Oklahoma Cine Latino Film Festival

Oklahoma City, United States

Logo of Oklahoma Cine Latino Film Festival

11 Feb 2018

Published: 10 Feb 2018
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

The 7th Annual Oklahoma Cine Latino Film Festival promotes the Latino Cultural impact on Cinema in the United States focusing on a unique mix of filmmakers, artists, film lovers and history at the heart of the Hispanic Community at Historic Capitol Hill.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Other  Experimental

Photo of Oklahoma Cine Latino Film Festival
Photo of Oklahoma Cine Latino Film Festival
Photo of Oklahoma Cine Latino Film Festival
Photo of Oklahoma Cine Latino Film Festival

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Master of Art Film Festival

Sofia, Bulgaria

Logo of Master of Art Film Festival

11 Feb 2018

Published: 10 Feb 2018
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Promotional card of Master of Art Film Festival



Master of Art Film Festival is unique cultural event and the only in Eastern Europe international film festival for Documentaries on Art. It takes place in Bulgaria – Sofia, Plovdiv and Varna.

The festival focuses on different artistic approaches on Art.

Its program is dedicated to Documentary cinema that represents the artistic vision both on history of Art, Contemporary Art forms and to celebrate the multicultural diversity in our time.

Our goal is to show documentaries that manifest the talents and the creative process in the following categories: Architecture, Design and Fashion, Art and Power, Contemporary art, Culinary art, Fine Art, Photography, Literature, Music and Dance, Theatre and Cinema.

Documentaries produced and released after January 1, 2022 are eligible to the competition of Master of Art Film Festival. The festival pays attention also on modern tendencies in Video Art and Advertising.

The mission of Master of Art Film Festival is to create an alternative platform to the mass culture. We want to create an opportunity and to contribute a dialogue and cooperation between artists. The festival is the biggest forum in Eastern Europe for young documentary filmmakers, tempted to tell inspiring stories about the Art.

Master of Art Film Festival is organized by Spotlight Production Company, The National Palace of Culture and ‘Master of Art’ Foundation with the financial support of Municipality of Sofia, AURUBIS BULGARIA, Bulgarian National Film Center and etc.

The festival funds are raised by participation fees, financial subsidies, donations, sponsorship and tickets.
The 8th edition of the festival will take place in а hybrid form - simuntaneusly online and with screening in Art cinemas:
• 9 - 29 February 2024 - Screenings online on a special Festival platform available only from Bulgaria and in Art cinemas in Sofia, Plovdiv, Varna and Stara Zagora.

• Summer edition - August/September 2024 in open air places.

The OFFICIAL SELECTION laurel is given to all films selected in the following categories:


I. ARCHITECTURE - documentaries for architects, past and present architectural achievements and historic buildings.

II. ART and CHILDREN - documentaries about the relationship between the art and children

III. ART and POWER - documentaries about the relationship between the artists and totalitarian regimes and politic.

IIII. CONTEMPORARY ART - documentaries about contemporary art the art of XX and XXI century.

V. CULINARY ART - documentaries on the art of preparation, cooking and serving food.

VI. DESIGN and FASHION – Interion designers, fashion designers and their works.
VII. FINE ART - documentaries about the Fine Art from different eras, galleries and exhibitions.

VIII. LITERATURE - documentaries about writers, poets, their works and libraries.
IX. MUSIC and DANCE - documentaries about music, composers and musicians - opera, classics, folk, jazz, pop and rock; dancers and choreographers - ballet, folk, traditional and contemporary dance.
X. PHOTOGRAPHY - documentaries about the Art of Photography, photographed historic events and Photographers.

XI. THEATRE and CINEMA - documentaries about theatre, acting challenges on stage; notable filmmakers and actors.


(This category has a separate Award and the submitted videos are not competing with the documentaries and video games in the other categories.)

XII.VIDEO ART and ART ADVERTISING – video art, experimental videos, art advertisings and Advertisement.


