Logo of International Children’s festival of cinema and television KINOSVET

14 May 2017

Published: 13 May 2017
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Международный детский фестиваль кино и телевидения КИНОСВЕТ - International Children’s Festival Of Cinema And Television Kinosvet

International Children’s festival of cinema and television KINOSVET

Minsk, Belarus

The “KINOSVET” International Children's Cinema and Television Festival will be held from September, 2024 in Minsk, Belarus.

Festival "KINOSVET" is designed to develop, inspire and support young cinematographers; those who will soon influence the mass culture in their countries. The festival will allow those who want to make this world better, to be seen and heard. And also give a wide range of viewers the taste of a highly moral, deep, humane, inspiring art.

What movies and TV shows are shown around the world today? Who teaches contemporary and, most importantly, future artists and media ways to illuminate moral and, spiritual laws? Who controls the content and ideological direction of the most meaningful and strong types of art? The festival’s purpose is to seek, find, and give a venue to young talents who can create beautiful and meaningful art that makes our world brighter and kinder.

Festival goals:

development of cinematography;
moral education of children and adolescents;
the formation of personality with the help of cinema;
initiation of the younger generation to spiritual culture;
increasing the interest in creating films focused on children and youth audiences.

Festival tasks:

to fill the world with good pictures with humane ideas, moral values in order to make our world brighter;
to revive children’s, youth and family cinema;
to draw the attention of society around the world to social problems that are associated with children, people in need and nature;
to promote true, universal spiritual values;
to educate a new generation of filmmakers;
to expand and strengthen filmmakers connections from different countries both for children and youth;
to draw the attention of state, public and commercial organizations to supporting children’s and family filmmaking as well as to encouraging of the young authors.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Other  Experimental

Logo of International Images Film Festival for Women

14 May 2017

Published: 13 May 2017
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner International Images Film Festival for Women

International Images Film Festival for Women

Harare, Zimbabwe

Calling all filmmakers! Submit your film to Zimbabwe's biggest, fastest growing film festival. The theme for the 16th edition of the International Images Film Festival for Women (IIFF) is OF WOMEN, BY WOMEN FOR THE PEOPLE.

IIFF is an internationally recognised festival held to inspire positive images of women, interrogate, debate and celebrate the world of women, as well as the communities that women live in through films that exhibit gender sensitive narratives.

We are looking for films that;
-show women's contribution to a better society and world
-engage with global issues and how they affect women
-show men help women
-focus on the journey of African women
-are about allies for African and African diaspora women.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation

Logo of Experimental Forum

14 May 2017

Published: 13 May 2017
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Experimental Forum

Experimental Forum

Los Angeles, United States

Experimental Forum is an international performance, film and video art festival showcasing experimental film and artists’ moving image from new directors and innovative video artists from around the globe, with the third edition taking place in Los Angeles in November 2018. Our aim is to provide a supportive platform for the exciting and challenging work that is outside the scope of mainstream film festivals and art galleries.

We welcome experimental cinema pieces (abstract, narrative or documentary), video art works, essay films, artists’ moving image and media art, as well as documentary and narrative films that seek to expand, redefine or reconfigure the means and ends of their respective fields. Experimental Forum exists to provide access to, and develop audiences for, artists’ moving image work and is committed to engaging local audiences with new and/or unheard voices in film.

We are particularly interested in works made by early stage filmmakers and artists whose work is underrepresented. We provide a collaborative platform for moving image works made for the gallery and for the cinema with the aim of building a community across disciplinary and institutional faultlines.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of LA Underground Film Forum

14 May 2017

Published: 13 May 2017
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner LA Underground Film Forum

LA Underground Film Forum

Los Angeles, United States

LA Underground Film Forum (LAUFF) is dedicated exclusively to independent, experimental, and auteur cinema. It focus on avant-garde, art-house, independent and no/low budget filmmaking.

