Logo of Crypto Film Festival

01 Dec 2021

Published: 29 Nov 2021
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner Crypto Film Festival

Crypto Film Festival

Minsk, Belarus

Popularization of the cryptocurrency’s philosophy, ideas and technologies via such a universal artistic form of communication as film-making is the main goal of Crypto Film Festival. By bringing the best films of the Cryptocurrency Theme from all over the world to the international audience, the CFFest Team hopes to contribute to a better understanding of the cryptocurrency, its role and place in our daily life, present and future.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Experimental

Logo of Film Olympiad

01 Dec 2021

Published: 29 Nov 2021
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner Film Olympiad

Film Olympiad

Athens, Greece


We desire to see your film! We want to see your dreams and vision, empathise with your heroes, laugh with your jokes, cry with your drama, feel exhilarated by your pathos.

It is a historic start with the 1st Film Olympiad and the 1st Film Olympiad Grand Prix. An exciting Film Festival with unique features;

You DESERVE feedback for your hard work. Film Olympiad is probably the first and only festival to give constructive feedback to everyone - free of any extra charge.

You can see how exactly the Jury rated your film in 5 categories and how you compare to other films. We watch films with empathy and love. We believe that filmmakers want to know the truth about how their film was rated, and this will only make them better.

The only film festival to award Film Olympiad Medals. 30 categories, 6 nominees, 3 medals (Gold, Silver & Bronze). Every month, National and Individual Medal Tables are updated.

We also have cash prizes, which will be at least:

100 euros every month for the Best Film Short Gold Medalist
500 euros for the annual Film Olympiad Best Film Short Gold Medalist
100 euros for the annual Film Olympiad Audience Award Gold Medalist
1.000 euros for the annual Film Olympiad Best Film Short Gold Medalist in 2022.

With 100 films per month, you have an actual chance to get selected and win a medal. Moreover, you can make your participation viral to your audience, fans and community.

"Yeah, buddy, on Thursday we are up against a film from Japan, and if we win, we qualify to the quarterfinals against either a film from Russia or a film from Germany!".

A sports-like competition system. We want an exciting event for our audience and your fans. The Jury gives a new rating to films after every round.

Phase 1 - 100 films are selected every MONTH for the Film Olympiad Grand Prix. All of them are eligible for nominations and medals. We have 11 monthly Film Olympiad Grand Prix every year and an annual Film Olympiad.

Phase 2 - The films are divided into 20 groups of 5. The best films from each group qualify for the knockouts. The audience can watch live the results of the rating in each group, through online live streams with online screenings of some films.

Phase 3 - 32 films get paired in knockouts. This means that if you win 5 matches (Rounds of 32, 16, Quarterfinals, Semifinals, Final), you win the Best Short Gold Medal and the monthly cash prize.

Phase 4 - At least the best 8 films from each month are publicly screened in monthly screenings with a live audience and qualify for the annual Film Olympiad.

With these innovative features, we feel sure that Film Olympiad will soon become a prestigious and established Film Festival. Submit now to represent your country in the Film Olympiad with your film. We can't wait to see it!

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of Festival de Málaga. Sección Afirmando los Derechos de las Mujeres

01 Dec 2021

Published: 29 Nov 2021
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Festival de Málaga. Sección Afirmando los Derechos de las Mujeres

Festival de Málaga. Sección Afirmando los Derechos de las Mujeres

Málaga, Spain

ASSERTING WOMEN'S RIGHTS is a project that has emerged from Festival de Málaga, Mabel Lozano (documentary filmmaker and collaborator of the Festival), and the Equal Opportunities Area of Malaga City Council as a protest tool. This section is created with the aim of exploring and dealing with issues that contribute to social awareness of women's rights each year.

This section of Festival de Málaga was born in 2008, this being its 18th edition. The project is conceived with a double purpose: to inform about the injustices that women still suffer in this century for the mere fact of being women, and to encourage and support the cinematographic work created by women.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Other  Experimental

Logo of Festival de Málaga

01 Dec 2021

Published: 29 Nov 2021
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Promotional card of Festival de Málaga

Banner Festival de Málaga

Festival de Málaga

Málaga, Spain


The objectives of Festival de Malaga are to disseminate and promote Spanish films and their general cultural sphere. In this sense, the Festival is also a platform for Latin American film productions. Its functions include hosting an event for the different professional sectors of films in Spanish (construed as films produced in Spain and all of Latin America, including Brazil) to boost their development and promote international sales.

