Logo of Festival Universitaire International Ciné-Lettres D’Agadir

20 Apr 2017

Published: 19 Apr 2017
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner Festival Universitaire International Ciné-Lettres D’Agadir

Festival Universitaire International Ciné-Lettres D’Agadir

Agadir, Morocco

Ibn Zohr university has always served as a leader in boosting the diversity and richness of the curricula. All its dependable elements work in harmony to take the scientific and the cultural policy to an upper level. Likewise, the faculty of Letters and Human Sciences in Ibn Zohr University- Agadir, Morocco, has never ceased in maintaining the educational system. Thus, launching the first edition of the International University Cine-Letters Festival of Agadir (FUICLA ), 2017 would add to the success of this institution.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror

Logo of International Film Festival for Environment, Health, and Culture

20 Apr 2017

Published: 19 Apr 2017
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner International Film Festival for Environment, Health, and Culture

International Film Festival for Environment, Health, and Culture

Jakarta, Indonesia

The International Film Festival for Environment, Health, and Culture was established to participate in making a cleaner and better environment, raise the quality of life and maintain an intercultural relationship for better acceptance and deeper understanding of people and diversity in life. Our main mission is to promote films about the environment, health, and culture issues, carrying skillful methods of storytelling, produced with excellent technique and crafted with passion and love for humanity. International Film Festival for Environment, Health, and Culture is one of the members of a big festivals group internationalfilmfestivals.org. The Festivals Group is aimed to help to promote the goals of the United Nations in celebrating international days of peace, women, anti-discrimination, tolerance, youth, family, humanitarian, human rights, health, autism, disability, and more.

We receive submissions from all over the world. The festival accepts feature and short film, and documentary (any length), and we welcome ambitious newcomers to star their excellent films. We accept all kind of films besides environment and health because this festival is also about modern and traditional culture.

The festival appreciates all the hard work every department contributes to making a film. With an all-in-one package, juries of the festival will value various performances such as directing, cinematography, editing, performance, story, acting, sound, production design, costume design, music, etc. The festival would give separate awards if they got selected.

Participating in the global community events, celebrating the World Health Day (7 April), World Lupus Day (10 May), World Cultural Day (21 May), and World Environment Day (5 June), the Festival will conduct its Awards Ceremony on June 2019.

Our past winners include many Hollywood stars. We conduct a press conference, awards ceremony, workshop, and dozens of films are screened. Working together with the largest Indonesian cinema network, several private foundations and international culture centers, and having good connection with influential members of high-ranking society, the festival has managed to conduct yearly outstanding awards ceremony attended by kings, sultans, queen, ministers, senators, parliament members, notable guests, artists, and leading newspapers.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation

Logo of Certamen de Cortometrajes de Benagalbón Cortoben

20 Apr 2017

Published: 19 Apr 2017
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner Certamen De Cortometrajes De Benagalbón Cortobén

Certamen de Cortometrajes de Benagalbón Cortoben

Rincón de la Victoria, Spain

Only for filmmakers from Malaga or living here. Shortfilm must be filmed after 1 Jan 2019.

Short film festival

 Fiction  Animation  Fantastic  Other  Experimental

Logo of 4th Kanyakumari International Film Festival

20 Apr 2017

Published: 19 Apr 2017
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner 4th Kanyakumari International Film Festival

4th Kanyakumari International Film Festival

Kanyakumari, India

Kanyakumari International Film Festival
Celebrates its 4th year !

Event Type: Live Screening of Films from worldwide and Connected Programs including Film Making Workshops, Film Seminars, Film Appreciation Camps and Exhibitions.

The call for entries for the film festival is now open!

Screening Categories:

Feature Film Over 60 Minutes
Long Documentary Over 60 Minutes
Long Animation Film Over 60 Minutes
Long Experimental Film Over 60 Minutes
Music Video Over 60 Minutes

Short Film Under 60 Minutes
Short Documentary Under 60 Minutes
Short Animation Film Under 60 Minutes
Short Experimental Film Under 60 Minutes
Music Video Under 60 Minutes

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of International Short Film Festival Psarokokalo

20 Apr 2017

Published: 19 Apr 2017
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner  Psarokokalo Διεθνές Φεστιβάλ Ταινιών Μικρού Μήκους