Our program provides a venue for filmmakers to reinvent and explore new approaches, to foster new forms of media art and to build an audience for such work. We aim to present a wide range of work exploring the many definitions and interpretations of the concept of “underground”.

We’re looking for films made with passion, obsession and drive; films that go beyond expectations and genre; films, video and audio projects that strive to push the boundaries of accepted form and content. A strong sense of authorship is a must.

LAUFF accepts all forms and genres: from drama, documentary, experimental, cult, art-house, foreign language, comedy, horror, sci-fi, fantasy, animation, LGBT, indigenous, erotica to slow cinema and video art …

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of Cinalfama Film Observatory

13 May 2017

Published: 12 May 2017
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Cinalfama Film Observatory

Cinalfama Film Observatory

Lisbon, Portugal

The CINALFAMA FILM OBSERVATORY, held in a historic neighborhood, emerges as a transformative cultural initiative that strengthens the community network. By showing independent films, the project not only widens access to alternative and innovative narratives but also stimulates cultural engagement among residents, fostering a sense of identity and belonging.

This regular event, which takes place at Museu do Fado Auditorium, becomes a meeting point where generations cross paths, sharing experiences and reflections that transcend mere film viewing. In addition, by being located in a neighborhood with a rich historical heritage, the observatory revitalizes the urban space, attracting visitors and enhancing the appreciation of the local heritage, generating a very positive cultural dynamic

The Cinalfama Film Observatory is a regular cinema competition in January, April, and October.

The winning films of each of the three editions (Jan, Apr, Oct), will be showcased in our annual outdoor cinema event, Cinalfama Lisbon International Film Festival, in July 2025.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental

Logo of FICARQ International Film & Architecture Festival

13 May 2017

Published: 12 May 2017
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner FICARQ - Festival Internacional De Cine Y Arquitectura de España

FICARQ International Film & Architecture Festival


FICARQ is the International Film & Architecture Festival of Spain to screen both documentary and fiction films where architecture plays the main role.

This year, following the success of previous editions (in Avilés and Oviedo, Asturias, Santander, Madrid and Barcelona).

The official competitive sections are ARTE EN EL SÉPTIMO ARTE (fiction films) and ARQUITECTURAS FILMADAS (documentaries).

In this new edition of FICARQ, in addition to being a bridge between the cinematographic and architectural arts, we want to be a bridge between generations and for this reason we dedicate a special mention to those proposals that come to the festival made by people who are younger that twenty-five y.o. and over fifty y.o.

With this, we intend to encourage the participation of citizens, especially in the fiction and documentary short or micro-film categories to give a space of recognition to all those people who, by age range, are further away from the conventional circuits of audiovisual production and film festivals. cinema.

we sincerely believe in the transforming power of art and culture in our society and in this way we give way to many points of view of creation in freedom, showing in each city in which FICARQ is organized a window open to its citizens and their concerns, whether conventional through the urban, rural or archaeological landscape, as well as other ways of relating to their environment as occurs in urban art or showing forms of expression of people within an architectural environment such as contemporary urban dance, streetdance, breakdance, parkour movement, etc.


International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Fantastic  Other  Experimental

Logo of SiciliAmbiente Film Festival

12 May 2017

Published: 11 May 2017
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Siciliambiente Film Festival

SiciliAmbiente Film Festival

Palermo, Italy

The 16th annual SiciliAmbiente Film Festival will take on July 15-20, 2024.

The aim of SiciliAmbiente Film Festival is to promote independent cinema and documentary cinema, and to encourage creative exchange and networking among the directors.

This Festival is organized and sponsored by Demetra Produzioni SAS and CANTIERE 7 Cultural Association, and made possible by public and private partners and sponsors who share in the same ethical principles of the Festival.
Films dealing with the following themes may participate: Environment, Anthropology, Human Rights, Biodiversity, War, Integration, Civil Rights, Sustainable Development and the Relationship between Man and the Environment.

