Logo of Viña del Mar International Film Festival

03 Sep 2023

Published: 01 Sep 2023
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Promotional card of Viña del Mar International Film Festival

Banner Festival Internacional de Cine de Viña del Mar

Viña del Mar International Film Festival

Valparaíso , Chile

Only for Latinamerican filmmakers


International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Other  Experimental

Logo of Bogotá Music Video Festival

03 Sep 2023

Published: 01 Sep 2023
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Bogotá Music Video Festival

Bogotá Music Video Festival

Bogotá DC, Colombia

The purpose of the Bogotá Music Video Festival is to celebrate the art of music video, the joy of music and the passion for filmmaking. We bring the music video art to different screens around Bogotá and top that with live music, exhibitions and academic and industry events. We want to showcase independent and fierce work to new audiences, focusing on the potential of awe brought by the communion between music and moving images.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of Wallachia International Film Festival

03 Sep 2023

Published: 01 Sep 2023
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Wallachia International Film Festival

Wallachia International Film Festival

Bucharest, Romania

Wallachia International Film Festival is a highly professional, industry connected film festival, an exclusive independent grassroots film festival taking place in an exquisite location in Downtown Bucharest, only hundreds of meters away from Dracula’s former court in the grand Old Town!

We won multiple cinema prizes including important awards at major film festivals, like Cannes, Locarno, Montreal, London, Milan, Miami and Atlanta. Also, our advertising work received accolades at Clio, Effie, In-Awe, Lion Awards, ANDY Awards and Ad’Or, while working for companies like Coca-Cola, UNICEF, McDonalds, Renault, Yahoo! and Nestlé-Purina.

But there’s nothing we love more than indulging ourselves with cinematic candies from all over the world, under the autumn night sky of Wallachia. We will be arguing for a long time about which ones we feel are the best, and about the most promising unproduced screenplays.

Welcome to Wallachia, the Legendary Land of Voivode Vlad III Dracula, universally known as Vlad the Impaler. Born in 1431, Vlad was an authoritarian Principe, he revolutionized the affairs of Wallachia and refused to pay tribute to the sultan Mehmed II, resulting in a bloody war with the Ottomans. Multiple works containing stories about Vlad's cruelty were published soon after his assassination in 1475. In 1897, Bram Stoker downgrades Prince Vlad to Count Dracula, a blood-sucking vampire inspired by Wallachian ancient folklore. Loosely based on the book, Dracula (1931) casts immortal Bela Lugosi as the doomed romantic Count.

Just think cinétopia! Feel hundreds of years of mythic Wallachian history under the night sky! It’s a 100% natural film affair!

We watch all movies, we read all screenplays and we select exclusively based on artistic merits.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of ZIFF - ZINEBI First Feature Length Film

03 Sep 2023

Published: 01 Sep 2023
 Has submission fees
Feature films

Promotional card of ZIFF - ZINEBI First Feature Length Film

Banner ZIFF - ZINEBI First Feature Length Film

ZIFF - ZINEBI First Feature Length Film

Bilbao, Spain

ZINEBI- International Festival of Documentary adn Short Film of Bilbao

ZINEBI is the only Class A international festival in the documentary and short film category in Spain. It is accredited by the Hollywood Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences as a qualifier for the Oscars, for the European Film Academy’s awards, for the British BAFTAs and for the Spanish Academy’s Goyas.

Created in 1959 by the Basque Institute of Hispanic Culture, attached to the Spanish Foreign Ministry, the International Ibero-American and Filipino International Documentary Film Contest (its original name) was devised to follow in the steps of San Sebastián, which had been set up six years earlier. It is the third oldest festival in the Spanish State, after San Sebastián and Valladolid, and the first amongst those in its field. Between 1972 and 1981, it became a platform to discuss Spanish short films and a space for the dissemination of productions from all over the world, and particularly Latin America. In 1974, it was recognised by the International Federation of Film Producers Associations (FIAPF) as a contest of the highest international competitive category. Between 1975 and 1980, it was the ideal forum to discuss the arrival of what would be known as Basque cinema.