International Short Film Festival Psarokokalo

Pireaus, Greece

The International Short Film Festival Psarokokalo is an annual festival held in Greece since 2007. The festival aims to provide a showcase for the work of new filmmakers from around the world and to promote the diversity and richness of the short film. The festival is part of a project aiming to research, promote and develop the art of filmmaking. The festival program includes screenings of short films from Greece and abroad as well as audiovisual events, lectures, masterclasses, exhibitions, and live concerts. The quality of its screenings, lectures, exhibitions have managed to make it a reference point for cinephiles, filmmakers, professionals, and new artists. Each year the activities of the festival expanded, receiving more participation from different countries and getting bigger support from filmmakers and professionals. The festival aims to travel across borders to develop a spirit of friendship and cooperation with international festivals and filmmakers from all over the world. Psarokokalo International Short Film Festival is run by Kyklos a nonprofit organization based in Athens whose purpose is to promote actions relating to cinema and public awareness of environmental issues. ‘Kyklos’ in Greek means cycle and the vision of the cycle is the respect for fundamental rights including freedom equal opportunities and cultural diversity

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of Inffinito Festival Circuit

20 Apr 2017

Published: 19 Apr 2017
 Does NOT have submission fees
Feature films

Banner Inffinito Brazilian Film Festival

Inffinito Festival Circuit

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

The Inffinito Festival Circuit opens registration for its editions in 2020!

The Inffinito Circuit is a pioneering action to promote Brazil in the international market, through film festivals. It is a reference in the diffusion of Brazilian products and services, in addition to building an effective platform for business exchanging and promotion of the country's tourist destinations.

Over our 24 years of experience in organizing festivals abroad, we have held 82 festivals in 13 cities. We presented 62 concerts by renowned artists of Brazilian music and exhibited 865 national films. We confirm the interest of the foreign public in getting to know Brazil better, its culture, customs, products and tourist destinations.

14th Braff New York - June 21st to 27th, 2020
24th Braff Miami - September 12th to 19th, 2020

14th Brazilian Film Festival of New York - June 21st to 27th, 2020.
Braff NY is an official event on the New York cultural calendar and is known as a powerful tool for visibility and promotion of Brazil in the United States.

24th Brazilian Film Festival of Miami - September 12th to 19th, 2020.
BRAFF Miami is an official festival of Miami Dade County, the cities of Miami and Miami Beach and the government of Florida. The Brazilian Film Festival of Miami (BRAFF) is the pioneer and the world's longest continually running Brazilian Film Festival. Held for 24 consecutive years, since the resumption of Brazilian cinema. Its commitment and dedication to showcase Brazilian films overseas have conquered a larger loyal audience that looks forward to the annual event for an updated overview of Brazilian cinema. The Festival has proven itself as a fundamental and valuable resource for introducing Brazil’s finest new productions to US audiences, a natural showcase for promotion in addition to be a business environment with extraordinary economic potential for the Brazilian production chain.

International Festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other

Logo of LA Underground Film Forum

19 Apr 2017

Published: 18 Apr 2017
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner LA Underground Film Forum

LA Underground Film Forum

Los Angeles, United States

LA Underground Film Forum (LAUFF) is dedicated exclusively to independent, experimental, and auteur cinema. It focus on avant-garde, art-house, independent and no/low budget filmmaking.

Our program provides a venue for filmmakers to reinvent and explore new approaches, to foster new forms of media art and to build an audience for such work. We aim to present a wide range of work exploring the many definitions and interpretations of the concept of “underground”.

We’re looking for films made with passion, obsession and drive; films that go beyond expectations and genre; films, video and audio projects that strive to push the boundaries of accepted form and content. A strong sense of authorship is a must.

LAUFF accepts all forms and genres: from drama, documentary, experimental, cult, art-house, foreign language, comedy, horror, sci-fi, fantasy, animation, LGBT, indigenous, erotica to slow cinema and video art …

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of World Film Awards

18 Apr 2017

Published: 17 Apr 2017
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner World Film Awards

World Film Awards

Kecamatan Gunung Putri Bogor, Indonesia

World Film Awards' awards day in May 2018 was bliss. Winning filmmakers came home with a lot of good memories to share in their hometown.

Following its great success, the festival is open for submission now. We greet independent filmmakers, travelers, history lovers, adventurers, and general filmmakers to show their passion through entertaining and informative films. Our Festival welcomes filmmakers, both professionals, and newcomers, from all over the world and newcomers, in short, and feature-length narrative and documentary film, from various genres.

Our judges consist of notable professionals in the film industry. We understand and appreciate the hard working in making a film. We open special categories for directors, cinematographers, actors and actresses, editors, screenwriters to compete for their awards.

We seek more than 100 narrative and documentary films produced with excellent technique and passion, carrying unique voice, and with a strong message to the world. A various language with English subtitles or dubbing is welcome.