The Festival is divided into different sections:

Documentary Film contest (minimum rt: 31 minutes)

Fiction Feature Film contest (minimum rt: 70 minutes)

Short Film contest for Fiction and Documentary shorts (maximum rt: 31 minutes)

Animated short film contest (maximum rt: 31 minutes)

Overview of documentaries, fiction, short films and several tributes, retrospectives, seminars and panel discussions
The Selection Committee will choose based on the quality of writing and images and the general use of a creative language identifying artistic documentary cinema.


Submission requirements

Documentaries (31’ or more), Feature films (70’ or more), Short and Animated films (31’ or less) of any nationality may be submitted for the selection process, provided that they were completed after January 1, 2023.

If selected, the format for the projection of the film may be:
· Unencrypted DCP
· Blu-ray DVD
· Apple ProRes File
· File H264

Other formats must be approved by the Festival Management.
Screening fees may not be requested and will not be paid for the contests.

Films in any language other than Italian must be subtitled in English or Italian and, if selected for the final phase of competition, they must be sent to the festival with the requested presentation materials and the English dialogue list.

Films to be presented in the Short film and Animated film sections must be shorter than 31 minutes or they will be excluded.

No screening fees can be requested by the representatives of the films submitted for the contest.
The Festival may choose to invite selected films into the contest.

Some of the films not selected for the short film and animated film contests may be selected for a non-competitive section.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation

Logo of International Film Festival Ojo al Piojo

12 May 2017

Published: 11 May 2017
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Ojo Al Piojo! 11° Festival Internacional De Cine Infantil

International Film Festival Ojo al Piojo

Rosario, Argentina

Ojo al Piojo! International Children's Film Festival is organized by the Rosario Audiovisual Center of the Ministry of Culture and Education of the Municipality of Rosario. The eleventh edition will be held from August 18 to 21, 2022 in the city of Rosario, Santa Fe, Argentina.

Ojo al Piojo! it is part of the public policies that the city of Rosario offers for children, protecting and guaranteeing the right to access cultural property, in accordance with the International Convention on the Rights of Children and Adolescents.
Promotes the exhibition of quality short and feature films understanding in this concept that cinematographic resources (script, photography, editing, performances) must be appropriate for children; the themes and interests are representative, the story and the narrative treatment is attractive and interpele as well as the language, appropriate to the age of the target audience. The works must contemplate a broad and integrative view of inclusion and cultural diversity.

The Festival has three (3) competitions:

- Competition of short films made by girls, boys and young people

- Competition of short films made by adults and adults

- Feature Film Competition

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of Toyama International Film Festival

12 May 2017

Published: 11 May 2017
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner Toyama International Film Festival

Toyama International Film Festival

Toyama, Japan

The 11th Annual Toyama International Film Festival will take place in June of 2024 in Toyama Prefecture. With such great success in previous years, we are excited to once again share the visions of filmmakers from all over the world with our local community in the countryside of Japan.

Submissions will be open until April 14th, 2024.

The Annual Toyama International Film Festival (TIFF) began in the rural prefecture of Toyama, Japan. Started by a few English teachers in the area, we hoped to reach people not just in Japan, but around the globe.

The first TIFF took place in a small room inside of a shopping center, where about 70 people watched the 10 films we had received. The following year was a tremendous success with over 100 submissions from different countries, quite a step from our first year. The event was held in the city of Toyama at a local independently-owned venue, Bodegas-Mambo with around 80-100 guests coming to view the films. Every year since, we hope to expand even further and provide an even larger venue for participants and the movie-going community in Japan.

Today, with over 1200 submissions each year from countries around the world, TIFF has become a highly-anticipated annual event and a staple of Toyama's international community.