In 1981, the festival passed to the hands of Bilbao City Council. Since the year 2000, it embarked on a new era under the ZINEBI brand, when it would consolidate its position as one of the most important international festivals in its speciality. It has strived to be a platform for Spanish and Basque producers and directors and has contributed, as one of its fundamental goals, to internationally promoting the quality and independent films made around the world: films whose creative ambition is not exhausted by merely repeating hackneyed stylistic characteristics. Thanks to these very free and exceptional works, ZINEBI continues to renew its commitment each year to formal experimentation, to the interdisciplinary and hybrid of the new audiovisual productions, to support for the up-and-coming producers, and to filmmakers’ aesthetic and ethical scrutiny of the increasingly more complex realities of our contemporary world.

Throughout its long history, the festival has welcomed to Bilbao some of the most prestigious professionals of independent filmmaking worldwide. The accolades of ZINEBI include the names of Jacques Demy, Richard Lester, Pierre Pérrault, Claude Lelouch, Gian Vittorio Baldi, Carroll Ballard, Fernando Birri, Estela Bravo, Santiago Álvarez, Valeria Sarmiento, Robert L. Drew, Felipe Cazals, Peter Watkins, Peter Mullan, Lourdes Portillo, Avi Mograbi, Sergei Loznitsa, Lászsló Nemes, Nele Wohlatz and Luise Donschen. Thanks to its critical debate and specialisation, the festival has been a test bed for the new trends of contemporary cinema and a useful platform for the most daring filmmakers.

A similar headcount of the ranks of Spanish cinema reveals that the Bilbao Festival has been the launchpad of several generations of filmmakers: Carlos Saura, Basilio M. Patino, Pío Caro Baroja, José Val del Omar, Javier Aguirre, Jaime Chávarri, Francesc Betriu, Nadia Werba, Imanol Uribe, Montxo Armendáriz, Pedro Almodóvar, Julio Medem, Fernando León de Aranoa, Juanma Bajo Ulloa, Javier Rebollo, Santiago Segura, Begoña Vicario, Jon Garaño, José María Goenaga, Virginia García del Pino, Neus Ballús, Koldo Almandoz, Isabel Herguera, Asier Altuna, Izibene Oñederra and Natalia Marín.

The festival’s guests, international jury members and winners of the Mikeldi of Honour, its top annual award, include Peter Greenaway, Ennio Morricone, Jean Rouch, Dino Risi, Luis García Berlanga, Hanna Schygulla, Anna Karina, Jane Birkin, Arturo Ripstein, Elías Querejeta, Richard Lester, Pavel Paulikowski, Márta Mészáros, Jeanne Moreau, Anthony Hopkins, Vannessa Redgrave, Emir Kusturica, Liliana Cavani, Carlos Saura, Manuel Gutiérrez Aragón, Jean-Claude Carrière, Patrice Chéreau, Cecilia Roth, Hirokazu Kore-Eda, Juan Ruiz Anchía, Aki Kaurismäki, Marco Bellocchio, Mariano Llinás, Apichatpong Weerasethakul, Wang Bing, Claire Simon, Márta Mészáros, and the Jean-Pierre and Luc Dardenne brothers.

The different ZINEBI directors down through the years have been: Pedro de Ybarra (1959-1968), José Ignacio Uruñuela (1968-1970), Felipe Alfonso Araico and Adolfo Lafarga (1970-1972), Roberto Negro (1972-1981), Manu Pagola (1981-1985), the Executive Committee made up byr José Julián Bakedano, Ernesto del Río, José Antonio Mingolarra y Santos Zunzunegui (1985-1987), Iñaki Acarregui (1987-1988), Luis Iturri (1988-1998) and Ernesto del Río (1999-2017). Vanesa Fernández Guerra has been the director since 2018.

