Los Angeles Comedy Film Festival

Los Angeles, United States

Logo of Los Angeles Comedy Film Festival

07 Oct 2022

Published: 05 Oct 2022
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Welcome to the Los Angeles Comedy Film Festival! In May 2022 we will be hosting LA's Premiere Comedy Event!

IMDb qualifying.

We have had our hand in producing comedy for over 15 years and this is not our first rodeo. In 2010 we began the Chicago Comedy Film Festival. After 9 years successfully running in Chicago we are expanding based on feedback that filmmakers want a strong comedy film festival in Los Angeles. As filmmakers and producers ourselves, we have produced short and feature films. We know how sacred it is to produce your own content and then ask a committee of people to review your work. We will be an inclusive, welcoming festival, and we promise to make your experience with us memorable. The Los Angeles Comedy Film Festival is a film festival for the comedy filmmaker. Let’s have a laugh!

Join our alumni like Colin Mochrie, Lauren Lapkus, Matthew Gray Gubler, Ego Nwodim, Mindy Sterling, Margret Cho, Steve Martin, Jane Lynch, Sarah Silverman, Natalia Dyer, Michael Cera, Keegan-Micheal Key, Christopher Titus, Janeane Garofalo, Fred Armisen, Richard Belzer, Jackie Mason, Bill Maher, Luke Perry, Gary Cole, Rowan Blanchard, Jack Quaid, Cheri Oteri, Kristen Johnson, Micheal Boatman, Nancy Travis, David Koechner, James Masters, Kaitlin Doubleday, Alexis Knapp, Rex Lee, Rosanna Arquette, Yumi Lambert, Fred Willard, Kevin Farley, Adrian Grenier, Patton Oswald, Mel Brooks, Lou Diamond Phillips, Doug Jones, Thomas Lennon, John Bradley, Sunita Mani and many others!

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental

Photo of Los Angeles Comedy Film Festival
Photo of Los Angeles Comedy Film Festival
Photo of Los Angeles Comedy Film Festival
Photo of Los Angeles Comedy Film Festival

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Kyiv International Short Film Festival

Kyiv, Ukraine

Logo of Kyiv International Short Film Festival

06 Oct 2022

Published: 04 Oct 2022
 Has submission fees
Short films

KYIV INTERNATIONAL SHORT FILM FESTIVAL (#KISFF) is largest short film festival in Ukraine.

The widest panorama of contemporary short films, classical and latest achievements of Ukrainian cinema, special events, and world premieres, educational and professional sections — all in our five-day marathon in the city center.

It’s a happening for those who are fond of real cinema – the most important art for us!

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Experimental

Photo of Kyiv International Short Film Festival
Photo of Kyiv International Short Film Festival
Photo of Kyiv International Short Film Festival
Photo of Kyiv International Short Film Festival

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7ed. IBICINE, Ibiza’s Festival - Astarté Awards

Ibiza, Spain

Logo of 7ed. IBICINE, Ibiza’s Festival - Astarté Awards

06 Oct 2022

Published: 04 Oct 2022
 Has submission fees
Short films

Promotional card of 7ed. IBICINE, Ibiza’s Festival - Astarté Awards

Ibicine Asociación Cinematográfica de Ibiza (IACI) nace por amor al cine y a la isla de Ibiza con el firme compromiso de dotar a la isla de actividades relacionadas con el cine así como de una programación cinematográfica que abra el abanico de actividades culturales de la isla a nuevos públicos y convertir así Ibiza en un punto de encuentro del sector cinematográfico nacional e internacional.

Ibicine, Festival de Ibiza, es un festival organizado dentro de las actividades anuales de IACI. Un festival que apuesta por el talento emergente nacional, internacional y de las Islas Baleares.

Ibicine busca engrandecer a cineastas emergentes y generar vínculos con talentos consagrados, dotando de especial importancia al cortometraje y a sus técnicos, premiando por categorías los aspectos técnicos y artísticos que tienen cabida en estas producciones cinematográficas con los premios Astarté, una estatuilla creada y elaborada en Ibiza en honor a la diosa fenicia que dejó huella en la isla.