Note: Due to time constraints, we cannot accept films that run over 10 minutes. However, any genre of short film will be considered for exhibition.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of Short Movie Club Film Festival Nefiltravanae Kino

11 May 2017

Published: 10 May 2017
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner Short Movie Club Film Festival Nefiltravanae Kino

Short Movie Club Film Festival Nefiltravanae Kino

Vilnius, Lithuania

The purpose of the festival refers to awareness of both the external filters on the screen, including censorship (commercial, ideological, aesthetic), and the internal filters of screen perception and projection, including self-censorship. NEFILTRAVANAE KINO is an exploration of aestheticization and commodification in art. The next aim of the festival is to expose the complexity, manysidedness, and variety of filmmaking.

NEFILTRAVANAE KINO is a film festival that is held by the Short Movie Club, the platform for cinematic projects. NEFILTRAVANAE KINO is ADAMI Media Prize qualified festival. The International Film Studies Conference is held at the same time as the film festival. In this way, film theory and practice are integrated together at the NEFILTRAVANAE KINO.

Originally the festival was held in Belarus, but because of political repression and publicly stated anti-war stance, screenings and events can be held in different countries. First of all in Lithuania (Vilnius). For example, the 10th Nefiltravanae Kino took place in Berlin, Vilnius and Helsinki last year. There were selected 63 films for 12 film programmes. https://shortmovie.club/programmes/10-2024/

The concept of the NEFILTRAVANAE KINO (Unfiltered Cinema):


We live in a world of malls and cinema multiplexes. We see that indie cinema and non-commodity art go to the periphery of public attention. Primitive attractions replace the cinematography. The escape audience is alienated behind the big screen. So modern mainstream cinema is part of a manipulating tool that leads to the society of alienation. Thus the tendency is that indie cinema becomes more unreadable for the wide audience. We should understand the context of the filmmaker to understand the independent cinema. That is why the NEFILTRAVANAE KINO concept implies the physical presence of filmmakers.

Filmmakers shoot millions of movies. And thousands of short film festivals organize screenings all over the world every year. On average, several thousand films are submitted to a film festival. So various good films can be neglected for whatever reason. Often selecting probability is like winning a lottery. As a result, filmmakers are left with no feedback. It is a paradox that no one can hear you in the age of the Internet! The mainstream culture prefers attractions and casual viewing.

Also, this idea is based on the film selection problem. Perhaps it’s no surprise one person, i.e. programme director at best, or even students of film schools make a preliminary decision to select a movie. Сoncordance of judges or previewers is more seldom thing than the difference of background, tastes. So selection or judging can be one-sided or perfunctory. It is not bad as the programme director has a good taste and aesthetic sensitivity, of course. But we’ve discovered another conception of “unfiltered cinema”. We matched it against “the best of the best” way. This way aids to perceive cinematic idiom without the dictate of art-curators.

So the Unfiltered Cinema Film Festival tries to avoid “the best of the best” way but it does not ignore it completely, sure. The festival selects fiction, animation, documentary, experimental and virtual reality sections. A jury awards the best film in every section. The festival holds the screenings at cinema theatres, the National Centre for Contemporary Arts, and art-spaces.

Our aim is to gather people in art, to have a dialogue to be happy with smart communication. Cinema is art but not sport. The key point of our project is to establish communication between the filmmaker and the audience.

Please, read about the festival history through the link to the festival's website. http://shortmovie.club/history/

The Short Movie Club provides constructing of CinemaVan ( see https://www.behance.net/gallery/33392769/Cinema-van-Mobile-library-Amphibia ).

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video


10 May 2017

Published: 09 May 2017
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films



Mumbai, India

Welcome to fear-a-thon!

Are you geared up to gorge on a nerve-jangling glut of ferociousness, disconcerting shocks, and bestial enjoyment? Come, get onboard for a diabolically tense ride, as India’s First and Only Horror Short Film Festival is back with its second edition.

Sixth Sense Horror Short Film Festival, the brainchild of Shaunak Sirrole – a filmmaker, was conceived with the ambition to congregate all horror filmmakers from pole to pole under one haunted roof and provide them the dais to unmask their talent in a genre which is less explored in a country like India.

