Vigo, Spain


20 May 2024

Published: 18 May 2024
 Has submission fees
Short films

Marengo Fest. Vigo International Film Festival is not just a film competition, it is a cultural and social event whose main objective is to promote film culture, giving the opportunity at a national and international level to show their projects, providing prizes worth €30,000 in its different categories

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror

Photo of Marengo Fest.   Festival Internacional de cine de Vigo.
Photo of Marengo Fest.   Festival Internacional de cine de Vigo.
Photo of Marengo Fest.   Festival Internacional de cine de Vigo.
Photo of Marengo Fest.   Festival Internacional de cine de Vigo.

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Festival Internacional de Nuevo Cine Independiente

montevideo, Uruguay

Logo of Festival Internacional de Nuevo Cine Independiente

20 May 2024

Published: 18 May 2024
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films


The International Film Festival of New Independent Cinema (FINCI) calls on the Latin American audiovisual industry and other regions of the world to register their audiovisual projects in the first edition of FINCI 1st Edition, which will be held online from July 30 to August 6 2024 in Uruguay.

MDM Film Distribution invites new independent filmmakers to apply for their projects with the aim of having a new exhibition window for their projects and in this way fostering the creative, negotiation and distribution space. MDM gives the opportunity for new projects, new independent filmmakers to be seen and for new audiovisual proposals to circulate within the audiovisual industry.

The festival will have its own exhibition platform where the selected projects can be seen. In addition, there will be special activities and meeting spaces, such as MDM lives, where directors and producers will talk about their projects and careers, and special Audiovisual Talks with professionals from the audiovisual industry where they will talk about the importance of each of the areas of a project. project. Being able to give a complete map of the development, production and distribution of a project.

If you want to know more about our proposals, you can go to our website: or contact us at

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Other  Music Video


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RENNES, France


19 May 2024

Published: 17 May 2024
 Has submission fees
Short films


In 2003, the non-profit created the International Strange and Unusual Fantasy Short Film Festival, Court Métrange.

The event offers a creative harbor for authors wherein to expose and endorse their ideas. With an irrefutable penchant for a different form of filmmaking, these motion picture partisans fascinate countless audiences, the latter of whom paradoxically struggle to reap the same attention.

The purpose of the Court Métrange Festival is, ultimately, threefold, boasting: a place to screen, a place to scream, letting its "cult" shorts thrive, and a place whose limitless resources endeavor to not only emphasize the credentials of those having fought to make Fantasy film what it is today, but also attribute to them what is rightfully theirs. Court Métrange has become crucial not only in putting back on the radar screen the artistic and cultural value in a certain category of works, but also in breaking down barriers between film genres.

Sole member specializing in short films of the renowned European Fantastic Film Festival and CNC Category 1 Festival, Court Métrange is, in a way, a rite of passage for some authors in the quest for validation of their work with their sights set on becoming the directors of tomorrow. As a result, it is unrivaled, and plays an influential role on the short film scene in Europe.
Artistically agile, film communicates in a number of languages. The Fantastic is one of them. Court Métrange has chosen to hand over the mic and screen to those who share the same speak. For Fantasy filmmakers, this moment with their audiences is invaluable. Theaters teeming with fans and backing from a significant part of the profession have, in turn, legitimized the festival in its entirety. The enthusiasm and support from the teaching community and the active involvement of its student population in the educational and cultural initiatives organized by the festival come full circle with the idea that Fantastic films are a formidable breeding ground for culture and reflection.

Alongside its screenings, the Festival also strives to open up channels for exchange between film and other creative disciplines in order to broaden and boost the manner in which the "Fantastic image" materializes. Every year, conferences, exhibits, music, encounters, and debates round out the Court Métrange agenda.


International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Experimental

Photo of Festival Court Métrange
Photo of Festival Court Métrange
Photo of Festival Court Métrange
Photo of Festival Court Métrange

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MDOC - Melgaço International Documentary Film Festival

Viana do Castelo, Portugal

Logo of MDOC - Melgaço International Documentary Film Festival

19 May 2024

Published: 17 May 2024
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

MDOC – Melgaço International Documentary Film Festival will select for 2024, documentaries under the themes of identity, memory and border. All films must express the author's point of view on aspects related to social, individual, cultural and identity issues.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival


Photo of MDOC - Melgaço International Documentary Film Festival
Photo of MDOC - Melgaço International Documentary Film Festival
Photo of MDOC - Melgaço International Documentary Film Festival
Photo of MDOC - Melgaço International Documentary Film Festival

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XI Tàrrega and Ponent International Film Festival - Galacticat