Además de la Sección Oficial de Cortometrajes SOC, el festival también cuenta con Secciones Paralelas, así como la Sección Oficial de Largometrajes SOL y los proyectos en desarrollo gracias a la creación del Foro de proyectos del Mercado de Cine de Ibiza para impulsar el cine profesional en la isla, de manera que se genere un punto de encuentro con la industria nacional e internacional para generar y fortalecer las relaciones dentro del sector: creadores, productores, plataformas, compradores, etc. se dan cita en Ibiza, un sitio perfecto para desconectar de las rutinas y del estrés de las grandes ciudades y, en este escenario perfecto se dan lugar sinergias, nuevos proyectos y aprendizaje, cerrándose contratos y generando así industria cinematográfica en un entorno inigualable.

Ibicine ha sido seleccionado por la UNESCO como festival representante de España en las rutas de turismo cinematográfico Movie Travel, ha recibido el reconocimiento del Consell d’Eivissa, ha sido premiado con el Business Excellence Award como Mejor Festival de las Islas Baleares por la revista Acquisition International y, recientemente ha recibido el galardón por la revista LUXlife como Festival del año 2023 - España.

Desde 2022 el Festival es colaborador de la Academia de las Artes y las Ciencias Cinematográficas de España, formando parte del listado de festivales que califican para los premios Goya ‘24.

De esta manera, los cortometrajes premiados con el Astarté a mejor cortometraje de Ficción y con el Astarté a mejor cortometraje Documental, optarán directamente a la nominación a los premios Goya, y los seleccionados en Sección Oficial de Ibicine podrán optar a entrar en la lista de calificados a los Goya si suman, junto a esta selección otras seis selecciones en festivales colaboradores de la Academia. ***

***Para consultar las bases de participación en la 38 edición de los premios Goya
haz click en el siguiente enlace (cortometrajes en la página 39) : https://www.premiosgoya.com/pdfs/bases-38-premios-goya/
***Para consultar el listado de los festivales colaboradores a los premios Goya:

El comité de selección de Ibicine está formado por profesionales del sector de diferentes gremios: montaje, dirección, guion, dirección de fotografía, interpretación, etc. y trabaja de manera conjunta para que la selección sea cuidada y responda siempre a los criterios de calidad profesional, diversidad, igualdad y temáticas y géneros variados, para lograr una programación anual que logre llevar a los espectadores a disfrutar y aprender del séptimo arte a través de las diferentes historias.

El jurado de cada edición de Ibicine es siempre paritario y se compone de una media de entre cinco y siete profesionales del sector cinematográfico, representantes también de los diferentes gremios. El jurado es presidido por un/a profesional seleccionado/a por la junta directiva de la Asociación, que tiene las competencias de hacer desempatar en caso de empate, además de atender a medios en nombre del resto del jurado, siempre está formado por gran parte de miembros de la Academia de las Artes y las Ciencias Cinematográficas de España.

Ibicine ha sido amadrinado en cada una de sus ediciones por las actrices Paz Vega, Cayetana Guillén Cuervo, Nadia de Santiago, Inma Cuevas y Michelle Calvó y apadrinado, desde la primera edición, por el actor y cómico Jon Plazaola, quien nos acompaña en cada edición como padrino vitalicio del festival.

Hasta la fecha, hemos celebrado y reconocido el talento de talentos nacionales, premiando a sus carreras cinematográficas con el premio Astarté de Honor a: la actriz Terele Pávez, la directora Isabel Coixet, la Asociación de Mujeres Cineastas y de Medios Audiovisuales CIMA, el actor y director Paco León, la actriz Yolanda Ramos, la cómica Eva Soriano y la periodista y divulgadora cinematográfica Cayetana Guillén Cuervo.

