Film Festival is an annual festival which celebrates Independent Australia and international films of all genres.

All the selected films will be screening in a theatre during our annual event in Dec, 2023 in Sydney Australia.

The festival is dedicated to supporting and recognizing indie filmmakers from all over the world.

We showcase Their best new short films that excellence in storytelling, promise informative, fascinating and riveting entertainment.

All entries are screened privately to jury members who are award winning filmmakers of the past editions in various categories. All entries will be played in their entirety and We do not promote favouritism. All the selected films are then nominated for the annual screening and the competition of the festival.

We screen all finalist films and not just films from attending filmmakers.
Before and after screening sessions festival goers will be encouraged to network and socialize at the theatre.
Additional networking venue will be selected and announced during the screening sessions.

- Indoor screenings
- Industry workshops and seminars
- Networking events
- Opportunity to pitch to investors

we open to any suggestion that can help us to continuously improve in supporting and recognizing indie filmmakers from all over the world.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other

Photo of SydFest Independent Film Festival
Photo of SydFest Independent Film Festival
Photo of SydFest Independent Film Festival
Photo of SydFest Independent Film Festival

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International Film Festival Rivoli

Rivoli, Italy

Logo of International Film Festival Rivoli

15 Oct 2023

Published: 13 Oct 2023
 Has submission fees
Short films

There are four themes

1) works of a social nature or focused on the theme of the female condition

2) work on the theme of comedy in all its facets

3) "No Language" jobs

4) works on the environmental theme with shorts or documentaries

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Photo of International Film Festival Rivoli
Photo of International Film Festival Rivoli
Photo of International Film Festival Rivoli
Photo of International Film Festival Rivoli

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ALMA, Almassora International Short Film Festival


Logo of ALMA, Almassora International Short Film Festival

15 Oct 2023

Published: 13 Oct 2023
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

VI Almassora International Short Film Festival (Castellón) SPAIN

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation

Photo of ALMA, 6º Festival Internacional De Cortometrajes De Almassora
Photo of ALMA, 6º Festival Internacional De Cortometrajes De Almassora
Photo of ALMA, 6º Festival Internacional De Cortometrajes De Almassora
Photo of ALMA, 6º Festival Internacional De Cortometrajes De Almassora

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5th International Short Film Internet Festival Diogenes 2024

Tbilisi, Georgia

Logo of 5th International Short Film Internet Festival Diogenes 2024

15 Oct 2023

Published: 13 Oct 2023
 Has submission fees
Short films

Slogan: "New Horizons, Creative Adventure, and Innovation."

The short film festival "Diogenes 2024," which features innovative projects, represents itself as a festival with short films on the internet globally. It holds two seasons of screenings, each in two different countries. The innovation in Diogene's short film festival, "From Diogenes," is the automatic submission of the film's announcement once, and the automatic participation in the festival in Diogenes two autonomous seasons - Diogenes - Odessa (Ukraine) and Diogenes - Tbilisi (Georgia) in the autumn.

1. Summer Festival - "Diogenes Odessa" (Ukraine).
2. Autumn Festival - "Diogenes Tbilisi" (Georgia).

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Experimental

Photo of 5th International Short Film Internet Festival Diogenes 2024
Photo of 5th International Short Film Internet Festival Diogenes 2024
Photo of 5th International Short Film Internet Festival Diogenes 2024
Photo of 5th International Short Film Internet Festival Diogenes 2024

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