Penelles, Spain

Logo of XI Tàrrega and Ponent International Film Festival - Galacticat

19 May 2024

Published: 17 May 2024
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Promotional card of XI Tàrrega and Ponent International Film Festival - Galacticat

The International Fantastic and Horror Film Festival in Tàrrega - Galacticat, which is held every year since 2014, is the first and only fantastic and horror film Festival in the lands of Lleida, aimed at all moviegoers in general and lovers of science fiction and terror in particular and with a clear divulgative vocation. The Galacticat was born as an initiative to recover the universal Sci-Fi classics for the general public and to delve into this culture that has articulated the universe of cinema since its inception. Over the years, the Galacticat has grown, involving citizens more and more in this film festival, gradually increasing the programmed activities, parties, concerts, screenings, public attendance, industry activities and the response of the film industry.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other

Photo of XI Festival Internacional de Cinema de Tàrrega i Ponent - Galacticat
Photo of XI Festival Internacional de Cinema de Tàrrega i Ponent - Galacticat
Photo of XI Festival Internacional de Cinema de Tàrrega i Ponent - Galacticat
Photo of XI Festival Internacional de Cinema de Tàrrega i Ponent - Galacticat

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Festival de cinema i fotografia documental de Menorca

Es Mercadal, Spain

Logo of Festival de cinema i fotografia documental de Menorca

19 May 2024

Published: 17 May 2024
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films


Menorca Doc is a film and documentary photography festival that aims to show aspects of society that are not disseminated in cinemas, the media or the usual audiovisual distribution channels. The festival aims to raise public awareness through the documentary genre, understanding it as a tool to reflect on socio-political, environmental and human changes. In short, about our situation in the world.

Based on these interests, a series of annual calls are proposed in order to configure the official program for the V edition of the festival, which will be held between October 4 and November 1, 2024 in Menorca (Balearic Islands).

ULLASTRE AWARD ·documentary short film.
AWARD Short Balearic documentary film.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Documentary  Other


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Frame Film Festival

Itinerante, Spain

Logo of Frame Film Festival

19 May 2024

Published: 17 May 2024
 Has submission fees
Short films

FRAME Film Festival es un festival de cortometrajes itinerante, sin una única ubicación, que se celebrará en la provincia de Tarragona.

El FRAME Film Festival consta de dos fases.


El objetivo principal es difundir y promover la cinematografía en general y el cortometraje en particular, apoyando a las directoras y los directores de cortometrajes y creando un espacio donde puedan dar a conocer sus trabajos.

Pero sobre todo trabajamos para que las y los cineastas se sientan acogidos y vivan la experiencia de visitarnos cómo si estuvieran en familia. LA GRAN FAMILIA DEL CORTOMETRAJE!
Otro motivo es ampliar la oferta de acontecimientos culturales para hacer llegar el cortometraje a a poblaciones que no tengan la oportunidad de disfrutar de nuestro cine en formato CORTO.

En el FRAME Film Festival queremos darle al público que sigue y disfruta los cortometrajes, la oportunidad de decidir sobre la selección de las películas que pasarán a la FASE FINAL para recibir los premios TALENTO FRAME.

Short film festival


Photo of Frame Film Festival
Photo of Frame Film Festival
Photo of Frame Film Festival
Photo of Frame Film Festival

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Arboga, Sweden


19 May 2024

Published: 17 May 2024
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Festival President and Artistic Director Gabriel Daniel Dorobantu and Festival Head Manager Irina Tolokolnikova welcome you to The Moonlight Online International Film Festival, which is organized and administered by the Swedish creation, production and distribution company Dorobantu Film & Television.

The Festival aims to promote original feature films and short films of high artistic quality and to support independent cinema worldwide.

In addition to the long lists of official diploma awards in the Feature Film Section and in the Short Film Section, The Moonlight Online International Film Festival is introducing the Trans-Section award Great Moonlight Award for Best Film in the Festival – which will be the festival’s Supreme Award (consisting of the festival’s Physical Trophy and Cash Prize) and will be awarded by the festival jury either to the winner of the Moonlight Online Award for Best Film in the Feature Film Competition or to the winner of the Moonlight Online Award for Best Film in the Short Film Competition.

Both among the films submitted to the festival and among the films selected for festival participation, feature films and short films with high market potential may also be selected for film sale / distribution deal proposals. (In such cases, the rights holders of the respective films will be contacted by the festival management office within three months after the festival.)