The festival is currently sponsored and institutionally funded by Bilbao City Council – through the Arriaga Theatre – as the organiser, by the Basque Government’s Department of Culture, by the Spanish Ministry of Culture – through the Institute of Cinematography and Audiovisual Arts (ICAA)-, and by Bizkaia Provincial Council. ZINEBI is also supported by private and public entities including Basque Public Television (ETB), Azkuna Zentroa, Golem-Alhóndiga Cinemas, the Fine Arts Museum, Guggenheim Museum, the Sala BBK, the Campos Elíseos Theatre, the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU), the French Institute, the Goethe Institute, the SGAE Foundation-Basque Council and the FAS Film Club.

ZINEBI- Festival Internacional de Cine Documental y Cortometraje de Bilbao

ZINEBI es el único festival internacional de Clase A de España en la categoría de documental y cortometraje. Está acreditado por la Academia de Hollywood como calificador para los premios Oscar, para los premios EFA de la Academia del Cine Europeo, para los premios BAFTA de la Academia Británica y para los premios Goya de la Academia Española.

Creado en 1959 por el Instituto Vascongado de Cultura Hispánica, dependiente del Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores, el Certamen Internacional de Cine Documental Iberoamericano y Filipino de Bilbao (su nombre inicial) fue concebido como hermano menor del Festival de San Sebastián, que había nacido seis años antes. Es, tras el de San Sebastián y el de Valladolid, el tercero más antiguo del Estado y el primero entre los de su especialidad. Entre 1972 y 1981 se convirtió en una plataforma de debate sobre el cortometraje español y en un espacio para la difusión de las cinematografías más variopintas, en especial la latinoamericana. En 1974 obtuvo el reconocimiento de la Federación Internacional de Asociaciones de Productores (FIAPF) como certamen de la máxima categoría internacional competitiva, y entre 1975 y 1980 fue el lugar de debate idóneo para el alumbramiento de lo que empezó a conocerse como cine vasco.

A partir de 1981 el festival fue asumido por el Ayuntamiento de Bilbao y desde el año 2000, bajo la marca de ZINEBI, emprendió una nueva época en la que ha consolidado su posición como uno de los festivales internacionales más importantes de su especialidad, desde la que intenta servir de plataforma a realizadores y directoras de Euskadi y el Estado y ha contribuido, como uno de sus objetivos fundamentales, a la promoción internacional del cine independiente y de calidad que se realiza en los cinco continentes: películas cuya ambición creativa no se agota en la repetición de rasgos estilísticos estereotipados, obras muy libres y singulares que permiten a ZINEBI renovar anualmente su apuesta por la experimentación formal, por la condición híbrida e interdisciplinar de las nuevas producciones audiovisuales, el apoyo a los realizadores emergentes, y la indagación ética y estética de los cineastas en las cada vez más complejas realidades de nuestro mundo contemporáneo.

A lo largo de la dilatada historia del festival, han pasado por Bilbao algunos de los más prestigiosos profesionales del cine independiente mundial. En el palmarés de ZINEBI destacan los nombres de Jacques Demy, Richard Lester, Pierre Pérrault, Claude Lelouch, Gian Vittorio Baldi, Carroll Ballard, Fernando Birri, Estela Bravo, Santiago Álvarez, Valeria Sarmiento, Robert L. Drew, Felipe Cazals, Peter Watkins, Peter Mullan, Lourdes Portillo, Avi Mograbi, Sergei Loznitsa, Lászsló Nemes, Nele Wohlatz, Luise Donschen o Fern Silva. El festival, desde el debate crítico y la especialización, ha servido de banco de pruebas de las nuevas tendencias del cine contemporáneo y una plataforma útil para los cineastas más arriesgados.

Un recuento similar entre las filas del cine español, permite señalar que en el Festival de Bilbao han emergido realizadores de varias generaciones distintas: Carlos Saura, Basilio M. Patino, Pío Caro Baroja, José Val del Omar, Javier Aguirre, Jaime Chávarri, Francesc Betriu, Nadia Werba, Imanol Uribe, Montxo Armendáriz, Pedro Almodóvar, Julio Medem, Fernando León de Aranoa, Juanma Bajo Ulloa, Javier Rebollo, Santiago Segura, Begoña Vicario, Jon Garaño, José María Goenaga, Virginia García del Pino, Neus Ballús, Koldo Almandoz, Isabel Herguera, Asier Altuna, Izibene Oñederra o Natalia Marín.