Partnering with the largest cinemas in Indonesia, several international culture centers, and private institutions, the festival conducts prestigious awards night, press gatherings, press conference, workshop, and screenings attended by international filmmakers, mass media, mass media, government bodies, and celebrities. All winners and accepted filmmakers and members are welcomed at this event.

On the Awards Night that will be held on May 2019, we will acknowledge attending filmmakers with certificate awards, medals, and statue to the best film of the festival.

Make your outstanding film becomes the gem in our festival and gets the recognition your film well-earned.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Other  Experimental

Logo of Muestra Fílmica El Buen Vivir - Viena 2017

17 Apr 2017

Published: 16 Apr 2017
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Muestra Fílmica El Buen Vivir - Viena 2017

Muestra Fílmica El Buen Vivir - Viena 2017

Wien, Austria

A final del mes de Junio de 2017 se realizará la primera Muestra Fílmica El Buen Vivir en la ciudad de Viena, Austria.

Papaya Media Association (Asociación Medial Papaya), organizadora del evento, invita a
presentar trabajos para la pre-selección de los participantes en la I. Muestra Fílmica El Buen Vivir.

La inscripción de las obras en la selección es gratuita (excepto cuando una plataforma intermediaria exija una inscripción mínima), el plazo vence el 15 de abril de 2017 y los detalles para la presentación están descritos en el presente reglamento.

Podrán participar las películas que cumplan con el requisito de no exceder más de 5 años anteriores al año de inscripción a la Mostra. Aquellas películas que sobrepasen este tiempo sólo podrán participar en las secciones paralelas.

Las exhibiciones de las películas se harán principalmente en H264 HD pero también en 35 mm, Beta Digi con sus respectivas copias en DVD (PAL) y Bluray al aire libre en el cine abierto del Archivo Fílmico de Austria en la ciudad de Viena.

Información general sobre la primera muestra

Después de la realización de varias series de ciclos y muestras sobre América Latina la sociedad vienesa ya cuenta con un conocimiento relativo de la producción regional de la región. Al mismo tiempo el interés de los/las visitantes por la producción audiovisual sobre o en América Latina ha ido en aumento. En los ciclos anteriores se contó con un programa variado, que fue dividido en largometrajes, cortometrajes y documentales incluyendo la categoría de animación. El público siempre tuvo acceso a lo más reciente de la producción regional pero la temática de la presente muestra no tiene precedente alguno en esta latitudes.

El creciente entusiasmo con que los eventos cinematorgráficos es el motivo por el cual la Asociación Medial Papaya se ha dado a la tarea de organizar la primera Muestra Fílmica El Buen Vivir.

En la muestra oficial participarán las siguientes modalidades:
(-)Largometraje de ficción
(-)Cortometraje de ficción

La Muestra Fílmica El Buen Vivir es un evento inédito en esta ciudad y no reviste un evento de competencia en si. Es más bien una ventana al vasto mundo cinematográfico de la región para mostrar la obra más reciente o más importante de su cultura fílmica. Las películas seleccionadas podrán formar parte de diversas muestras culturales que se realicen en otras ciudades austriacas y/o europeas.

Rules for participating in the Buen Vivir Film Screening
Vienna, Austria

The first Buen Vivir (Spanish for Good Living) film screening will take place end of June 2017 in Vienna, Austria.

Papaya Media Association, organizer of the event, announces the call for submissions for the pre-selection of participants in the I. Buen Vivir Film Screening.

The submission of works for the selection process is free of charge (unless an intermediary platform requires a minimum fee) and the deadline is April 15, 2017. Details on how the works should be presented are explained below.

Only films that have been made within the last five years prior to submission for the film screening are qualified to participate. Films produced before this time will only be able to participate in the parallel sections.

Films will be exhibited in H264 HD, 35 mm, Beta Digi, DVD (PAL) and Blu ray formats in the open-air cinema from the Filmarchiv Austria (Austrian Film Archives) in Vienna.

General information about the first screening

After several film festivals and screenings about Latin America, Viennese society already has a relative knowledge of the regional productions in that area, while the local interest in the audiovisual production of Latin America has been growing. In previous festivals a varied film program was shown, divided into feature films, short films, documentaries, and animated films. The public was always shown the most recent productions of the region, but the theme of this current screening has no precedent.

The growing enthusiasm with which film events have been received has motivated Papaya Media Association to organize the first Buen Vivir Film Screening.

The following categories will make up the official screening:
(-)Fictional feature film
(-)Fictional short film

The Buen Vivir Film Screening is an undisclosed event in this city and does not consist of a competition. It is rather a window to the vast film world of the region in order to show the most recent and important works of its movie culture. The selected movies will be able to participate in diverse cultural exhibitions taking place in other Austrian and/or European cities.