Ibicine es posible gracias al apoyo de las instituciones insulares como el Consell d’Eivissa, l’Ajuntament d’Eivissa, l'Ajuntament de Santa Eulària y l’Ajuntament de Sant Antoni de Portmany, así como a empresas patrocinadoras, colaboradores y a la difusión mediática de los media partners como IB3, Diario de Ibiza, TEF y Periódico de Ibiza. Es gracias a ellos, al equipo apasionado y a voluntarios que se suman cada año, que este encuentro cultural en Ibiza es posible y se ha convertido en poco tiempo en una cita anual imprescindible para todo cinéfilo/a.


International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other

Photo of 7ªed. IBICINE, Festival de Ibiza - Premios Astarté
Photo of 7ªed. IBICINE, Festival de Ibiza - Premios Astarté
Photo of 7ªed. IBICINE, Festival de Ibiza - Premios Astarté
Photo of 7ªed. IBICINE, Festival de Ibiza - Premios Astarté

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Cine Jardim - Festival Latino-Americano de Cinema de Belo Jardim

RECIFE, Brazil

Logo of Cine Jardim - Festival Latino-Americano de Cinema de Belo Jardim

05 Oct 2022

Published: 03 Oct 2022
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Only for Latin American filmmakers.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Photo of Cine Jardim - Festival Latino-Americano de Cinema de Belo Jardim
Photo of Cine Jardim - Festival Latino-Americano de Cinema de Belo Jardim
Photo of Cine Jardim - Festival Latino-Americano de Cinema de Belo Jardim
Photo of Cine Jardim - Festival Latino-Americano de Cinema de Belo Jardim

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Festival Cine Mediterráneo- Ficsem

-, Spain

Logo of Festival Cine Mediterráneo- Ficsem

05 Oct 2022

Published: 03 Oct 2022
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films

FICSEM is a new Social and Ecological Film Festival, which was going to see the light of day for the first time in 2020, in the Mediterranean area.

For major reasons, and having been immersed in a situation in which we have all been affected, we have decided to adapt to the current situation, and give a new focus to our festival. Maintaining the enthusiasm and passion we feel for the artistic world.

Our festival is aimed at the dissemination and promotion of film authors related to topics of social and/or ecological value.

Because we believe in the power of art as a transformative medium, our contribution from this festival is to give visibility to projects that address environmental and social changes in which we are immersed. We are an international festival because we understand the world beyond barriers, and because we are moved by the need to get to know other cultures and share the best of ours, as it contributes to any improvement in any corner of the world.

The Mediterranean is the climate that surrounds us, and we feel identified with it. In terms of warmth, closeness and transparency. We are a festival that is starting strong, with a large number of committed artists who share our cause, and the desire to share.

And that is why we are not afraid to break the most classic festival patterns. So much so, that in the award for best actor and/or actress, the recognition of the award falls on their social and/or ecological work... And not only on their skills.

Despite having firm ideological foundations. We open ourselves to other artistic areas and initiatives.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental

Photo of Festival Cine del Mediterráneo- Ficsem
Photo of Festival Cine del Mediterráneo- Ficsem
Photo of Festival Cine del Mediterráneo- Ficsem
Photo of Festival Cine del Mediterráneo- Ficsem

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Tiaf - Tbilisi International Animation Festival

Tbilisi, Georgia

Logo of Tiaf - Tbilisi International Animation Festival

05 Oct 2022

Published: 03 Oct 2022
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

TIAF- Tbilisi International Animation Festival is an international event, promoting Animation Art and Industry Development Culture through the Caucasus region and Internationally. TIAF is an educational and entertaining International event, dedicated to creating awareness of, and appreciation for, animation, video games, and related popular Art Forms, primarily through the presentation of events that celebrate the historic and ongoing contribution of animation art and culture.