XV.ART HORIZONS - Documentaries that are highly appreciated by the preselecting committee.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Documentary  Other  Experimental

Photo of Master of Art Film Festival
Photo of Master of Art Film Festival
Photo of Master of Art Film Festival
Photo of Master of Art Film Festival

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Talca International Film Festival

Talca, Chile

Logo of Talca International Film Festival

11 Feb 2018

Published: 10 Feb 2018
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

With an 13 years history, the Talca International Film Festival, stands as one of the major short film and debut film festivals in Chile. Our festival aims to offer a selection of the best independent, innovative and experimental short films and first feature films from around the world. On the other hand, to contribute in the exchange of local and international stories in this globalised world where ideas and culture break the borders in the benefit of all of us.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Photo of Festival Internacional de Cine de Talca
Photo of Festival Internacional de Cine de Talca
Photo of Festival Internacional de Cine de Talca
Photo of Festival Internacional de Cine de Talca

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L'iae fait son cinéma

Lille, France

Logo of L'iae fait son cinéma

10 Feb 2018

Published: 09 Feb 2018
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

We are 6 students of IAE Lille at the heart of a project entitled "IAE makes its cinema" belonging to the association of the Office of Students of Management Training Social Sciences IAE Lille. Since its creation in 2007, this cultural event consists of organizing a unique event around the cinema. It is an opportunity to broadcast several films, documentaries and shorts, for three days and free of charge. The common theme of the various films screened aims to stimulate a discussion on management methods by focusing on disruptions as well as innovative initiatives and the emergence of new practices. It is a question of considering with a certain critical spirit the social and managerial dimension brought by cinematographic productions. A debate ensued by the director, journalist, university professor or professor specializing in the art of cinema, which leads to an exchange of ideas, opinions, opinions between professionals and the public. Our theme for this twelfth edition is: "Pro Life VS Personal Life" theme very current because of new work practices, new technologies ... Today our professional life is increasingly confused with the personal life, this may lead to questions about the limit not to be crossed.

The festival will take place from 06 to 08 March 2018 at the IAE Lille.

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Other

Photo of L'iae fait son cinéma
Photo of L'iae fait son cinéma

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Goiânia, Brazil


10 Feb 2018

Published: 09 Feb 2018
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

8rd Morce-GO Vermelho - GOIAS HORROR FILM FESTIVAL - is a film festival in the heart of Brazil, which will have contemporary audiovisual works and historical recovery linked to the themes of horror, suspense and horror. The Festival may have fiction productions, experimental and animation as well as workshops and debates.

The aim is to encourage and promote local productions, Brazil and all over the world for lovers of moviegoers horror movies, suspense and horror featuring some of the most creative in independent productions of short films in competitive shows and feature films in the programming.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Experimental

Photo of Morce-Go Vermelho - Goiás Horror Film Festival
Photo of Morce-Go Vermelho - Goiás Horror Film Festival
Photo of Morce-Go Vermelho - Goiás Horror Film Festival
Photo of Morce-Go Vermelho - Goiás Horror Film Festival

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Sardinia Film Festival

Sassari, Italy

Logo of Sardinia Film Festival

10 Feb 2018

Published: 09 Feb 2018
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Other  Experimental

Photo of Sardinia Film Festival
Photo of Sardinia Film Festival
Photo of Sardinia Film Festival
Photo of Sardinia Film Festival

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NonStop Barcelona Animació

Barcelona, Spain

Logo of NonStop Barcelona Animació

10 Feb 2018

Published: 09 Feb 2018
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films

NON STOP BARCELONA ANIMACIÓ is a cultural integral event about animation cinema that offers to stimulate the interest for this language, learning, practising it and seeing it.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival


Photo of NonStop Barcelona Animació
Photo of NonStop Barcelona Animació
Photo of NonStop Barcelona Animació
Photo of NonStop Barcelona Animació

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Next Generation ( International Student Film Competition)

Brussels, Belgium

Logo of Next Generation ( International Student Film Competition)

08 Feb 2018

Published: 07 Feb 2018
 Has submission fees
Short films

Brussels Short Film Festival is an exhibition intended for lovers of cinema, both audience and professionals. The purpose
is to promote and circulate short films and to generate contacts between audience, young directors and professionals.