• Allow the European public to become familiar with the most recent audiovisual productions about ancient and new life philosophies.
• Promote the increased production and distribution of quality audiovisual work made in all the sub regions of Latin America.
• Provide space for reflection and debate, give professionals the opportunity to keep in touch with current developments, and support the communication between Latin American and European artists, especially around the topic of Buen Vivir.
• Contribute to the understanding of cultural diversity and the establishment of tolerance by putting different realities and social ideals in touch with each other.
• Promote the Buen Vivir philosophy as a topic of international and general interest in the film world.
• Promote cinematic production about this topic within Europe.
• Stimulate producers from all over the world to invest specifically in the topic for a redundancy that ends in a more egalitarian and democratic way of life.

The Buen Vivir Film Screening provides a space for:

• Identifying and spreading video and film productions related to this important philosophy and proposed way of life and development.
• Informing the public and attracting the attention of the media and institutions that work in the audiovisual production industry as well as the promotion of local places and tourism, both in filming as well as content.
• Convening distinguished directors, producers, distributors, cinematic personalities and specialists, both local and international.
• Promoting and stimulating initiatives directed towards the development of policies and projects intended to increase, both in quantity and quality, the areas of work available to producers and topical experts in the planet.
• Holding touring exhibitions in diverse cultural public spaces

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Other  Experimental

Logo of Lancaster International Film Festival

17 Apr 2017

Published: 16 Apr 2017
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Lancaster International Film Festival

Lancaster International Film Festival

Eastleigh, United Kingdom

Lancaster International Film Festival is held in the historic city of Lancaster, England. The city is famous for its Castle, Cathedral and Priory, and was the location of the infamous Pendle Witch Trial of 1612.

The fourth Film Festival to be held in the city, it is our mission to bring to the people of Lancaster the best in Independent Filmmaking from around the world.

Over 95% of our programming is selected from our open submission process to allow new and emerging talents the opportunity to have their work recognised and brought to an audience.

We aim to have an engrossing selection of feature films, backed with a huge array of arresting short films, and a selection of short and feature-length documentaries. We are looking for narrative films of all genres and budget levels; whether you've made a surreal art-house epic or a low budget camp horror movie, we want to see it!

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other

Logo of Experimental Forum

17 Apr 2017

Published: 16 Apr 2017
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Experimental Forum

Experimental Forum

Los Angeles, United States

Experimental Forum is an international performance, film and video art festival showcasing experimental film and artists’ moving image from new directors and innovative video artists from around the globe, with the third edition taking place in Los Angeles in November 2018. Our aim is to provide a supportive platform for the exciting and challenging work that is outside the scope of mainstream film festivals and art galleries.

We welcome experimental cinema pieces (abstract, narrative or documentary), video art works, essay films, artists’ moving image and media art, as well as documentary and narrative films that seek to expand, redefine or reconfigure the means and ends of their respective fields. Experimental Forum exists to provide access to, and develop audiences for, artists’ moving image work and is committed to engaging local audiences with new and/or unheard voices in film.

We are particularly interested in works made by early stage filmmakers and artists whose work is underrepresented. We provide a collaborative platform for moving image works made for the gallery and for the cinema with the aim of building a community across disciplinary and institutional faultlines.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of Muestra Fílmica El Buen Vivir - Viena 2017

16 Apr 2017

Published: 15 Apr 2017
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Muestra Fílmica El Buen Vivir - Viena 2017

Muestra Fílmica El Buen Vivir - Viena 2017

Wien, Austria

A final del mes de Junio de 2017 se realizará la primera Muestra Fílmica El Buen Vivir en la ciudad de Viena, Austria.

Papaya Media Association (Asociación Medial Papaya), organizadora del evento, invita a
presentar trabajos para la pre-selección de los participantes en la I. Muestra Fílmica El Buen Vivir.

La inscripción de las obras en la selección es gratuita (excepto cuando una plataforma intermediaria exija una inscripción mínima), el plazo vence el 15 de abril de 2017 y los detalles para la presentación están descritos en el presente reglamento.

Podrán participar las películas que cumplan con el requisito de no exceder más de 5 años anteriores al año de inscripción a la Mostra. Aquellas películas que sobrepasen este tiempo sólo podrán participar en las secciones paralelas.

Las exhibiciones de las películas se harán principalmente en H264 HD pero también en 35 mm, Beta Digi con sus respectivas copias en DVD (PAL) y Bluray al aire libre en el cine abierto del Archivo Fílmico de Austria en la ciudad de Viena.