The festival includes parallel activities: professional and family workshops, animation and game jams, film and music, school programs, the presence of leading figures from the world of Animation, conferences, and other interesting events associated with audiovisual culture for children and young people.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival


Photo of Tiaf - Tbilisi International Animation Festival
Photo of Tiaf - Tbilisi International Animation Festival
Photo of Tiaf - Tbilisi International Animation Festival
Photo of Tiaf - Tbilisi International Animation Festival

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Festival Internacional de Cine de Oriente

Guatapé, Colombia

Logo of Festival Internacional de Cine de Oriente

05 Oct 2022

Published: 03 Oct 2022
 Has submission fees
Short films

The Festival Internacional de Cine de Oriente (FICO) presents its 16th edition, to be made between the 3rd and the 6th of November 2023, in the beautiful town of Guatapé, in the Antioquia region of Colombia.

The Festival Internacional de Cine de Oriente in this edition, recognizes the cinematographic production effort both national and international, and its official competition Vitascopio 2023 will be made up of national and international short films to be presented and awarded during the festival.

Under the main theme "Truth or post-truth, the crossroads of societies", will take place our official competition VITASCOPIO 2023, opening its doors to short film productions in fiction, animation and documentary, which will make part of the main short film competition to be screened along the general program throughout our festival, aiming to promote and stimulate the growth of cinema both in a local level as well as an international one.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Experimental

Photo of Festival Internacional de Cine de Oriente
Photo of Festival Internacional de Cine de Oriente
Photo of Festival Internacional de Cine de Oriente
Photo of Festival Internacional de Cine de Oriente

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Kwanzaa Film Festival

New York, United States

Logo of Kwanzaa Film Festival

05 Oct 2022

Published: 03 Oct 2022
 Has submission fees
Short films

Kwanzaa Film Festival seeks Films of all genres that express one of the Kwanzaa core values in the following area: Unity, Self Determination, Collective work and Responsibility, Cooperative Economics, Purpose, creativity and faith. We look for biopics on leaders in the Black Community as well.

The entry fee is $30 to be consider for prizes and opportunities.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Fantastic  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Photo of Kwanzaa Film  Festival
Photo of Kwanzaa Film  Festival
Photo of Kwanzaa Film  Festival
Photo of Kwanzaa Film  Festival

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Size Doesn´t Matter

Barcelona, Spain

Logo of Size Doesn´t Matter

03 Oct 2022

Published: 01 Oct 2022
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

The main purpose of La mida no importa-Size Doesn’t Matter is to promote short film production and culture.

Further information: www.lamidanoimporta.cat

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Experimental

Photo of La mida no importa
Photo of La mida no importa
Photo of La mida no importa
Photo of La mida no importa

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Fanter Film Festival

Cáceres, Spain

Logo of Fanter Film Festival

03 Oct 2022

Published: 01 Oct 2022
 Has submission fees
Short films

Sfici, horror, thriller, fantasy, animation.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Experimental

Photo of Fanter Film Festival
Photo of Fanter Film Festival
Photo of Fanter Film Festival
Photo of Fanter Film Festival

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Granollers, Spain


03 Oct 2022

Published: 01 Oct 2022
 Has submission fees
Short films

Fantàstik Granollers is the fantastic and horror film festival of Granollers, which has been held since 2012. It has become a unique event in the city, in which a cultural proposal related exclusively to fantastic and horror films is offered. and everything that is related to it, betting very strongly on short films.

It is an excellent opportunity for film lovers to see innovative films, as well as to connect with other people interested in this topic.

Apart from the festival, other activities are carried out during the year related to the dissemination of fantasy and horror films.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Animation  Fantastic  Terror

Photo of Festival Fantàstik Granollers
Photo of Festival Fantàstik Granollers
Photo of Festival Fantàstik Granollers
Photo of Festival Fantàstik Granollers

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Bringing Human Rights to the people, short film contest

Legorreta, Spain

Logo of Bringing Human Rights to the people,  short film contest

03 Oct 2022

Published: 01 Oct 2022
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Description of the festival:

Opening of the festival: 27th october, 2023.
Inscription: Until 10 rd november, 2023.