In compliance with these objectives, the 28th Edition of Festival de Málaga will be held from 14th to 23rd March 2025.


International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation

Logo of DocsBarcelona, International Documentary Film Festival

01 Dec 2021

Published: 29 Nov 2021
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Promotional card of DocsBarcelona, International Documentary Film Festival

Banner DocsBarcelona, Festival Internacional De Cine Documental

DocsBarcelona, International Documentary Film Festival

Barcelona, Spain

DocsBarcelona is an international festival specializing in the documentary genre comprised of international and national competition sections, non-competitive sections, and retrospectives. The Artistic Direction and Programming Committee select all of the documentaries that make up these sections.

DocsBarcelona will celebrate the 27th edition from May 2 to 12, 2024.


International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival


Logo of Bucharest ShortCut Cinefest

01 Dec 2021

Published: 29 Nov 2021
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner Bucharest ShortCut Cinefest

Bucharest ShortCut Cinefest

Bucharest, Romania

NEW - Check out Festival Teaser at - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CFmtGzNYuPM

Bucharest ShortCut Cinefest is monthly film competition focusing on international independent cinema. Our aim is to support new filmmakers and to promote the research and development of new means of expressivity through cinematography as art among diverse audiences.

BSCF is located in the Eastern Heart of Europe, Bucharest being one of the most beautiful and diverse cities in the world.

The film competition runs on a monthly basis. The final deadline for our next selection, as well as the notification date are posted in the right-grid competition timeline.

❗All Films accepted in the Official Selection will be given a benefits pack worth 350$:

✶ iPitchTV 3 months studio licence worth 117$
✶ Filmstro 1-Year Pro Licence Exclusive discount worth up to 125$
✶ DCP2GO Exclusive Discount for mastering services worth 125$

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✶ FREE Trophy + Screening + Certificate Award
✶ 5 FESTIVAL ENTRIES worth 115$
✶ 90% DISCOUNT on DCP Mastering Services worth 300$ from KINOLIFE Distribution
✶ Filmstro Pro Licence discount worth 105$
✶ 1yr iPitchTV Studio Membership worth $299

All winners will receive online certificate awards and laurels will be offered to all participants who made it to the Official Selection.

Only films selected in the Competition will be showcased in the BscFest Official Screenings.

BSCF will be an outstanding event, where the audience can see new films, participate in workshops and meet filmmakers.

We guarantee that a jury of film professionals will view all submitted films. We encourage filmmakers who created their films with a low budget to enter their film to BSCF. The judgement criteria of the submitted films are new ideas, experimental cinematography, talented work of actors and an independent point of view.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of Dublin Smartphone Film Festival

01 Dec 2021

Published: 29 Nov 2021
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner Dublin Smartphone Film Festival

Dublin Smartphone Film Festival

Dublin, Ireland

The Dublin Smartphone Film Festival

The Dublin Smartphone Film Festival (DUBSMARTFF) is an international festival dedicated to celebrating work shot on Smartphones.

No longer is expensive technology a barrier to creativity. The mobile phone has expanded the scope and freedom for filmmakers. Now aspiring artists have the ability to write, shoot and edit, their films at the touch of a button. Smartphones are reshaping the way we approach filmmaking creating limitless possibilities in the palm of your hand.

The festival was created with the goal of encouraging these filmmakers to share the stories they have captured on mobile devices. We also aim to provide a platform to exhibit these stories to a wider audience. It is also a chance to reward storytellers, who are using these devices to push the boundaries of narrative and style.

The festival takes place in the month of January and submissions are open to anyone with a Smartphone a compelling story to tell. Throughout the year there will be events designed to challenge filmmakers and revolutionize the way we approach filmmaking.

Why Us
We are a Festival created and run by Smartphone filmmakers.

We offer the unforgettable experience of watching your film shot with a micro device on the big screen.