Información general sobre la primera muestra

Después de la realización de varias series de ciclos y muestras sobre América Latina la sociedad vienesa ya cuenta con un conocimiento relativo de la producción regional de la región. Al mismo tiempo el interés de los/las visitantes por la producción audiovisual sobre o en América Latina ha ido en aumento. En los ciclos anteriores se contó con un programa variado, que fue dividido en largometrajes, cortometrajes y documentales incluyendo la categoría de animación. El público siempre tuvo acceso a lo más reciente de la producción regional pero la temática de la presente muestra no tiene precedente alguno en esta latitudes.

El creciente entusiasmo con que los eventos cinematorgráficos es el motivo por el cual la Asociación Medial Papaya se ha dado a la tarea de organizar la primera Muestra Fílmica El Buen Vivir.

En la muestra oficial participarán las siguientes modalidades:
(-)Largometraje de ficción
(-)Cortometraje de ficción

La Muestra Fílmica El Buen Vivir es un evento inédito en esta ciudad y no reviste un evento de competencia en si. Es más bien una ventana al vasto mundo cinematográfico de la región para mostrar la obra más reciente o más importante de su cultura fílmica. Las películas seleccionadas podrán formar parte de diversas muestras culturales que se realicen en otras ciudades austriacas y/o europeas.

Rules for participating in the Buen Vivir Film Screening
Vienna, Austria

The first Buen Vivir (Spanish for Good Living) film screening will take place end of June 2017 in Vienna, Austria.

Papaya Media Association, organizer of the event, announces the call for submissions for the pre-selection of participants in the I. Buen Vivir Film Screening.

The submission of works for the selection process is free of charge (unless an intermediary platform requires a minimum fee) and the deadline is April 15, 2017. Details on how the works should be presented are explained below.

Only films that have been made within the last five years prior to submission for the film screening are qualified to participate. Films produced before this time will only be able to participate in the parallel sections.

Films will be exhibited in H264 HD, 35 mm, Beta Digi, DVD (PAL) and Blu ray formats in the open-air cinema from the Filmarchiv Austria (Austrian Film Archives) in Vienna.

General information about the first screening

After several film festivals and screenings about Latin America, Viennese society already has a relative knowledge of the regional productions in that area, while the local interest in the audiovisual production of Latin America has been growing. In previous festivals a varied film program was shown, divided into feature films, short films, documentaries, and animated films. The public was always shown the most recent productions of the region, but the theme of this current screening has no precedent.

The growing enthusiasm with which film events have been received has motivated Papaya Media Association to organize the first Buen Vivir Film Screening.

The following categories will make up the official screening:
(-)Fictional feature film
(-)Fictional short film

The Buen Vivir Film Screening is an undisclosed event in this city and does not consist of a competition. It is rather a window to the vast film world of the region in order to show the most recent and important works of its movie culture. The selected movies will be able to participate in diverse cultural exhibitions taking place in other Austrian and/or European cities.


• Allow the European public to become familiar with the most recent audiovisual productions about ancient and new life philosophies.
• Promote the increased production and distribution of quality audiovisual work made in all the sub regions of Latin America.
• Provide space for reflection and debate, give professionals the opportunity to keep in touch with current developments, and support the communication between Latin American and European artists, especially around the topic of Buen Vivir.
• Contribute to the understanding of cultural diversity and the establishment of tolerance by putting different realities and social ideals in touch with each other.
• Promote the Buen Vivir philosophy as a topic of international and general interest in the film world.
• Promote cinematic production about this topic within Europe.
• Stimulate producers from all over the world to invest specifically in the topic for a redundancy that ends in a more egalitarian and democratic way of life.

The Buen Vivir Film Screening provides a space for:

• Identifying and spreading video and film productions related to this important philosophy and proposed way of life and development.
• Informing the public and attracting the attention of the media and institutions that work in the audiovisual production industry as well as the promotion of local places and tourism, both in filming as well as content.
• Convening distinguished directors, producers, distributors, cinematic personalities and specialists, both local and international.
• Promoting and stimulating initiatives directed towards the development of policies and projects intended to increase, both in quantity and quality, the areas of work available to producers and topical experts in the planet.
• Holding touring exhibitions in diverse cultural public spaces

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Other  Experimental

Logo of Diwa Filipino Film Showcase of Seattle

16 Apr 2017

Published: 15 Apr 2017
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Diwa Filipino Film Showcase of Seattle

Diwa Filipino Film Showcase of Seattle

TUKWILA, United States

The Diwa Filipino Film Showcase is a small community film festival made in cooperation with the annual Pagdiriwang Philippine Festival, celebrating the Filipino Spirit wherever it resides, by exhibiting films from the Philippine islands and beyond.