There are 3 competitions :
 National Competition
 International Competition
 Student Films Competition “Next Generation”

“Next Generation Festival” is organised as a part of the Brussels Short Film Festival, by the non-profit association Un Soir…Un Grain in Brussels from April 22 to May 02, 2020.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Experimental

Photo of Next Generation ( International Student Film Competition)
Photo of Next Generation ( International Student Film Competition)
Photo of Next Generation ( International Student Film Competition)
Photo of Next Generation ( International Student Film Competition)

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Brussels Short Film Festival

Brussels, Belgium

Logo of Brussels Short Film Festival

08 Feb 2018

Published: 07 Feb 2018
 Has submission fees
Short films

Promotional card of Brussels Short Film Festival

Brussels Short Film Festival is an exhibition intended for cinema lovers, both audience and professionals. The purpose is to promote and circulate short films and to generate contacts between audience, young directors and professionals.

Since 2018, the winner of the Great Prize of the International competition will be eligible for consideration in the Animated Short Film/ Live Action Short Film category of the Academy Awards® without the standard theatrical run, provided the film otherwise complies with the Academy rules.


International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Experimental

Photo of Brussels Short Film Festival
Photo of Brussels Short Film Festival
Photo of Brussels Short Film Festival
Photo of Brussels Short Film Festival

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Poverarte - Festival di tutte le Arti

Bologna, Italy

Logo of Poverarte - Festival di tutte le Arti

07 Feb 2018

Published: 06 Feb 2018
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Il Poverarte – Festival di tutte le Arti torna nel 2018 con l’edizione 3 1/2. Questa manifestazione organizzata da un nucleo di associazioni under 30, si pone come obiettivo la valorizzazione di tutti i movimenti artistici indipendenti che convivono in una delle città più attive a livello artistico d’Italia e di Europa: Bologna. Il termine Poverarte è un termine ironico che sottende l’espressione “povera arte…”, distaccandosi dalla pochezza di contenuti e di qualità dei circuiti mainstream e di tendenza.
Con Poverarte Festival si intende realizzare una rassegna: _Dove qualunque artista, affermato o alle prime armi, può candidarsi a partecipare presentando la propria opera relativa al suo settore espressivo, senza essere escluso in partenza perché il suo lavoro è fuori tema o genere. _Dove l’artista viene valutato per ciò che propone, non per il curriculum. _Che sia accessibile a tutti, con prezzi d’ingresso agli eventi moderati. _Generata dal lavoro condiviso di un gruppo di artisti – e sottolineiamo artisti, non critici o esperti, differenza essenziale con altri festival, altre giurie, altri selezionatori – che lo fanno per celebrare l’arte, non per riempire il portafoglio.
Nel nome della libertà artistica, questa manifestazione vuole promuovere quegli artisti che si sono avvicinati alle varie forme artistiche per colmare una personale urgenza di comunicazione, che si esprimono dunque per dire qualcosa, non per venderla. Siamo consapevoli del valore dell’arte e non vogliamo assolutamente promuovere un’arte gratuita, ma ci preme immaginare questo nuovo panorama artistico liberato dai mercanti e guidato dagli artisti stessi insieme a persone con grande cultura e sensibilità artistica, affinché un giorno non siano le mode a primeggiare nel mercato artistico, ma le eccellenze.
Confermando l’intenzione di voler gettare le basi per la costruzione di questa rete di artisti in un nuovo panorama che li metta a contatto non solo fra loro, ma anche con il pubblico, ci impegneremo per arricchire il festival con appuntamenti che ne facciano oltre che di una vetrina anche un laboratorio, un cantiere. Questi appuntamenti saranno incontri, workshop, laboratori, che si svolgeranno durante tutta la giornata e saranno aperti al pubblico, alcuni gratuitamente ed altri a pagamento a prezzi ragionevoli, per permettere una piena accessibilità a tutti gli appassionati. Questi appuntamenti serviranno a raccontare e presentare le categorie del festival, a valorizzare un’arte consapevole che non si limita al gesto espressivo, ma che sa corredarlo di un pensiero, che può essere comunicato, insegnato e anche discusso. Si vuole promuovere dunque proprio questo gesto artistico che non vuole ridursi a singolo vagito, ma che si propone di essere un impulso capace di generare una reazione di altri stimoli affinché non si disperda, ma continui ad esistere come parte di una linfa vitale, che è poi la stessa funzione dell’arte nella società.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental

Photo of Poverarte - Festival di tutte le Arti
Photo of Poverarte - Festival di tutte le Arti
Photo of Poverarte - Festival di tutte le Arti
Photo of Poverarte - Festival di tutte le Arti

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Experimental Forum

Los Angeles, United States

Logo of Experimental Forum

07 Feb 2018

Published: 06 Feb 2018
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Experimental Forum is an international performance, film and video art festival showcasing experimental film and artists’ moving image from new directors and innovative video artists from around the globe, with the third edition taking place in Los Angeles in November 2018. Our aim is to provide a supportive platform for the exciting and challenging work that is outside the scope of mainstream film festivals and art galleries.

We welcome experimental cinema pieces (abstract, narrative or documentary), video art works, essay films, artists’ moving image and media art, as well as documentary and narrative films that seek to expand, redefine or reconfigure the means and ends of their respective fields. Experimental Forum exists to provide access to, and develop audiences for, artists’ moving image work and is committed to engaging local audiences with new and/or unheard voices in film.

We are particularly interested in works made by early stage filmmakers and artists whose work is underrepresented. We provide a collaborative platform for moving image works made for the gallery and for the cinema with the aim of building a community across disciplinary and institutional faultlines.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Photo of Experimental Forum
Photo of Experimental Forum
Photo of Experimental Forum
Photo of Experimental Forum

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Nos Yeux Grands Ouverts International Film Festival

Montreuil, France

Logo of Nos Yeux Grands Ouverts International Film Festival

07 Feb 2018

Published: 06 Feb 2018
 Has submission fees
Short films

Since2008, the MAACASSO association organizes each year, an international art film festival called NYGO for “Nos Yeux Grands Ouverts” (which means Our Eyes Wide Open) . The festival creates a competition between young artists. Our aim is to promote and highlight the new talents of the contemporary audiovisual creation. For the 10th edition, on March the 1st, our association is looking for young artists with an art film project that will be submitted to the judgement of the NYGO jury.

This year, we invite all the candidates to work on the theme “Resonance”. This theme can be treated in a sonor, visual or conceptual way because it can be understood as a reflect, or an impact with consequences. The resonance is a link between two elements, an impact of one to another, an answer from one to another. The artist must express a resonance in its film, but its goal can also be the achievement of its own resonance into the public’s appreciation, to create a link between the artwork’s meaning and the spectator’s feeling.

We want the art films to be a mean for the artists to spread their ideas, visions, concerns and feelings as a shock wave on the public, and a canal to interconnect individuals.

Criteria to respect:

Person aged 18 to 30 years old.

Respect the theme imposed in his creative process.

One project per applicant but several artists possible on the realization.

The film must be between 1 minutes 30 seconds and 8 minutes, including the credits.

- Fill out the online application form. Submit his film by mail: (wetranfer file)


(accepted formats : .mp4, .m4v, .avi,

.mpeg2 or .mov).

The NYGO Award:

The first prize: 800 €

The second prize: 500 €

The third prize: 300 €

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Photo of Nos Yeux Grands Ouverts International Film Festival
Photo of Nos Yeux Grands Ouverts International Film Festival
Photo of Nos Yeux Grands Ouverts International Film Festival
Photo of Nos Yeux Grands Ouverts International Film Festival

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Torino Underground Cinefest

Turin, Italy

Logo of Torino Underground Cinefest

07 Feb 2018

Published: 06 Feb 2018
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

► imdb official list

Welcome back to the 11th edition!

For its 11th edition, the festival event will last for ten days, to offer more time for insights with the authors.

TUC_11 will be held in a very important location for the Turin “Cinema” universe, which is located in the heart of the city, at the marvelous Cinema Baretti.