Not just a festival, we are expanding beyond the confines of a single event. We will be offering unique workshops, live filming exercises and panel discussions.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of Mumbai Entertainment International Film Festival

30 Nov 2021

Published: 28 Nov 2021
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner Mumbai Entertainment International Film Festival

Mumbai Entertainment International Film Festival

Mumbai, India

film/Documentory/music vedio/Animation/VFX/CGI/2D/3D/other

*Mumbai Entertainment International Short Film Festival*

*Organized BY*
mumbai Entertainment
& Yogeshpatilfilms

*world all contries participated now*

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of Internacional Jewish Film Festival - México

30 Nov 2021

Published: 28 Nov 2021
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner Festival Internacional De Cine Judío en México

Internacional Jewish Film Festival - México

México , Mexico

short film

The FICJM that will take place in 2023, will have the theme "transforming through cinema" We are very grateful and happy to continue sharing inspiring stories.

International Festival

Short film festival


Logo of LDRBST

30 Nov 2021

Published: 28 Nov 2021
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films



Hannover, Germany

LDRBST ist das erste reine <60min.-Kino in Deutschland und wohl auch darüber hinaus. Unser jeden Monat stattfindendes LDRBST-Filmfestival eröffnet Regisseurinnen und Regisseuren aus allen Ländern der Welt die Möglichkeit, ihr Werk, das eine Spielzeit von unter 60 Minuten haben muss, in einem Festivalrahmen vorzustellen und bietet darüber hinaus eine Plattform zur Vernetzung und zum Austausch unter den Filmschaffenden. Auch Studierende haben hier die Möglichkeit, ihre Studienarbeiten an Publikum zu testen und erste Erfahrungen zu sammeln.

Das Festival findet monatlich, also zwölf mal im Jahr, über einen ganzen Monat statt. In handverlesenen Filmrollen präsentieren wir dem Publikum eine spannende Auswahl zeitgenössischer <60min.-Filme.

Das Publikum wählt seine 4 Favoritenfilme, die mit Geldpreisen prämiert werden.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental

Logo of Long Story Shorts

30 Nov 2021

Published: 28 Nov 2021
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner Long Story Shorts

Long Story Shorts

Bucharest, Romania

Long Story Shorts is a dynamic international festival, connecting the audience to short films, music videos, documentaries, and screenplays from around the globe.

The LSS Competition is monthly based, with a total of 12 monthly selections & screenings in a competitional year.

Aiming to inspire, motivate and award new talents as well as experienced filmmakers, Long Story Shorts takes the way visual stories are shared and experienced to a higher level.

❗All Films accepted in the Official Selection will be given a benefits pack worth 350$:

• iPitchTV 3 months studio licence worth 117$
• Filmstro 1-Year Pro Licence Exclusive discount worth up to 125$
• DCP2GO Exclusive Discount for mastering services worth 125$

❗❗BEST SHORT FILM will get a FREE Trophy, Official Screening, Certificate Award and:

• Cloud19 Full DCP Service Pack worth 299$
• iPitchTV 12 months studio licence worth 299$
• Filmstro 1-Year Pro Licence Exclusive discount worth up to 125$

Our vision is to create an opportunity for independent filmmakers to have their work screened and judged. We believe in the potential of the public of becoming a significant actor in contributing to the development of the filmmaking process and we aim to engage them in discovering the potential of the online to the cinematic culture.

This year, we take the film screenings along with the stories right in the historic city of Râmnicu-Vâlcea, an idyllic mountain oasis, also having the reputation all around the world as 'Hackerville'.

An emerging cultural hub with a huge cinema audience potential, Râmnicu-Vâlcea will bring the uniqueness of the online festivals into a well-known creative environment for all film enthousiasts.

ABY Stage Bar is a renowed meeting point for those seeking both traditional and alternative expressions of cinematography.

The best entries will be selected and screened every month a year. We will publish the results of the Official Selection every last day of the month, according to the Submission Notification sent in advance and the Official Screenings will take place the next month.

A jury of film professionals will review all eligible submitted films, evaluating from an independent point of view, seeking the energy and new ideas that will contour the future of the cinema.



For 15 years, Cloud 19 has been a 1-stop resource for post production & mastering services, providing digital media solutions to Hollywood studios, Indie distributors and film producers everywhere! Consider us for your QC reports, Hardware-based DCP’s, DVD & Blu-ray Authoring, Color Grading and other Finishing services.


Filmstro Pro is a music publishing library built in to a desktop app that enables Filmmakers to adapt and recompose professional soundtracks to suit their films. Available for Windows and Mac users.