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of #ComCorto

16 Apr 2017

Published: 15 Apr 2017
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner Festival ComCorto


Sevilla, Spain

Only for Spanish filmmakers.

#ComCorto es un certamen anual organizado dentro del marco de la Facultad de Comunicación de la Universidad de Sevilla. Está abierto a cortometrajes y documentales de un máximo de 5min30seg de duración, realizados o producidos por alumnos de las diferentes universidades públicas de Andalucía.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental

Logo of Melbourne Documentary Film Festival

16 Apr 2017

Published: 15 Apr 2017
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Melbourne Documentary Film Festival

Melbourne Documentary Film Festival

Melbourne, Australia


Vivienne Westwood, King Crimson, Tendechi Trucks, Penelope Spheeris, Jason Mamoa, Rosario Dawson, Mel Brooks, Frank Miller, Mike Mignola, Guillermo Del Toro, Paton Oswalt, Nichola Meyer, Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson, Banksy, Octavia Spencer, Liza Minelli, Marlee Matlin and that's just the 7th edition. Melbourne Documentary Film Festival is an indie festival providing support and encouragement and helping propel filmmakers onto Netflix, SBS, ABC through their own talents, hard work and determination!

The Melbourne Documentary Film Festival is a popular and beloved institution. We have grown over the last 7 years to become an important and essential Australian film festival, showcasing the world's best and most innovative cutting-edge documentaries. If accepted, you are guaranteed to be part of an incredible, world class line up. The Melbourne Documentary Film Festival is a forerunner event in July before Melbourne's premier event Melbourne International Film Festival which starts in August. Melbourne Documentary Film Festival is Australia's biggest indie doco fest - 150 + documentaries over 31 days. We are currently recruiting for local Melbourne, Australian, and International Feature Documentary, Short Documentary, Documentary Web Series, Video Essays, Documentary Photography, VR and Interactive Documentaries to compete in our Australian Documentary Awards held during our July 2022 festival.

Melbourne Documentary Film Festival is a festival where you and your documentary are the star of our festival! Thousands of people attend each year online, in-cinema and outdoors.

Melbourne Documentary Film Festival has a community feeling about it and genuinely cares about the filmmakers and their documentaries with alumni helping out with judging and masterclasses.

We Support:
Australian, BLM, Indigenous, Women in Film, LGBTIQ, Diversity, Disabled Filmmakers, Equality, Refugees, Environmental Issues and Freedom of Speech.

We are against:
Asian Hate, Racism, Islamophobia, Antisemitism, Ageism, Sexism, Bullying, Fascism, xenophobia, Inequality and Discrimination.

Melbourne Documentary Film Festival Has:

- Premiered over 700 + documentaries in Australia
- 4 x Best in the World Documentary Film Festival - Film Daily
- 1 x Best in the Southern Hemisphere Documentary Film Festival - GuideDoc
- In 2020 we created the Southern Hemisphere's biggest online documentary film festival with over 150 documentaries showcased
- Australia's first competitive documentary film festival to go online

In short, over the course of the past 7 years, Melbourne Documentary Film Festival has become established as a rare treasure in the crowded and increasingly homogenous festival scene, without remaining in the slipstream.

What We Are Looking For:
Ideally, we want to see your locally and internationally produced Feature, Short, VR documentaries, Video Essays and Documentary Web Series to showcase in our competition in Melbourne, Australia in 2022. All countries, all ages, all abilities, all genres of documentary are encouraged to apply and can be considered.

The Hottest Postcode:
Melbourne, Australia has consistently been voted one of the worlds happiest and most liveable cities. Our competition represents a great opportunity and reason to visit Australia. In 2019 we had 41 guests to our festival from overseas and across Australia. This was made possible through a combination of the festival paying for the filmmakers to attend, filmmakers paying for themselves to attend, consulates, embassies and film commissions paying for filmmakers to attend and people crowd funding to attend. The festival is a great networking opportunity.

The Toughest Competition:
Go head-to-head in Melbourne, Australia and test your mettle with the world’s best, and most prestigious documentary film schools and film festivals such as Tribecca, Sundance, Sydney Film Festival, TIFF, Venice Film Festival, American Documentary Film Festival, Raindance, Slamdance, Sheffield Doc Fest, Hot Docs, New Zealand International Film Festival, Traverse City Film Festival Doc NYC, SXSW, CPH:Dox, IDFA, and many more. You're in it to win it.