The GEH Short Film Competition is a short film competition on human rights held in different localities of Gipuzkoa (Basque Country).
This competition is part of the global project human rights Giza Eskubideak Herrira
(Bringing human rights to the people.). The GEH is a human rights awareness project
created by the dar-dar Productions cooperative in 2015. The first editions were based in
Ordizia. In 2023, the festival has developed and extended to several towns in Gipuzkoa
(Euskal Herria).
The main objective of this competition is to raise awareness and educate on human rights.
Because this short film contest is a window that we open to the world, and from that
window we can see the different realities that people live in different parts of the planet. In
view of these realities, we intend to encourage reflection on human rights violations in
different parts of the world.
Whatever the format is, all films will compete on equal terms.
First prize 1000€ for the best short film.
Second prize 500€.
Special Award "Arteria Award" 400€ for Vasque Country's best short film.
To these prizes will be applied the retention of the corresponding tax (IRPF).

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Other  Experimental

Photo of Concurso De Cortos Giza Eskubideak Herrira (Acercando Los Derechos Humanos Al Pueblo)
Photo of Concurso De Cortos Giza Eskubideak Herrira (Acercando Los Derechos Humanos Al Pueblo)
Photo of Concurso De Cortos Giza Eskubideak Herrira (Acercando Los Derechos Humanos Al Pueblo)
Photo of Concurso De Cortos Giza Eskubideak Herrira (Acercando Los Derechos Humanos Al Pueblo)

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Slamdance Film Festival

Los Angeles, United States

Logo of Slamdance Film Festival

03 Oct 2022

Published: 01 Oct 2022
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Promotional card of Slamdance Film Festival

Slamdance 2023 will combine an in-person festival in Park City, Utah and—building upon the success of previous online editions—an accessible virtual experience for everyone to enjoy. Films officially selected for the 2023 Slamdance Film Festival may be presented in Park City, online, or both — depending on emerging circumstances.

For online viewing, films will be available exclusively through the Slamdance Channel, the festival’s artist-curated streaming platform.

While US guidelines pertaining to the COVID-19 pandemic continue to loosen, Slamdance is still committed to the safety of our filmmakers and audiences as our top priority. We will continue to monitor and adapt as circumstances evolve to provide a safe, supportive, and engaging film festival experience for all attendees.


The Slamdance Film Festival is a showcase for raw and innovative filmmaking that lives and bleeds by its mantra: By Filmmakers, For Filmmakers. Slamdance has created a track record for showcasing breakthrough artists that is beyond dispute. Filmmakers who first presented their work at the festival are now amongst the biggest names in the entertainment industry. Alumni who have shown their early short films and debut features at Slamdance include Rian Johnson (Knives Out), Ari Aster (Midsommar), Gina Prince-Bythewood (Love and Basketball), The Russo Brothers (Avengers: Endgame), Bong Joon Ho (Parasite), Lena Dunham (Girls), Jon M. Chu (Crazy Rich Asians), Lynn Shelton (Little Fires Everywhere) and Christopher Nolan (Dunkirk).

"Of all the Sundance myths that developed over the last 35 years, the biggest fallacy is that of being magically discovered and launching one’s career on a snow-covered January evening in Park City. If anything, when that does happen, it’s across the street at Slamdance” - IndieWire


The Slamdance Film Festival accepts films in every genre, on any topic, from every country around the world. We spotlight low-budget Narrative and Documentary Features by first-time directors, Breakout Features from non-first time directors, short films across genres, and episodes. We do not disqualify any films based on premiere status or date of completion.

The festival program is selected entirely from our blind submissions pool and no films are given special treatment based on who made them or who they know. Over 200 Slamdance alumni filmmakers are responsible for the programming and organization of the festival. Comprised of a variety of backgrounds, interests, and talents, but with no individual filmmaker’s vote valued more than any other, Slamdance committees have been able to stay close to its original DIY spirit and continue to champion the bleeding-edge of contemporary filmmaking.

As always, we have no premiere or production timeline requirements. All films that have screened online as a part of a film festival are also eligible for consideration.