Cash prizes are awarded for the best feature film, best short film and best documentary. Also, special awards will be assigned to: best director, best actor, best actress, best cinematographer, best editor and best sound designer. It there will be an audience award and mentions assigned by our media partners.

The festival counts on the help of media-partnerships and cultural partners in the area.

“It is obvious that art cannot teach anyone anything, since in four thousand years humanity has learnt nothing at all.”
― Andrei Tarkovsky

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental

Photo of Torino Underground Cinefest
Photo of Torino Underground Cinefest
Photo of Torino Underground Cinefest
Photo of Torino Underground Cinefest

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Versi di Luce Festival

modica, Italy

Logo of Versi di Luce Festival

05 Feb 2018

Published: 04 Feb 2018
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Beautiful festival that takes place in Modica and Gela - ITALY.. Modica is the birthplace of Salvatore Quasimodo and the festival is dedicated to him, the Nobel Prize for poetry. The festival has reached its 16th edition and welcomes poets, videographers, directors, writers and any artist who deals with the theme of the Festival: Cinema and Poetry. The cinema section is for short films of videopoetry, short films of fiction, videoclips and feature films.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Experimental  Music Video

Photo of Versi di Luce Festival
Photo of Versi di Luce Festival
Photo of Versi di Luce Festival
Photo of Versi di Luce Festival

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Wedding Cinema Festival


Logo of Wedding Cinema Festival

04 Feb 2018

Published: 03 Feb 2018
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films


Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Experimental

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Fantastic Film Festival

Barcelona, Spain

Logo of Fantastic Film Festival

04 Feb 2018

Published: 03 Feb 2018
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

4th edition of Fantástic Film Festival is mainly intended for short films and feature films of fantastic genre

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Photo of Fantastic Film Festival
Photo of Fantastic Film Festival
Photo of Fantastic Film Festival
Photo of Fantastic Film Festival

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Creativa Fest & Summit

Ciudad de Mexico, Mexico

Logo of Creativa Fest & Summit

04 Feb 2018

Published: 03 Feb 2018
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Founded in 2012, Creativa Fest aims to broaden our Mexico's growing passion for the art of animation. This competition will reward the best international productions in the fields of digital art and animation.

We firmly believe that recognizing and rewarding artistic productions can be a big motivation for the creative community and will serve as a great incentive so that content of better quality can be produced.

International Festival

Short film festival


Photo of Creativa Fest & Summit
Photo of Creativa Fest & Summit
Photo of Creativa Fest & Summit
Photo of Creativa Fest & Summit

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Colortape International Film Festival

Brisbane, Australia

Logo of Colortape International Film Festival

04 Feb 2018

Published: 03 Feb 2018
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Promotional card of Colortape International Film Festival

Colortape International Film Festival is a multicultural film festival promoting worldwide arts & culture through films, while bridging cultural differences, friendship, showcasing the creative vision of filmmakers from over the world. We are strong advocates and promoters of peace, love, friendship and mutual respect. One of very few festivals, if not the only one, to guaranteed acceptance, entry and certification for every filmmaker!

Over 2810 filmmakers were rewarded in the past 8 years!

Colortape is a film competition and film festival offering an Indoor/Outdoor screening opportunity , to showcase filmmakers work, and reward everyone towards the end of the competitive season.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Photo of Colortape International Film Festival
Photo of Colortape International Film Festival
Photo of Colortape International Film Festival
Photo of Colortape International Film Festival

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ÉCU - The European Independent Film Festival

Paris, France

Logo of ÉCU - The European Independent Film Festival

04 Feb 2018

Published: 03 Feb 2018
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Cinema is an art form that needs to be simultaneously nourished and challenged and ÉCU - The European Independent Film Festival provides the perfect arena for indie filmmakers to express authentic cinematic storytelling in the most compelling ways possible.

As one the World’s truly stand out independent film festivals, ÉCU embraces innovation and creativity and allows directors in competition to showcase their films to audiences who appreciate and love independent cinema. Filmmakers who are selected into ÉCU’s Official Selection join an active community of creatives who continually push the boundaries of indie cinema.