Make it Australian: The Melbourne Documentary Film Festival is an encouraging and supportive platform for local filmmakers. We commit to playing at least 45% Australian content in our 2021 fest to support the local industry. Screen Australia, Film Victoria, Create NSW, Screen West, Screen QLD, Screen NT, Screen Tasmania, Documentary Australia Foundation, AIDC, and Goodpitch Australia productions are encouraged to apply. MDFF wants to have the very best Australian competition drawing from local industry and indie talent. SBS, NITV and ABC productions are also eligible to apply to compete, provided that the production submitted contains new material and is effectively a director’s cut.

The Coolest Cinemas:
Melbourne Documentary Film Festival is currently part of the Cinema Nova family of festivals including Transitions Film Festival, Melbourne Queer Festival, Monster Fest. Cinema Nova is one of Australia's best cinemas and is the southern hemispheres largest independent cinema with 16 screens in inner city Melbourne and one of the coolest cocktail bars around. Cinema Nova is the go-to-venue to premiere documentaries down under including exclusive Australian premieres like the Sparks Brothers, Billie Holiday VS USA. All feature, shorts, video essays and documentary web series in competition will be played in DCP on a 4k projector at 24 FPS in Dolby surround sound. The cinema's we will be utilizing for the competition will be 147 to 240 seat capacity. All Q&A's will be conducted by a Film Critics Circle of Australia or Australian Film Critics Association member. We even have curated cocktails at the cinema bar and unmissable parties and networking events.

The Best Festival:
MDFF premieres, screens and showcases more quality local Australian and International documentaries each year than any other documentary only film festival in Australia and gives more talented Indie Filmmakers a chance to compete and screen to a big, receptive audience in Melbourne, Australia. The Melbourne Documentary Film Festival is consistently featured on SBS, ABC, The Age, Sydney Morning Herald, the Australian, Time Out, Concrete Playground, and Weekend Notes and had additional short documentaries featured in Federation Square.
The Melbourne Documentary Film Festival presents a unique opportunity and supportive platform to showcase YOUR documentary Down Under in one of the coolest and most liveable cities in the world - Melbourne, Australia. We are looking for exclusive World, Australian or Melbourne premieres. for feature documentaries to showcase in our competition. Let our 45 media partners, and publicist get behind and help promote YOU and YOUR project Down Under and get just the right momentum and exposure behind your project launch in Australia.

In Short:
The Melbourne Documentary Film Festival aims to feature the freshest and most innovative documentaries from around the world, from short docs right through to feature length, award winning films. The Melbourne Documentary Film Festival looks to promote the best quality independent and industry documentaries cinema has to offer.

Melbourne Documentary Film Festival Showcases The Best Entries From the Best Festivals Going Head-To-Head in Melbourne Australia Like:
American Documentary Film Festival, Big Sky Film Festival, Cannes, CPH:DOX, Doxa, Full Frame, Hot Docs, IDA, IDFA, Slamdance, Sundance, SXSW, Sydney Film Festival, The New York Film Festival, RIDM, Harlem International Film Festival, DocAviv, ImagineNative, Shanghai International Film Festival, The Muslim Film Festival, TIFF, Tribecca, Venice, Hot Springs Doc Fest, Telluride Film Festival, Tokyo Docs, AFI Docs, Sebastopol Documentary Film Festival, Rotterdam International Film Festival, Doc N Roll, and Cork International Film Festival.

Melbourne Documentary Film Festival Showcases Top Submissions from Top Organisations:
ESPN, Time Magazine, HBO, The Atlantic, Story Hive, Loading Docs, Australian Cultural Fund, Environmental Victoria, Creative Victoria, Regional Arts Victoria, Australia Rise Fund, BFI, Kartequinn, National Geographic, Screen Australia, Film Victoria, Screen West, Screen Tasmania, Screen Ireland, Doc Society, CBC, BBC, NL Film Fonds, NFB, IDA, Documentary Australia Foundation, Wild Angle Tasmania, AIDC and NITV.

Melbourne Documentary Film Festival Has Seen Massive Ongoing Success and Distribution For Filmmakers:
Netflix, Apple +, Amazon, Stan, SBS, ABC, NITV, Waterbear, The New York Times, The New Yorker, MTV Films, Foxtel, Redbull TV, National Geographic, iWonder, Docplay, The Guardian Documentary Channel, Films for Change, Rialto Channel.