International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Other  Experimental

Photo of Slamdance Film Festival
Photo of Slamdance Film Festival
Photo of Slamdance Film Festival
Photo of Slamdance Film Festival

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Colombian Film Festival In The Countryside - SiembraFest

Bogotá D.C, Colombia

Logo of Colombian Film Festival In The Countryside - SiembraFest

02 Oct 2022

Published: 30 Sep 2022
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Experimental  Music Video

Photo of Festival De Cine Colombiano Al Campo - SiembraFest
Photo of Festival De Cine Colombiano Al Campo - SiembraFest
Photo of Festival De Cine Colombiano Al Campo - SiembraFest
Photo of Festival De Cine Colombiano Al Campo - SiembraFest

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Ekurhuleni International Film Festival

Germiston, South Africa

Logo of Ekurhuleni International Film Festival

02 Oct 2022

Published: 30 Sep 2022
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Promotional card of Ekurhuleni International Film Festival

Our theme is simple and it is just one word: INNOVATION

We encourage filmmakers to come up with innovative concepts and tell unique stories that promote peace and prosperity in their countries.

Promote international solidarity and a myriad of opportunities for filmmakers, businesses and broadcasters through film.
Create a self sustainable film industry and a new world class breed of filmmakers.

Background History
The Ekurhuleni International Film Festival was formed as a result of Siyafunda Programme an initiative by Rhythm Cycle Trading Projects in partnership With Ekurhuleni’s Metropolitan Municipality: Department: SRAC: Performing Arts division .The purpose of the Programme is to empower the unemployed youth economically and provide them with vital filmmaking skills. Promote the local businesses in the film industry and promote Social cohesion and mainstream youth development. Promoting indigenous music and instruments and participation in the arts is one of the key roles of the Programme.

The Cinematography wing of the project initiated the Ekurhuleni International Film Festival through one of its partners Rhythm Cycle Projects a local Film & Television film production company. The purpose of the festival is to empower Emerging local and international filmmakers. This will provide filmmaking skills; create networking opportunities with local and international broadcasters. This will also promote the local businesses through the film industry and mainstream economic development across a myriad of sectors of the economy.

Introduce young aspirant filmmakers to wildlife filmmaking
Educate the people about the natural world and films
Create networking opportunities for local filmmakers, broadcasters and funders
Promote indigenous music
Enrichment of the arts
Promote culture and heritage
Boost tourism
Mainstream youth development
Attract broadcasters
Create jobs and economic opportunities

Aims & Objectives

1.To ensure that every government department has a progress report on video in preparation for the next financial year.

2.To educate people how our government operates and help them identify what, how they can contribute to boost our economy and get benefits.

3.To develop an advertising medium for SMMEs, Big companies, banks and Educational institutions to generate revenue for the project to empower participants while they are studying.

4.To create a local film industry that will alleviate poverty in rural areas by making films that will tell their stories and attract the international market.

5.To transfer filmmaking skills to the youth out of school and the unemployed.

6.Showcase South Africa’s storytelling talent and introduce a new generation of characters through film and TV productions .

7.To establish partnerships with other territories to implement Co-Production Treaties that RSA signed with other countries to grow our local film industry.

Welcome and Official Opening
Networking Sessions
Fun walks
Wine tasting
Ekurhuleni International Film Awards

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Photo of Ekurhuleni International Film Festival
Photo of Ekurhuleni International Film Festival
Photo of Ekurhuleni International Film Festival
Photo of Ekurhuleni International Film Festival

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HIP•HOP•TV®Film Festival

New York, Spain

Logo of HIP•HOP•TV®Film Festival

02 Oct 2022

Published: 30 Sep 2022
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

The HIP•HOP•TV®Film Festival is an idea whose time has come. This festival is a unique cultural event that brings people together to watch creative stories centered around The world of Hip Hop . The massive rise of Hip Hop has inspired professional filmmakers to produce films that will feature stories on the stage, dance floor and beyond. With the new TV network HIP•HOP•TV® film makers will have an opportunity to flourish beyond the festival, and can be seen immediately on HIP•HOP•TV® . The HIP•HOP•TV® Film Festival provides that. Its simple, submit your film and be seen on HIP•HOP•TV® We won’t judge you, but the Hip Hop world will on HIP•HOP•TV®

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Photo of HIP•HOP•TV®Film Festival
Photo of HIP•HOP•TV®Film Festival
Photo of HIP•HOP•TV®Film Festival
Photo of HIP•HOP•TV®Film Festival

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3° Competencia de Cortometraje Universitario - FILCMAR

Marinilla, Colombia

Logo of 3° Competencia de Cortometraje Universitario - FILCMAR

02 Oct 2022

Published: 30 Sep 2022
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Only for colombian filmmakers.