"It is always an absolute joy to present one's work at ECU. The team are fantastically helpful, the jury extremely competent, and the selection of the highest quality. I would recommend participating to anyone who's in love with indie filmmaking!" - Celina Liesegang, producer of Viscera: Autopsy of a (non)human body, ÉCU 2022 Official Selection

"It's always a pleasure having our films at ÉCU, especially this year with our awarded short film "Useless"! The communication has been great during the whole process and our filmmakers are so excited to be part of this competition. See you again next year with new projects!" - Marta Salvador Tato, distributor of USELESS, the winner of the Best European Independent Dramatic Short award 2022

Since its inception in 2006 ÉCU has forged a path for independent film and the scope of its presence has grown to a global scale with the festival often being referenced as the European equivalent of Sundance, an honour that we don’t take lightly.

Spring is not only a fabulous time for Paris but an exciting time for ÉCU because that is when we showcase roughly around 100 of the World’s very best independent films. Although ÉCU emphasises European talent, it also recognises the genius of international filmmakers with several categories allocated to non-European films.

The next ÉCU, the 19th edition, will take place on the 19th, 20th and 21st of April, 2024 in Paris, France.

ÉCU isn’t just all about screening an amazing slate of films over its three-day event in Paris in April. There are also professional workshops led by experts in the industry, Q&A’s held with the attending filmmakers after every screening session and a chance to network with fellow filmmakers, producers, agents, industry representatives, prospective film buyers and, of course, the cinema-loving public. At ÉCU, there is a continual dialogue celebrating and critiquing the world’s best indie cinema of today.

Though ÉCU’s main event IS the three-day festival in Paris each spring, there is even more! Thanks to our over 50 partner festivals, partner organizations, film centres and film commissions, ÉCU’s goes on an annual world tour called ÉCU-On-The-Road, which gives award-winning films (as well as many of the Official Selection films) the opportunity to have their films screened to a broader, global audience. ÉCU-On-The-Road showcased films in over 80 countries around the globe in 2016 - 2023 at special ÉCU mini-festivals, partner festivals, cultural institutions and film schools, including an amazing seven day special festival in São Paulo, Brazil. The event was made possible through the support of Caixa Cultural, São Paulo and was a huge success. ÉCU also held special events in Berlin (Germany), Cannes (France) and was part of festivals in Lebanon, Italy, Russia, USA, Romania, Austria, Denmark and ot­her countries. This gives ÉCU filmmakers great exposure to audiences that they may never have reached.

Since 2006, ÉCU has helped the careers of literally hundreds of independent filmmakers, actors, DPs, editors, screenwriters and is honoured to be firmly established as one of the World’s eminent indie film festivals.

Above all, we are proud to be a filmmakers’ festival!

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Experimental  Music Video

Photo of ÉCU - The European Independent Film Festival
Photo of ÉCU - The European Independent Film Festival
Photo of ÉCU - The European Independent Film Festival
Photo of ÉCU - The European Independent Film Festival

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LA Underground Film Forum

Los Angeles, United States

Logo of LA Underground Film Forum

04 Feb 2018

Published: 03 Feb 2018
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

LA Underground Film Forum (LAUFF) is dedicated exclusively to independent, experimental, and auteur cinema. It focus on avant-garde, art-house, independent and no/low budget filmmaking.

Our program provides a venue for filmmakers to reinvent and explore new approaches, to foster new forms of media art and to build an audience for such work. We aim to present a wide range of work exploring the many definitions and interpretations of the concept of “underground”.

We’re looking for films made with passion, obsession and drive; films that go beyond expectations and genre; films, video and audio projects that strive to push the boundaries of accepted form and content. A strong sense of authorship is a must.

LAUFF accepts all forms and genres: from drama, documentary, experimental, cult, art-house, foreign language, comedy, horror, sci-fi, fantasy, animation, LGBT, indigenous, erotica to slow cinema and video art …

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Photo of LA Underground Film Forum
Photo of LA Underground Film Forum
Photo of LA Underground Film Forum
Photo of LA Underground Film Forum

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