Melbourne Documentary Film Festival Has Been Featured In:
Channel 9, Channel 10, The Project, ABC, SBS, NITV, The Age, Sydney Morning Herald, Triple RRR, PBS, Time Out, Broadsheet, Concrete Playground, 3CR, Kiss FM, 60 Minutes, Film Daily, Weekend Notes, IF Magazine, Vimooz, The Australian, Movie Metropolis, Screen Hub, Arts Hub, The Daily Telegraph, Radio National, 3WBC, Plenty Valley FM, 2SER, Filmink, Flicks, and The Conversation.

Melbourne Documentary Film Festival Has Showcased Project From Top Australian Talent:
Warwick Thornton, Jack Thompson, Bruce Beresford, Rachel Griffiths, Olivia Newton-John, Cate Blanchett, Tommy Emmanuel, Jack Charles, Kutcha Edwards, Tom Zubrycki & Pat Fiske.

Previous Masterclass Topics Include:
History of New Zealand documentary a personal journey with Costa Botes, Asian documentary with Nick Torrens, VOD and distributions with Beama Films, crowdfunding for documentary with Pozible, Self-Distribution with Fanforce, Making the Great Australian Music Documentary, Making a Personal Documentary, Making LGBTIQ and Aboriginal Documentaries, Experimental Documentary, Documentary Filmmakers and Mental Health, Mobile Phone Filmmaking for Documentary Filmmaking.

Melbourne Documentary Film Festival Has Had Submissions Involving Some of the World's Top Directors & Big Stars Like:
Peter Medak, Werner Herzog, Oliver Stone, Leonardo Di Caprio, Bruce Beresford, Richard Linklater, Martin Scorsese, Francis Ford Coppola, Lawrence Kasdan, James Cameron, Errol Morris, Barbara Kopple, Anjelica Huston, Susan Sarandon, Sharon Stone, Cynthia Nixon and Joan Baez.

Melbourne Documentary Film Festival Showcases The Best Music Docos from Men at Work, Tommy Emmanuel, Placebo, Grace Jones, The Sonics, Agnostic Front, George Michael, Van Duran, Terry Pendergrass, Ronnie Wood, the Velvet Underground, Strange Tenants, Head Like a Hole, The Swans, The Beatles, Jonny Greenwood and Beverley Glenn-Copeland.

Melbourne, Australia Most Anticipated Festival

The Melbourne Documentary Film Festival team looks forward to bringing you a diverse, challenging slate of documentaries that will entertain, educate and inform you. So let’s make some Melbourne film history together!

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival


Logo of Rodinia Short Film Festival

16 Apr 2017

Published: 15 Apr 2017
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner Festival de Cortometrajes Rodinia

Rodinia Short Film Festival

Rodinia, Spain

16th Rodinia Short Film Festival 2024

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of Fantosfreak Film Festival

16 Apr 2017

Published: 15 Apr 2017
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner Fantosfreak, Festival Internacional de Curtmetratges Fantàstics i Freaks de Cerdanyola Del Vallès

Fantosfreak Film Festival

Cerdanyola del Vallès, Spain

The first and the most important Freak Festival in Spain. We also accept horror and fantastic film. With an audience of 1.800 people every day from monday to friday and we would love to screen your shortfilms.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other

Logo of MDOC - Melgaço International Documentary Film Festival

15 Apr 2017

Published: 14 Apr 2017
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner MDOC - Melgaço International Documentary Film Festival

MDOC - Melgaço International Documentary Film Festival

Viana do Castelo, Portugal

MDOC – Melgaço International Documentary Film Festival will select for 2024, documentaries under the themes of identity, memory and border. All films must express the author's point of view on aspects related to social, individual, cultural and identity issues.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival



15 Apr 2017

Published: 14 Apr 2017
 Has submission fees
Short films



Paris, France

For an audacious and innovative cinema which does not amount to the basic vocabulary, which really raises itself the question of the direction, for an innovative cinema which is not formated " French cinema " style excessive social realism, but which inhales the big wide with visual and sound experiments which will remain burnt in us of long weeks after the projection, and especially, for a cinema which makes us dream and like the cinema, come to WE LOVE PARIS FILM FESTIVAL.

International Festival

Short film festival


Logo of Hong Kong Kowloon Film Festival

15 Apr 2017

Published: 14 Apr 2017
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Hong Kong Kowloon Film Festival

Hong Kong Kowloon Film Festival

Hong Kong, Hong Kong

The Hong Kong Kowloon Film Festival (HKKFF) is an annually film festival to showcase innovative independent film makers and artists from around the world.

HKKFF is aiming to inspire, motivate and award new talent.

The Hong Kong Kowloon Film Festival accepts all forms and genres: short films, medium length films, feature films, drama, experimental, comedy, horror, slow cinema, sci fi, fantasy, animation, and documentary.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Other  Experimental  Music Video