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Experimental

Photo of 5° Festival De Cine De Marinilla - Filcmar
Photo of 5° Festival De Cine De Marinilla - Filcmar
Photo of 5° Festival De Cine De Marinilla - Filcmar
Photo of 5° Festival De Cine De Marinilla - Filcmar

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Lecheria, Venezuela


01 Oct 2022

Published: 29 Sep 2022
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

From the creators of the Festival de Cine Entre Largos y Cortos de Oriente ELCO, comes Short Iberoamérica.

The purpose of SHORTS ELCO IBEROAMERICA AND THE CARIBE FILM FEST is to select the short films that will be part of the ELCO 2022 Film Festival.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Photo of Festival De Cine De Cortometrajes Elco Iberoamerica Y El Caribe
Photo of Festival De Cine De Cortometrajes Elco Iberoamerica Y El Caribe
Photo of Festival De Cine De Cortometrajes Elco Iberoamerica Y El Caribe
Photo of Festival De Cine De Cortometrajes Elco Iberoamerica Y El Caribe

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Bandung, Indonesia

Logo of IPSMF

01 Oct 2022

Published: 29 Sep 2022
 Has submission fees
Short films

Promotional card of IPSMF

IPSMF (International Photography and Short Movie Festival) is an international event held annually by the Faculty of Communication and Business, Telkom University, Bandung. IPSMF is expected to become a competitive activity that facilitates skills, becomes a means of exchanging ideas, and of course as a forum for conveying photo and film creators to the public.

In this year's IPSMF (2023), we raises the theme of “The Beauty of Diversity: Exploring Cultures Through a Multicultural Lens”. Diversity encompasses a wide range of differences, including race, ethnicity, culture, language, religion, age, ability, and socio-economic status. Hence exploring cultures through a multicultural lens involves examining and understanding different cultural perspectives and experiences in a way that acknowledges and values diversity.

IPSMF as an international event is expected to become a competitive activity that facilitates the ability of photo and film creators, a vehicle for exchanging ideas for fellow photo and film requests, and of course, as a means of delivering photo and film works to the public. as a competition on an international scale, where participants include other countries, this event is expected to bring an interesting picture of the culture and dynamics of change experienced in each country as well as how the existence of culture is their future.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary

Photo of IPSMF
Photo of IPSMF
Photo of IPSMF
Photo of IPSMF

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Festival de Cine de Maracaibo

MARACAIBO, Venezuela

Logo of Festival de Cine de Maracaibo

01 Oct 2022

Published: 29 Sep 2022
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films

The Manuel Trujillo Duran Foundation and the Maracaibo Film Festival Foundation, together with other organizations and institutions of regional and national prestige, present the IX Edition of the Maracaibo Film Festival, which will take place from November 20 to 24, 2023, offering an excellent program of workshops, talks and exhibitions, both in person and virtually.

As in previous years, this 2023 we will open spaces for the creation, promotion and dissemination of new and unprecedented ways of telling, hearing and seeing local stories that are transformed and gain global importance, being vital and unique testimonies of people, individuals and communities.

In this IX edition we have the support of: CNAC, FEDA-LUZ, Fe y Alegría, Ciudad Guayana Children's Film Festival and Barquisimeto Film Festival.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival


Photo of Festival de Cine de Maracaibo
Photo of Festival de Cine de Maracaibo
Photo of Festival de Cine de Maracaibo
Photo of Festival de Cine de Maracaibo

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