Entre sus invitados, jurados internacionales o galardonados con el Mikeldi de Honor, su máxima distinción anual, están Peter Greenaway, Ennio Morricone, Jean Rouch, Dino Risi, Luis García Berlanga, Hanna Schygulla, Anna Karina, Jane Birkin, Arturo Ripstein, Elías Querejeta, Richard Lester, Pavel Paulikowski, Márta Mészáros, Jeanne Moreau, Anthony Hopkins, Vannessa Redgrave, Emir Kusturica, Liliana Cavani, Carlos Saura, Manuel Gutiérrez Aragón, Jean-Claude Carrière, Patrice Chéreau, Cecilia Roth, Hirokazu Kore-Eda, Juan Ruiz Anchía, Aki Kaurismäki, Marco Bellocchio, Mariano Llinás, Apichatpong Weerasethakul, Wang Bing, Claire Simon, Márta Mészáros y los hermanos Jean-Pierre y Luc Dardenne.

Desde su fundación, ZINEBI ha tenido los directores siguientes: Pedro de Ybarra (1959-1968), José Ignacio Uruñuela (1968-1970), Felipe Alfonso Araico y Adolfo Lafarga (1970-1972), Roberto Negro (1972-1981), Manu Pagola (1981-1985), el Comité de Dirección formado por José Julián Bakedano, Ernesto del Río, José Antonio Mingolarra y Santos Zunzunegui (1985-1987), Iñaki Acarregui (1987-1988), Luis Iturri (1988-1998) y Ernesto del Río (1999-2017). Desde 2018 la directora es Vanesa Fernández Guerra.

Actualmente el Festival cuenta con el patrocinio y la financiación institucional del Ayuntamiento de Bilbao –a través del C.A.C. Teatro Arriaga- como organizador, del Departamento de Cultura del Gobierno Vasco, del Ministerio de Cultura –a través del Instituto de la Cinematografía y de las Artes Audiovisuales (ICAA)- y de la Diputación Foral de Bizkaia. Además, colaboran con ZINEBI entidades públicas y privadas como la Televisión Pública Vasca (ETB), Azkuna Zentroa, Cines Golem-Alhóndiga, el Museo de Bellas Artes, el Museo Guggenheim, la Sala BBK, el Teatro Campos Elíseos, la Universidad del País Vasco (UPV/EHU), el Instituto Francés, el Goethe Institut, la Fundación SGAE-Consejo de Euskadi y el Cineclub FAS, entre otros.


International Festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation


03 Sep 2023

Published: 01 Sep 2023
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films




The 11th MIAX International Art and Independent Film Festival will take place in November (date to be confirmed and subject to changes to provide the best conditions for the event) as the main venue in the state of Jalisco, Mexico.

Enlace de la convocatoria para participar. https://drive.google.com/drive/u/1/folders/1OJRkaV08Iv-VZW0zl99kPA-XyGW-8Qx2

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Experimental

Logo of SHORT FILM SLAM presented by The Madlab Post

02 Sep 2023

Published: 31 Aug 2023
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner SHORT FILM SLAM presented by The Madlab Post

SHORT FILM SLAM presented by The Madlab Post

Philadelphia, United States

*** Submissions for the 2024 Short Film Slam, presented by The Madlab Post will be opening in the Spring. If you are interested in submitting your live action, animation, documentary or experimental film, Sign up for our waitlist to be the first to hear about the Call for Entries for our 2024 season - https://cinema.madlabpost.com ***

The Short Film Slam is a bimonthly competition presented by The Madlab Post that focuses on providing a platform for emerging and established filmmakers to showcase their work. Each round, a selection of up to twelve short films will be screened for local audiences who get to cast a vote for their favorite film. The highest rated film at live screenings will be declared "Movie of the Month" during the following month. The highest rated "in-competition" films from each live and online screening room will advance to the final round. All finalists get to compete for a total of $1,000 in prize money during the final round and festivities preceding the 2023 shnit Cinemas screening in Philadelphia.