DCP2GO offers complete professional services for DCP authoring including: preparation of materials, authoring, encryption and key management, duplication, control and check-up (test screening), transfer and distribution, translation and subtitling, and technical organization.

iPitch TV

Looking for a way to pitch your idea for a television show or movie?
iPITCH.TV offers a next generation platform for creators of original pitches for TV, Film & Digital Media to connect directly with Hollywood Producers and Studio Executives and gives creators industry pro advice on how to pitch a television show or feature film. Pitch your idea for a Movie, Screenplay, Television Show, Short Film, New Media Project and more.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of Film in Focus

30 Nov 2021

Published: 28 Nov 2021
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner Film in Focus

Film in Focus

Bucharest, Romania

Film in Focus | International Film Festival opens its doors to film professionals, art cinema lovers and debut artists alike who want to showcase themselves in the industry along with their unique and individual ideas.

We strive to curate an inclusive film line-up. A space where experienced professionals and first time filmmakers can share their artistic ideas and perhaps learn something from one another.

Film in Focus IFF, as an international festival has the objective of creating awareness on screening independent cinema. We welcome submissions from a wide range of genres including drama & comedy films, documentaries, animations, experimental projects, music videos or movie trailers.

FIF is run in association with Global Cinema Hub, a collection of international film festivals supporting indie filmmaking. By establishing a working network with filmmakers, producers and marketing professionals, we share one common goal: to forge productive and lasting relationships between independent filmmakers and audiences.

We are now open for submissions for our 2021 film showcase.

Film screenings along with the unique stories will take place right in the heart of Bucharest, at the Unteatru Theatre. Being one of the most effervescent art hubs of the capital city, Unteatru is the place where the creatives meet the audience through art exhibitions, theatre shows, film screenings and thematic workshops.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of Siliguri International Short Film Festival

30 Nov 2021

Published: 28 Nov 2021
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner Siliguri International Short Film Festival

Siliguri International Short Film Festival

SIliguri, India

Film Making is an art and it needs more patience and determination to recreate your ideas to a motion picture. Films Festivals although are typically annual events, they acknowledge various genre of films, mostly from across the globe and encourage people engaged in cinema. They also provide an opportunity for unknown filmmakers to get their movies in front of a real live audience and to have their films reviewed by professional critics. Filmmakers whose movies get accepted into a festival also get valuable press attention and exposure to prospective agents and buyers, not to mention a sometimes sizeable cash award if they win.

From time immemorial, films have played a very important part in bringing people of varying backgrounds together and entertaining them. But, most of the times, the hard work behind making these fields go unnoticed and therefore film festivals started all over the world.

Venice Film Festival is the oldest one in the world, there are two other prestigious Film Festivals of Cannes and Berlin. Although the main crux came from international countries, India also has its very own set of Film Festivals in accordance to different states. Stating a few would be, Bangalore Film Festival 1996, Kolkata Film Festival 1995, Mumbai Film Festival 1990 and many more.

Siliguri is situated at the base of the Himalayan Mountains in the plains of Darjeeling District beside river Mahananda. It is the 2nd largest city in West Bengal and is also known as the Gateway to the North-East. The strategic location of the place makes sure that travelers to North-East India have to pass through this city.

Siliguri is not a very old city, but it ranks in the 19th number amongst 35 places to visit in West Bengal. Being a cosmopolitan city, it shelters a wide number of people with varying cultures and languages, along with a few tribal populations. Although the common language spoken in Siliguri is Bengali; Hindi, English, Nepali, Marwari, Bhojpuri, Punjabi, Assamese, Rajbangshi, Tibetian and many more varieties of linguistic people reside together.

Not only these, but the entire region of Siliguri is also famous for 3 T‘s namely: Tea, Timber, and Tourism. There are 45 tea gardens to spread over the blocks of the sub-division. Two important adjacent areas – Mahananda Wildlife Sanctuary, Baikunthapur contribute a lot to the microclimate of the region. It also has the best communication network along with the nearest railway station being NJP (New Jalpaiguri). Bagdogra Airport is the only airport in the distance of 12km which caters to the needs of Sikkim.