Last year, the writer of “Final Destination”, Mr. Jeffrey Reddick was the “Guest of Honor” and Mr. Apurva Asrani, National Award Winning Indian filmmaker (Best Editing for Snip!) was the “Chief Guest” of the event. In the inaugural year, we received an outstanding 250 entries from which we screened 50 best films selected by the esteemed panel.

Making a horror film is only half the battle, it still needs to get in front of an audience, and that’s where Sixth Sense Horror Short Film Festival enters the picture. The dream behind inducting this festival in India is not only to prop up Horror Genre, but also present an exceptional juncture for filmmakers to generate enough ballyhoo and eyeballs to get sold — optimistically to a distributor that can put an adequate amount of marketing moolah behind it to transform to box office returns and even awards season buzz. When a film gets selected for Sixth Sense Horror Short Film Festival, its chances of being brought by a distribution arm shoots up.

So, what are you waiting for? Tighten your seatbelts and indulge in a global fête of an adrenaline-fueled genre. Be afraid. Be very, very afraid. Welcome to fear-a-thon!

International Festival

Short film festival


Logo of International Children’s festival of cinema and television KINOSVET

10 May 2017

Published: 09 May 2017
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Международный детский фестиваль кино и телевидения КИНОСВЕТ - International Children’s Festival Of Cinema And Television Kinosvet

International Children’s festival of cinema and television KINOSVET

Minsk, Belarus

The “KINOSVET” International Children's Cinema and Television Festival will be held from September, 2024 in Minsk, Belarus.

Festival "KINOSVET" is designed to develop, inspire and support young cinematographers; those who will soon influence the mass culture in their countries. The festival will allow those who want to make this world better, to be seen and heard. And also give a wide range of viewers the taste of a highly moral, deep, humane, inspiring art.

What movies and TV shows are shown around the world today? Who teaches contemporary and, most importantly, future artists and media ways to illuminate moral and, spiritual laws? Who controls the content and ideological direction of the most meaningful and strong types of art? The festival’s purpose is to seek, find, and give a venue to young talents who can create beautiful and meaningful art that makes our world brighter and kinder.

Festival goals:

development of cinematography;
moral education of children and adolescents;
the formation of personality with the help of cinema;
initiation of the younger generation to spiritual culture;
increasing the interest in creating films focused on children and youth audiences.

Festival tasks:

to fill the world with good pictures with humane ideas, moral values in order to make our world brighter;
to revive children’s, youth and family cinema;
to draw the attention of society around the world to social problems that are associated with children, people in need and nature;
to promote true, universal spiritual values;
to educate a new generation of filmmakers;
to expand and strengthen filmmakers connections from different countries both for children and youth;
to draw the attention of state, public and commercial organizations to supporting children’s and family filmmaking as well as to encouraging of the young authors.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Other  Experimental

Logo of Ekurhuleni International Film Festival

10 May 2017

Published: 09 May 2017
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Promotional card of Ekurhuleni International Film Festival

Banner Ekurhuleni International Film Festival

Ekurhuleni International Film Festival

Germiston, South Africa

Our theme is simple and it is just one word: INNOVATION

We encourage filmmakers to come up with innovative concepts and tell unique stories that promote peace and prosperity in their countries.

Promote international solidarity and a myriad of opportunities for filmmakers, businesses and broadcasters through film.
Create a self sustainable film industry and a new world class breed of filmmakers.

Background History
The Ekurhuleni International Film Festival was formed as a result of Siyafunda Programme an initiative by Rhythm Cycle Trading Projects in partnership With Ekurhuleni’s Metropolitan Municipality: Department: SRAC: Performing Arts division .The purpose of the Programme is to empower the unemployed youth economically and provide them with vital filmmaking skills. Promote the local businesses in the film industry and promote Social cohesion and mainstream youth development. Promoting indigenous music and instruments and participation in the arts is one of the key roles of the Programme.

The Cinematography wing of the project initiated the Ekurhuleni International Film Festival through one of its partners Rhythm Cycle Projects a local Film & Television film production company. The purpose of the festival is to empower Emerging local and international filmmakers. This will provide filmmaking skills; create networking opportunities with local and international broadcasters. This will also promote the local businesses through the film industry and mainstream economic development across a myriad of sectors of the economy.

Introduce young aspirant filmmakers to wildlife filmmaking
Educate the people about the natural world and films
Create networking opportunities for local filmmakers, broadcasters and funders
Promote indigenous music
Enrichment of the arts
Promote culture and heritage
Boost tourism
Mainstream youth development
Attract broadcasters
Create jobs and economic opportunities

Aims & Objectives

1.To ensure that every government department has a progress report on video in preparation for the next financial year.

2.To educate people how our government operates and help them identify what, how they can contribute to boost our economy and get benefits.

3.To develop an advertising medium for SMMEs, Big companies, banks and Educational institutions to generate revenue for the project to empower participants while they are studying.

4.To create a local film industry that will alleviate poverty in rural areas by making films that will tell their stories and attract the international market.

5.To transfer filmmaking skills to the youth out of school and the unemployed.

6.Showcase South Africa’s storytelling talent and introduce a new generation of characters through film and TV productions .

7.To establish partnerships with other territories to implement Co-Production Treaties that RSA signed with other countries to grow our local film industry.

Welcome and Official Opening
Networking Sessions
Fun walks
Wine tasting
Ekurhuleni International Film Awards

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of Clorofilla Film Festival

10 May 2017

Published: 09 May 2017
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Clorofilla Film Festival

Clorofilla Film Festival

Grosseto, Italy


Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation

Logo of Kraljevski Filmski Festival

10 May 2017

Published: 09 May 2017
 Has submission fees
Short films

Promotional card of Kraljevski Filmski Festival

Banner Kraljevski Filmski Festival

Kraljevski Filmski Festival

Kraljevo, Serbia

KFF was launched in 2013, as International Short Film Festival. From the very beginning, the essential part of our mission was to bring the audience closer to different kind of films and to provoke interest in film art, and furthermore in understanding its impacts in everyday life.

Festival is held annually during September in the city of Kraljevo (meaning "the King's Town"), where seven Serbian kings are said to have been crowned. Because of our historical heritage, we decided to name our festival “Kraljevski filmski festival”.

KFF is offering a filmmaker-friendly environment with a casual vibe, which is the reason why during the last 6 years we have had filmmakers flying in from the Netherlands, Sweden, Germany, Brazil, Hong Kong, Finland, France, Switzerland, Russia, Montenegro, Croatia, Macedonia, Bulgaria…

In 2019, Kraljevski filmski festival had significant changes both on programming and management level by evolving to Post-production Film Festival. Our main goal besides showing great Short films will be to promote the art and craft of Post-production as well as the creative people from behind the camera. To achieve this, the KFF will invite postproduction artists from across the globe for masterclasses or workshops, and organize filmmakers meetings at KFF.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation

Logo of 4th Kanyakumari International Film Festival

10 May 2017

Published: 09 May 2017
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner 4th Kanyakumari International Film Festival

4th Kanyakumari International Film Festival

Kanyakumari, India

Kanyakumari International Film Festival
Celebrates its 4th year !

Event Type: Live Screening of Films from worldwide and Connected Programs including Film Making Workshops, Film Seminars, Film Appreciation Camps and Exhibitions.

The call for entries for the film festival is now open!

Screening Categories:

Feature Film Over 60 Minutes
Long Documentary Over 60 Minutes
Long Animation Film Over 60 Minutes
Long Experimental Film Over 60 Minutes
Music Video Over 60 Minutes

Short Film Under 60 Minutes
Short Documentary Under 60 Minutes
Short Animation Film Under 60 Minutes
Short Experimental Film Under 60 Minutes
Music Video Under 60 Minutes

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of FECISO - Social Films International Festival (Castilla-la Mancha)

10 May 2017

Published: 09 May 2017
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner FECISO- Festival Internacional de Cine Social de Castilla-la Mancha

FECISO - Social Films International Festival (Castilla-la Mancha)

Torrijos, Spain

Aware of the importance of audiovisual media in Spanish society today and, trying to make them both a comunication and education media, to promote values of solidarity and tolerance, the International Social Film Festival of Castilla-La Mancha was born and it will be held in Toledo, It will continue in Toledo, Torrijos, Cuenca, Olías del Rey...

In this Festival are invited to take part to public and private entities that share the same concerns.

The Festival consists of several sections, including a contest of short and documentaries, social issues include: xenophobia, generational conflict, child labor, domestic violence, social roles, ecology, children's rights, coexistence, etc.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Fantastic  Terror  Other

Logo of Cinedeporte Film Festival

10 May 2017

Published: 09 May 2017
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Cinedeporte Film Festival

Cinedeporte Film Festival

Oaxaca de juarez, Mexico

We are Cinedeporte Sports Film Festival a film festival dedicated to promoting the finest independent sports films that create memorable portraits of athletic heroes and stories of triumph. Our purpose is to increase the exposure of independent filmmaking, its creation and reproduction.

This year we are accepting only the top 10% of the films submitted to the festival.

Join our audience of film lovers and sports fanatics, for our 7rd year of screenings in the beautiful Oaxaca, Mexico. During the film festival we will host conferences about filmmaking, Q and A’s with the filmmakers, parties, and more!

If selected you will receive your selection laurel, you will access the screenings and if you do visit Oaxaca we can hook you up with some good deals for your staying.

We beleive that film can change the world.

We beleive we can be THE film festival to for filmmakers to go to.

we beleive in the power of film

we beleive in collaboration

we beleive in invovation

we believe in creativity and uniqness

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental

Logo of LA Underground Film Forum

09 May 2017

Published: 08 May 2017
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner LA Underground Film Forum

LA Underground Film Forum

Los Angeles, United States

LA Underground Film Forum (LAUFF) is dedicated exclusively to independent, experimental, and auteur cinema. It focus on avant-garde, art-house, independent and no/low budget filmmaking.

Our program provides a venue for filmmakers to reinvent and explore new approaches, to foster new forms of media art and to build an audience for such work. We aim to present a wide range of work exploring the many definitions and interpretations of the concept of “underground”.

We’re looking for films made with passion, obsession and drive; films that go beyond expectations and genre; films, video and audio projects that strive to push the boundaries of accepted form and content. A strong sense of authorship is a must.

LAUFF accepts all forms and genres: from drama, documentary, experimental, cult, art-house, foreign language, comedy, horror, sci-fi, fantasy, animation, LGBT, indigenous, erotica to slow cinema and video art …

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video


09 May 2017

Published: 08 May 2017
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Festival Internacional De Cine De Santander


Bucaramanga, Colombia

The 12th edition of the FICS will take place in Bucaramanga – Santander from September 27 to October 1, 2022. The call in all official competitive categories, will be open from June 24 to August 19, 2022. For this edition, the Festival will have prizes in effective, recognition support for audiovisual development.

The Social Education and Communications Corporation PRESS LIBRE, whose trajectory of more than twenty years, in the leadership of the development of the media in Santander, supports and qualifies the suitability of the FICS.

The FICS is made up of the presidency of the film director Sergio Cabrera and is headed by its director, Oscar Fonseca, in accompaniment of administrative partners.

Its main objective is to work for the formation of a public criticism and for the consolidation of spaces for discussion and appreciation around a real film culture in the region and in the country.

The department of Santander as the headquarters of the FICS, is among other
the department with the highest average economic growth annual and is promoted as one of the most popular tourist destinations
important, a cultural epicenter of enterprising people, who opens its doors to new markets.

The competitive sections of the FICS are windows to the development of the
culture and the film industry, with new looks towards Ibero-America, maintaining its strong commitment to cinema national, supporting the cinema made in Colombia and Latin America

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Experimental