Since 2012, The Madlab Post has promoted community outreach and engagement through film, screening dozens of exceptional short films from around the world to local audiences; including the Academy Award nominated short film A SINGLE LIFE, Clermond-Ferrand International Film Festival Special Jury Prize winner THE BATHTUB and Sundance Grand Jury Prize nominee Et ta prostate, ça va? (HOW'S YOUR PROSTATE). Main venues include the historic Bok building and Taller Puertorriqueño's state-of-the-art El Corazón Cultural Center.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic

Logo of Cortesina Festival de Cortometrajes

01 Sep 2023

Published: 30 Aug 2023
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner Cortesina Festival de Cortometrajes

Cortesina Festival de Cortometrajes

Alicante, Spain

Only for Spanish Filmmakers.

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental

Logo of ANOTHER film festive

01 Sep 2023

Published: 30 Aug 2023
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner ANOTHER film festive

ANOTHER film festive

changsha, China

Another story, another life and another attitude. We hope to explore young film creators from a commercial perspective, aiming to build a resource sharing platform for more types of film directors, recommend excellent talents and works for film and television institutions, explore and deliver fresh blood for the industrial chain, and bring more film choices and audio-visual feelings to the audience, So as to promote the industrial development of film and television education. The film festival will hold "exhibition unit" and "competition unit" regularly every quarter. In the future, new activities such as "youth film training camp" will be added according to the actual situation

International Festival

Short film festival

 Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other

Logo of The Reel Film Festival 2023

01 Sep 2023

Published: 30 Aug 2023
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner The Reel Film Festival 2023

The Reel Film Festival 2023

Cork City, Ireland

The Reel Film festival was established in 2015 under a different name which was The PavFilm Festival which was a very good success for the first year running, ln 2017 our festival director decided to change its name to The Reel Film Festival which was an even better success the reason this festival was started in the first place was for the film directors work to be seen and screened in a film festival our film festival director Mr. Philip Anthony McCarthy is no stranger to the film festival circle after having his own work he wrote directed and produced screened in Cannes himself in the short film corner to getting his work rejected in film festivals he knows the time and work that goes into making films so he wants to give every director a chance

Please note free submission weavers will not be given out till the end of submissions close max wavers to be given out will be ten only so please do not email asking about free wavers as you will not be given a reply Thank You RFF2023

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Terror  Other  Music Video

Logo of International Student Film Festival

01 Sep 2023

Published: 30 Aug 2023
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner International Student Film Festival

International Student Film Festival

Benin , Nigeria

The International Student Film Festival is set up to encourage and promote young filmmakers who are affiliated to film training institutions within and beyond Africa.

Thus, filmmakers from Universities, Polytechnics, Colleges of Education, High igh Schools, Academies, are invited to participate by submitting their films or/and attending the festival.

The festival is structured to continuously move from one campus to another each year with engaging activities such as hands-on/practical master classes, film screenings, award night and lots more.

ISFF is founded by the renowned international filmmaker, Amb. Dr. Lancelot Oduwa Imasuen (D Guvnor) as another means to bring on board promising filmmakers and further strengthen the capacity of the country's film industry as well as give these emerging filmmakers a sense of belonging.

The maiden edition of ISFF is set to take place at Igbenidion University Okada, from Thursday 12th to Sunday 15th October 2023.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video


01 Sep 2023

Published: 30 Aug 2023
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner Trash Basté



The Trash Basté festival was born in 2021, thanks to our passion for the Trash and Gore genres. In its first edition we screened a sample of short films trash, gore, terror... and low budget. Due to the great reception of the public, we decided to make a second edition in 2022 transforming it into a festival, where we include a market with terrifying products and a final party concert with horror-punk and extreme metal bands, without forgetting a bar service at popular prices. In the third edition, apart from the usual exhibition, as a novelty we had a section with short films in competition that is here to stay.

Since our beginnings, we have been enemies of censorship and we like to project the most bizarre and bloody shorts we can find. So don't be shy, we're looking for you to send us those crappy shorts with blood made with your friends, without a budget and with grace, with a lot of blood and dismemberments... We like offensive shorts. It's all good for us if it's dark, bloody, terrifying, fantastic or trash.