Talking about films, the quintessential Barfi, directed by Anurag Basu, starring Priyanka Chopra, Ranbir Kapoor, Ileana D’Cruz, Ashish Vidyarthi, Saurabh Shukla, Jishu Sengupta, Rupa Ganguly had been shot in Darjeeling, also known as The Queen of Hills which also falls under the North-East region. There are also plenty of regional films that are shot in or nearby this place, thus making it a hub for every type of genre!

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of Mabig Film Festival

30 Nov 2021

Published: 28 Nov 2021
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Mabig Film Festival

Mabig Film Festival

Augsburg, Germany

About the Festival: Monthly Festival with once a year live SCREENINGS and Event for the best films which are Award Winners. Every month, MFF announces the Nominees who are automatically further in competition.

Listed on IMDB https://www.imdb.com/event/ev0008446/overview/

Mabig Film Festival welcomes international entries and will take place annually in the Bavarian city of Augsburg, which is known for upcoming artistic projects and its existing great structure for the arts. The festival director, Andreea Boyer, has first established her own firm, Mabig Movies, in Augsburg, with the goal to bring in artists, filmmakers, producers, actors, and writers to share all the experiences and knowledge about the film world with all local people. Our focus is to enlarge everyone’s perspective of films by giving male and female international filmmakers an equal chance to have their films neutrally analyzed and valued by the festival judges.

Submissions are accepted from everyone outside of the USA over the age of 18. Within the USA, over the age of 21.

Entries for all genres of films are welcome, including romance, comedy, drama, thriller, horror, history, sci-fi, social, adventure, Western, suspense, historical, historical fiction, mystery, philosophical, political, animation, urban, magical realism, fantasy, pranoid fiction, surrealism, LGBT films, documentaries, as well short films.

Excluded from the submissions and entries are pornographic films and any films containing extreme nudity. Please don’t submit any material of this genre. We only view and value movies that are not in this genre. Any submissions with this genre will automatically be rejected by our team. All racist, misogynistic, misandrous, and homophobic films are NOT allowed to be submitted and are automatically rejected by our team with a restriction from future submissions.

All feature films of all genres with a maximum length of 140 minutes (including documentaries) are welcome to be submitted to Mabig Film Festival.

All short films can be submitted with respect to the genres. The requirements are written below in our policy form. Experienced as well as student filmmakers are welcome to submit their films.

Please READ all our rules and terms before submitting your film to our festival. By submitting your creative work to our festival, you are aware of the rules and you are giving our experienced team the mission to impartially judge your film and your work. Don’t contact our judges during the evaluation of your film. For further questions, an e-mail can be send to the festival director, Andreea Boyer, via the Mabig Movies website “contact” form. Thank you.

A direct message from the Festival Director:

“There are always roadblocks in life and that’s what makes it so interesting, colorful, adventurous and lively. Often the roadblocks are like hidden new perspectives where we have the option to be upset or to think new and create something that later on will be awarded. It doesn’t matter if you’re a female or male director or writer. What only matters is that you’re a creative creator and you’re focused on your work.

Your life is in your own hands. You’re the creator of your life. Follow your mental intuition. Be aware and alert. Nourish your mental health with wisdom, not with doubts. Learn from disappointments and move on. Be mentally and emotionally focused and ready for the present. Love yourself.”

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental

Logo of Caracas Iberoamerican Film Festival

30 Nov 2021

Published: 28 Nov 2021
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Caracas Iberoamerican Film Festival

Caracas Iberoamerican Film Festival

Caracas, Venezuela

The Caracas Ibero-American Film Festival was born with a clear intention of serving as dissemination and recognition for any type of cinematic expression of Ibero-American directors or productions of first and second works, fiction and documentaries, feature films and short films, student and professional productions. All can be postulated at the festival that, beyond its competitive character, for the selection of the independent pieces of the current film scene.

The first initiative to create a Caracas Film Festival arose with its founding in 2003; however, it was suspended after five editions and has now been refounded again.

The Caracas Ibero-American Film Festival is part of the National System of Film Festivals and Samples in Venezuela (SNFMCV), independent association created under the authorization of the National Autonomous Film Center (CNAC). The Festival is an IMDB qualifying.

The Festival was refounded at the initiative of the writer and filmmaker Francisco Villarroel to promote independent cinema in the Ibero-American region, mainly from new filmmakers.

It is currently carried out in a non-face-to-face manner.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary

Logo of Houston Latino Film Festival

30 Nov 2021

Published: 28 Nov 2021
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Houston Latino Film Festival

Houston Latino Film Festival

Houston, United States

The Houston Latino Film Festival is an organization dedicated to developing, promoting and increasing awareness of Latino culture among Latinos and other communities by presenting a variety of art and films to the Houston area.

During the festival, films from all over Latin America, Spain, Portugal and the United States will screen. The programming represents the great diversity of themes and genres of the Latino and Hispanic filmmaking community. The five-day festival also features opportunities for the audiences to participate in discussions with the directors at the screenings as well as a series of special events highlighting the diversity of the Latino culture. 2022 will mark the sixth year of the Houston Latino Film Festival.

Our Mission: The Houston Latino Film Festival is a non-profit organization dedicated to educating and enlightening the communities of the South Texas region about other cultures and issues through film and video while also recognizing the contributions of the artists who are dedicated to the craft of independent filmmaking.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of Festival Mostrat Gandia 2021

30 Nov 2021

Published: 28 Nov 2021
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner Festival Mostrat Gandia 2021

Festival Mostrat Gandia 2021

gandia, Spain

Short film contest that reflects any reality of any social minority.

The submitted works can belong to any cinematographic genre whenever it shows situations that make visible groups considered minority.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental

Logo of NEXGN International Short Film Festival

30 Nov 2021

Published: 28 Nov 2021
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner NEXGN International Short Film Festival

NEXGN International Short Film Festival

Pune, India

The NexGn International Short Film Festival of India aims to bring Independent Short Film makers from around the globe to an eclectic & international audience and provide them the value and position they deserve. Our program has been set to expand to include film screenings and free open-air events around NISFF as well as educational programs and cinematic workshops.

This passion project by NexGn is about to include over 500 Short Films from around the globe & draw nearly 150 for screenings. NexGn has also arranged for Number of Awards to be given to the certain categories.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of Indapur International Short Film Festival

30 Nov 2021

Published: 28 Nov 2021
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Indapur International Short Film Festival

Indapur International Short Film Festival

Moinabad, India

It is one of the Best Short Film Festival ever. Come Join in and make this Great Event a Success. Indapur International Short Film Festival is leading an inventive International short film celebration and welcomes filmmakers and movie producers. It is one of a kind short film Festival, concentrating on opportunities for worldwide movie producers.

IISFF is a Unique Short Film Festival occurring every year in the city of Indapur (PUNE) which centers around opportunities creation for worldwide filmmakers. The possibility of this short film festival was taken through an Inspirational Event held in Pune during 2017 and it has been a long time from that point forward we have effectively finished up the 3 years of Short Film Festival Event in the city of Indapur.

​IISFF will give a chance to elevate familiarity with Hindi, English and Marathi cultures and characters to crowds of every single social foundation. IISFF will introduce films in their unique dialects with subtitles with an end goal to construct cross cultural bridges. The Vision and Mission of IISFF is guided by a advisory board composed of reputed and notable appointed authorities, filmmakers and directors of film industry.

​IISFF brings film lovers and film producers together to empower trade of data and single window answers for film industry. The Indapur fest Aims to do inventiveness through all year Activities like :

* Film Festival
* Seminar ( meeting ) by Experienced Film Directors.
* Film Screening
* Workshops for Upcoming Filmmakers
* Interactions with driving Film Makers, Technicians and Actors

​It is a goal for the film network to find, reach and talk about the film festival occasions. Festivals are esteemed for the film business as the most dangerous road for developing contacts, coordinated efforts and professions universally. Indapur fest focuses on the production of this equivalent socialization, sharing and support.

The stage furnishes filmmakers with the innovation to distribute their films to crowd. If you make films or you screen films, Indapur fest can connect you to the next generation of film makers.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of Holland short Film Festival

30 Nov 2021

Published: 28 Nov 2021
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner Holland short Film Festival

Holland short Film Festival

Bergen, Netherlands

Holland Film Festival 2024 is open for submission. The festival accepts all genres and styles as long as they are short. (max 30 min.)

Hollan Film Festival takes place in the beautifull town of Bergen north of Amsterdam. It is a small yet prestigious and well visited festival. We love fresh, new and original films of high quality.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video