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Other  Experimental


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Universe Multicultural Film Festival

Palos Verdes Peninsula, United States

Logo of Universe Multicultural Film Festival

18 May 2024

Published: 16 May 2024
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

The Universe Multicultural Film Festival seeks to bring to the best of classic and contemporary filmmaking from the world; Committed to enlightening the public with a unique international film program, a forum for cultural understanding and enriching educational opportunities. The Festival focuses on showcasing diverse cultural and heritages films, supports the creation and advancement of innovative and artistic cinematic works of both emerging and seasoned filmmakers and proudly embraces the passion, independent spirit and vision of these talented artists. With the integration of the local community and educational institutions into all aspects of the Festival, the Festival stimulates an interest in the study and appreciation of film and encourages people of all ages and background to participate and share the harmony universe.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Photo of Universe Multicultural Film Festival
Photo of Universe Multicultural Film Festival
Photo of Universe Multicultural Film Festival
Photo of Universe Multicultural Film Festival

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San Benedetto film fest

San Benedetto del Tronto, Italy

Logo of San Benedetto film fest

18 May 2024

Published: 16 May 2024
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

SAN BENEDETTO INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL ( Terms, Rules, prizes and motivations can be translated in 22 languages visiting our site

"MAGICSCREENPLAY" ( Terms, Rules, prizes and motivations can be translated in 22 languages visiting our site

We built a festival in total freedom, without any external conditioning. An International Short Film Competition. A window on cinema from a privileged viewpoint: the city of San Benedetto del Tronto. Born in 2017, the SBFF has become one of the leading international events for the Adriatic Riviera and the Piceno region. The events will take place at the Palazzina Azzurra in San Benedetto del Tronto (AP) on Viale Buozzi 14.

"MAGICSCREENPLAY" - (Collateral Event to the SAN BENEDETTO INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL) was born from the need to combine the scenic, architectural and natural beauties of the Marche Region in syncrasia with the cultural, social heritage and identity need of the places and the human and professional resources that come from them, evolve and hope for an ever-increasing expansion of training, skills and abilities.

The Contest was born within a strategy of discovery and promotion of national and international emerging talents and represents the exclusive context to select, through a Quality Jury, the best pitch, with a predefined theme, to be declined into a consequent script.

After the selection, the one deemed to perform best will be subjected to development through the creation of a short film with a total length of no more than 15 minutes, produced by the Associated Professionals Association of Art & Management "IL SERPENTE AUREO," in collaboration with and with the support of the FILM COMMISSION MARCHE, the MARCHE REGION and under the patronage of the City of San Benedetto del Tronto.


- " There is no art form like cinema to strike the conscience, shake the emotions and reach the secret rooms of the soul" Ingmar Bergman

- " Life in the depths is completely different from life on the surface and has mysterious and terrifying aspects" Dario Argento

- " I am not an artist but a craftsman" "The heart must mediate between the brain and the hands" Fritz Lang

- " I steal from every single film ever made. If I like things I mix them together. And if people don't like it, then don't go see it.... I steal from everything.... Great artists steal not make homages" Quentin Tarantino

- " No matter where the world goes, even if I can't speak a foreign language, I don't feel out of place. I think of the earth as my home. "Akira Kurosawa

- " An essential element of all art is risk..." Francis Ford Coppola

- " Cinema is a mode of expression that allows one to express all the nuances of a thing and its opposites..." Catherine Breillat

- " Unlike all other art forms, cinema is able to capture and render the passage of time, to stop it almost to possess it in infinity. I would say that film is the sculpture of time. "Andrei Tarkovsky

- " I am just a storyteller and film seems to be my medium. I like it because it recreates life in motion, enhances it ... it is my way of telling a story. "Federico Fellini

- " The art of film can only really exist through a highly organized betrayal of reality" François Truffaut

- " I work with my dreams or nightmares" David Cronenberg

- " If I can't get the characters to talk, then I give up " Quantin Tarantino

- " The poet stretches out his hand to lead us beyond the last horizon, beyond the top of the pyramid, to that land that extends beyond the true and the false, beyond life and death, beyond space and time, beyond reason and fantasy, beyond spirit and matter." Alejandro Jodorowsky

- " Cinema is the 'only art form in which the works move and the viewer remains motionless " Ennio Flaiano

- " Cinema is a cultural industry. Making films also means assuming a social and moral responsibility. Therefore, we should not produce what we can sell, but sell what we want to produce " Franco Cristaldi

- " I think that scandalizing is a right.... " Pier Paolo Pasolini

- " To act is to listen... " Pupi Avati

- " I think the past affects the ability to tell stories" Joel Coen

- " Cinema is beautiful if it can read reality " Ettore Scola

- " Cinema consists of two things: a screen and chairs. The secret lies in filling them both " Roberto Benigni

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental

Photo of San Benedetto Film Fest
Photo of San Benedetto Film Fest
Photo of San Benedetto Film Fest
Photo of San Benedetto Film Fest

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Babylon Documentary Film Festival

Baghdad, Iraq

Logo of Babylon Documentary Film Festival

18 May 2024

Published: 16 May 2024
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films

The Babylon International Documentary Film Festival is the first international documentary film festival in Iraq. The festival is a 5 days special event that aims to empower and uplift documentary filmmakers from the MENA region as well as shedding light on Human Rights topics in the region, while also fostering cooperation and cultural exchange between international filmmakers. The festival focuses on showcasing a diverse range of international independent documentary films, with a special emphasis on promoting and supporting MENA talent.

The festival's primary goal is to provide a community for MENA documentary filmmakers to showcase their works and gain recognition on an international stage. The festival actively seeks to empower and uplift filmmakers to tell stories about important topics such as human rights. By offering filmmakers a dedicated community to present their documentaries alongside international films. Through screenings, discussions, and Q&A sessions with industry professionals, The festival creates opportunities for filmmakers from the MENA region to engage with a global audience, gain exposure, and build valuable connections within the international documentary community.

In addition to celebrating Independent documentary cinema, the festival also fosters collaboration and cultural exchange with filmmakers from around the world. By bringing together international filmmakers, directors, and producers, the festival promotes dialogue, understanding, and the sharing of diverse perspectives.

The festival serves as a dynamic platform that not only celebrates documentary filmmaking on an international scale but also seeks to empower and elevate filmmakers from the MENA region, promoting their voices and stories to a global audience.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival


Photo of Babylon Documentary Film Festival
Photo of Babylon Documentary Film Festival
Photo of Babylon Documentary Film Festival
Photo of Babylon Documentary Film Festival

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International festival of environmental films

Chefchaouen, Morocco

Logo of International festival of environmental films

17 May 2024

Published: 15 May 2024
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

The International Festival of Environmental Films Chefchaouen, is a film festival dedicated to film lovers and concerned about the environment in Morocco and abroad, it is an annual meeting in the beautiful blue pearl of northern Morocco, the tourist and ecological city Chefchaouen.

The 13th Edition of the International Festival of Environmental Films of Chefchaouen, will be held from 26 to 29 June 2024 on the occasion of World Environment Day.

A varied program and a jury made up of internationally and nationally renowned film professionals who will design the prize winners

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Documentary  Animation

Photo of Festival International Des Films D`environnement /  Chefchaouen- Maroc
Photo of Festival International Des Films D`environnement /  Chefchaouen- Maroc
Photo of Festival International Des Films D`environnement /  Chefchaouen- Maroc
Photo of Festival International Des Films D`environnement /  Chefchaouen- Maroc

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KORTERRAZA short film festival

Vitoria, Spain

Logo of KORTERRAZA short film festival

16 May 2024

Published: 14 May 2024
 Has submission fees
Short films

Short and outdoor terrace. This is what is proposed Korterraza, a festival of short films that celebrate its fourteenth edition of July 04 to 06, 2024 in Vitoria-Gasteiz, and throughout the summer, the tenth edition of Korterraza Araba.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Animation  Other

Photo of Korterraza Festival de cortos al aire libre
Photo of Korterraza Festival de cortos al aire libre
Photo of Korterraza Festival de cortos al aire libre
Photo of Korterraza Festival de cortos al aire libre

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SpaniaMx Film Festival

México, Mexico

Logo of SpaniaMx Film Festival

16 May 2024

Published: 14 May 2024
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

SpaniaMx Film Festival celebrates its first edition. It is an event that will bring together film productions made in Spain, or produced by filmmakers from Spain. SpaniaMx aims to generate a window for Spanish cinema in Mexico.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental

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Rural Action Film Festival

Sleaford, United Kingdom

Logo of Rural Action Film Festival

15 May 2024

Published: 13 May 2024
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Rural Action Film Festival will show local and international documentary, fiction, comedy, and animation cinema in short format films all related to the rural world, climate action, ecology, sustainability, natural and cultural resources.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation

Photo of Rural Action Film Festival
Photo of Rural Action Film Festival
Photo of Rural Action Film Festival
Photo of Rural Action Film Festival

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Cairo, Egypt

Logo of VS-Films

15 May 2024

Published: 13 May 2024
 Has submission fees
Short films

VSFILM - Very Short Film Festival is organized and subsidized by the Association DAI FOR CULUTURE AND MEDIA. Other private partners support the project. From its very first edition (2019), the Festival has had the patronage of Egyptian Minstry of Culuture.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Photo of VS-Films
Photo of VS-Films
Photo of VS-Films
Photo of VS-Films

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Lobios, Spain

Logo of FICAR ENTRIMO 2024

15 May 2024

Published: 13 May 2024
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

All those who wish to participate in the II International Short Film and Art Festival FICAR ENTRIMO 2024 will be able to participate, regardless of their age and/or nationality, whether they are professionals or amateurs.
The short films submitted must be related to the purpose of the contest, and may be silent or with incorporated sound. The language used in the short films may be Galician, Spanish or, failing that, any other language subtitled in Galician or Spanish. Exclusively fiction films, not documentaries.
Each author or entity may submit a maximum of 2 short films, accompanied by the corresponding title and, optionally, a short text that explains said audiovisual project (will be valued).

In no case will short films that do not respect human rights, democratic values and equality, or that contain offensive or disrespectful content towards individuals or groups will be accepted for competition.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Animation  Fantastic  Experimental

Photo of FICAR ENTRIMO2024
Photo of FICAR ENTRIMO2024
Photo of FICAR ENTRIMO2024
Photo of FICAR ENTRIMO2024

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Daupara, the Indigenous Film and Video Showcase of Colombia

Bogotá, Colombia

Logo of Daupara, the Indigenous Film and Video Showcase of Colombia

15 May 2024

Published: 13 May 2024
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Daupará is the capacity possessed by the Jaibanás (wise men of the Embera people) to envision, to see beyond: a capacity that in the Embera language means «daupará». The embera universe is made up of a higher level where Karagabí (god), the ancestors and essential beings live, another the world below where the jai live: spirits governed by Trutruika, and the embera earthly world. The jaibaná interacts and dialogues with the Jai and transmits their messages to the community to cure or guide actions through ritual ceremonies and songs.

For us, the word Daupará expresses the power of indigenous visions and their relationship with audiovisual work, with film and video. Daupará as a stage for exhibition and cultural exchange, is possible thanks to the multiple indigenous groups and filmmakers that make it up and constantly renew it.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Photo of Daupará - Muestra de Cine y Video Indígena en Colombia
Photo of Daupará - Muestra de Cine y Video Indígena en Colombia
Photo of Daupará - Muestra de Cine y Video Indígena en Colombia
Photo of Daupará - Muestra de Cine y Video Indígena en Colombia

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Babul Eco Film Fest


Logo of Babul Eco Film Fest

15 May 2024

Published: 13 May 2024
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

8th Babul Eco Film Fest 2024 has both competitive and non-competitive sections.
1) Short Film Contest on topic ENVIRONMENT below 5 Mins]

2) BEFF 2024 SCREENINGS invites filmmakers to submit their ecofilms [ dealing any aspect related to Environment, Biodiversity and Sustainable Development, Climate action etc.,] for screening to the discerning ecolovers of India. The main festival happens in Hyderabad, Telangana India 1-5 June 2024 and later travels to different places.
update May 2024: Due to heatwave, the on going elections and other reasons we are extending the main film festival beyond 5th June 2024 till end of June 2024. After this some films will have repeat screenings at different venues based on the themes as per the date and audience suitability.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Photo of Babul Eco Film Fest
Photo of Babul Eco Film Fest
Photo of Babul Eco Film Fest
Photo of Babul Eco Film Fest

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Atemporal - Itinerant Festival of Latin American Cinema

Trujillo, Peru

Logo of Atemporal -  Itinerant Festival of Latin American Cinema

15 May 2024

Published: 13 May 2024
 Has submission fees
Short films

AtEMpOrAl is a festival with an itinerant spirit that takes place annually in various provinces of the country and was born with the purpose of converting Peru as a meeting point for Latin American non-fiction cinema, seeking to generate spaces for training, visibility and reduction of the gender gap in the cinematographic field that is focused on portraying social, political and historical themes told by new aesthetic and narrative forms that commemorate resistance in the region.

In this third edition, AtEMpOrAl will be held online and in person. Having the city of Trujillo as its headquarters and the main theme being centralism in Latin American cities and its migratory effect on the new views and stories of people who inhabit said space.

Trujillo, a city located on the northern coast of Peru, is witness to major migratory and re-evolutionary events with great political significance for Latin America. Starting from this, the festival aims in this 4th edition to dialogue about memory and oblivion. Two antagonistic axes that invite us to think about the cinematography of our continent.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Documentary  Other  Experimental

Photo of Atemporal - Festival Itinerante de Cine Latinoamericano
Photo of Atemporal - Festival Itinerante de Cine Latinoamericano
Photo of Atemporal - Festival Itinerante de Cine Latinoamericano
Photo of Atemporal - Festival Itinerante de Cine Latinoamericano

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