International Festival

Short film festival


Logo of FanCineQueer | International LGBTI Film Festival of Extremadura

01 Sep 2023

Published: 30 Aug 2023
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner FanCineQueer | Festival Internacional de Cine LGBTI de Extremadura

FanCineQueer | International LGBTI Film Festival of Extremadura

Badajoz, Spain

FanCineQueer, the International LGBTI Film Festival of Extremadura, celebrates this year its 27th edition between the 8th and the 17th of November launching its traditional Short Films Call with the purpose of recognising, visibilising and fostering the production and dissemination of recent or unreleased LGBTI works.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of Silver Scad Film Festival

01 Sep 2023

Published: 30 Aug 2023
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner Международный кинофестиваль Серебряная Ставрида Silver Scad Film Festival

Silver Scad Film Festival

Sevastopol, Russia

The festival slogan: "On a wave of emotions!" reflects the concept: cinema should evoke the emotions of the viewer. The festival prefers films that catch and make us laugh, cry, deeply empathize. These are films with a strong catching story.

​Feature shorts of all genres (up to 40 min) and documentary films - from all over the world are considered.

Every year three unforgettable days of the sea shore velvet season await participants and guests of the festival. Cinema, emotions, the sea, the sun and live music. The festival is held in the famous art gallery "Green Pyramid", which is a stone's throw from Chersonesos - the historical center of Sevastopol.

The competition is judged by international jury.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary


01 Sep 2023

Published: 30 Aug 2023
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films



Lagos, Nigeria

The Universal Movie Awards (UNIMAA) is an annual international reputable Award. The event is based in the Western State of Africa Nigeria.

Our vision is oriental value based on enriching the entertainment industry through the promotion of excellent creative works by Motion Picture practitioners.

The mission of Universal Movie Awards is: "the celebration of professional Excellence in the Global Film/Television Industry." It will also promote the appreciation of Arts and Culture through motion picture arts and sciences around the globe.

UNIMAA also runs a movie academy designated for the development of contemporary talents in the motion picture industry.

This award is founded and established by Hope Obioma Opara in 2020. He is also the President/ CEO of Supple Communications Limited under which the Awards platform is Holden. He is the publisher of Supple Magazine, a film festivals/Awards and culture magazine in Africa. www.supplemagazine.org.

The inaugural edition will be held in Nigeria in September 25, 2021, at Silverbird Cinemas Galleria, Victoria Island Lagos 133 Ahmadu Bello Way Lagos, Lagos Nigeria (https://silverbirdcinemas.com/)

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Experimental

Logo of The Dead of Night Film Festival

01 Sep 2023

Published: 30 Aug 2023
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner The Dead of Night Film Festival

The Dead of Night Film Festival

Liverpool, United Kingdom

The Dead of Night Film Festival is brought to you by Two-Headed Snake Entertainment and The Liverpool Horror Club and is part of the ever growing International horror film festival circuit.

It is currently the only horror film festival in Merseyside, England.

The objective of our festival is to bring new independent horror short and feature length films to the genre loving public of Merseyside.

We know it can be hard for Independent filmmakers to get theatrical releases for their movies and we want to help get them the audience they deserve.

Film festivals are such an important part of independent horror cinema and are the best way to get their movies seen around the globe.

This year we will screen 6 feature films and 15 short films in a cinema auditorium with 75 comfortable seats and an Optoma 8000-lumens projector, plus 5.1 Surround Sound to present an immersive cinematic experience.

We hope you can join us for some horrific movie fun this October.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival


Logo of Frame Film Festival

01 Sep 2023

Published: 30 Aug 2023
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner Frame Film Festival

Frame Film Festival

Itinerante, Spain

FRAME Film Festival es un festival de cortometrajes itinerante, sin una única ubicación, que se celebrará en la provincia de Tarragona.

El FRAME Film Festival consta de dos fases.


El objetivo principal es difundir y promover la cinematografía en general y el cortometraje en particular, apoyando a las directoras y los directores de cortometrajes y creando un espacio donde puedan dar a conocer sus trabajos.

Pero sobre todo trabajamos para que las y los cineastas se sientan acogidos y vivan la experiencia de visitarnos cómo si estuvieran en familia. LA GRAN FAMILIA DEL CORTOMETRAJE!
Otro motivo es ampliar la oferta de acontecimientos culturales para hacer llegar el cortometraje a a poblaciones que no tengan la oportunidad de disfrutar de nuestro cine en formato CORTO.

En el FRAME Film Festival queremos darle al público que sigue y disfruta los cortometrajes, la oportunidad de decidir sobre la selección de las películas que pasarán a la FASE FINAL para recibir los premios TALENTO FRAME.

Short film festival


Logo of GO FILM - Goiânia Film Festival

01 Sep 2023

Published: 30 Aug 2023
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner GO FILM  - Goiânia Film Festival

GO FILM - Goiânia Film Festival

Goiânia, Brazil

GO Film Goiânia Film Festival is a Festival for short movies done in the heart of Brazil. Its in the 5th edition with a competitive premiation with a special awards in many categories.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Fantastic  Terror  Experimental

Logo of TERCER TIEMPO - Festival Mundial De Cine Futbolero

01 Sep 2023

Published: 30 Aug 2023
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner TERCER TIEMPO - Festival Mundial De Cine Futbolero

TERCER TIEMPO - Festival Mundial De Cine Futbolero

Bogotá, Colombia

The Futbolero World Film Festival seeks to promote football as a space for intercultural dialogue and heritage of humanity, through the meeting of different actors in this social phenomenon. It proposes as axes of work: Audiovisual Media, Conversations, Sports Practice, Literature and Diploma Training.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of Cortoons Festival Gandia

01 Sep 2023

Published: 30 Aug 2023
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner Cortoons Festival Gandía 2024

Cortoons Festival Gandia

Gandia, Spain

Cortoons Gandia is the International Animated Film Festival of Gandia, organized by Cortoons Festival, the city of Gandia, la Generalitat Valenciana, through the Institut Valenciá de Cultura (Culturarts), and the participation of Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV) Campus de Gandia.

In the 2016, after 12 years of great success in Rome, Cortoons international festival of animated films, he moved to Spain in the beautiful town of Gandia in the province of Valencia.

The 20th Cortoons Festival Gandia edition will be a great festival of animated films for professionals, animation film funs and all the general public.

The competition categories are:

International animated short film from 1 to 4 minutes

International animated short film from 4 to 20 minutes

Spanish animated short film

Spanish animated short films produced in the

Valencian Community

Graduation animated film

Works may take place after January 1st, 2022.

The deadline is September 01, 2024

There is no entry fee

Contact us:

International Festival

Short film festival


Logo of Antioch film fest

01 Sep 2023

Published: 30 Aug 2023
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Antakya Film Festivali

Antakya Film Festivali

Hatay, Turkey

Antakya Film Festival, is an International, competitive festival. (AFF) is a major destination on the Festival circuit and recognized by the sinema Academy as a Qualifying Festival in all film categories.mission is to provide a public forum in Antakya in order to advance public interest in films and the independent production of films. To draw worldwide attention to Antakya as a center for cinema. To encourage the rights of all Antakya residents to access and experience the power of independent filmmaking, and to promote artistic excellence and the creative freedom of artists without censure.

In 2018, the Festival presented 350 films, representing work that was shot and produced in 42 countries. The event offers well rounded, and for many, career-establishing experiences. Submit your work before the final deadline!

The festival is for and by independent filmmakers. The organizers of Antakya Film Festival bring 7 years of festival experience to this annual event. Antakya Film Festival accepts submissions in six categories: Narrative Features, Documentary Features, Short Narrative, Short Documentary, Experimental, Short Student, and Animation. Submissions are open from March to September of the year, the final selection of 150 + films is announced in September, and the film festival takes place in October. Selected films in each category are eligible for several awards. In addition to our lineup of films, the festival also hosts multiple filmmaker parties and networking events at venues around Antakya and Hatay.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental