Logo of 2°  International Quechua Film Festival ’cine Ayllu’ 2024

31 Oct 2023

Published: 29 Oct 2023
 Does NOT have submission fees
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Feature films

Banner 2° Festival Internacional De Cine Quechua ’Cine Ayllu’ 2024

2° International Quechua Film Festival ’cine Ayllu’ 2024

Arequipa - Cusco, Peru

The II INTERNATIONAL QUECHUA FILM FESTIVAL “CINEAYLLU” 2024, the only one of its kind in the country and in South America, dedicated entirely to disseminating Peruvian cinema in the mother language Quechua, also opening the cinema to and from school students and the general public .
Festival organized by the CINE AYLLU Cultural Association.


. Create a cinematographic space with cultural identity.

. Increase sensitivity to culture with identity, reducing racism and discrimination.

. Conduct film workshops, Quechua Cinema conferences with experienced Directors and Producers.

. Carry out traveling screenings of community cinema in the Quechua Speaking communities of Arequipa and Velille – Chumbivilcas – Cusco, for children, adolescents and adults from the native communities.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Music Video

Logo of Festival CinemaZERO

31 Oct 2023

Published: 29 Oct 2023
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Short films

Banner Festival CinemaZERO

Festival CinemaZERO

Trento, Italy

“ZERO cinema” is an artisanal and experimental artistic approach that contrasts the assembly line of industrial film production; it is hyper-independent, produced or auto-produced by single artists or small groups (less than 10 people) with no commercial interests; it is made with common and easily accessible, or innovative and low cost, means of production.

“ZERO cinema” has a different attitude, adventurous or poetic, DIY or punk, anarchic or self-sufficient, to the video work; it speaks with a personal, intimate, courageous and autonomous voice.

“ZERO cinema” is, more than any other thing, a strong idea of cinema and artistic production.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of Klimametraje

31 Oct 2023

Published: 29 Oct 2023
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner Klimametraje


Bilbao, Spain

Xedea: Euskal Autonomia Erkidegoko gazteak klima-erronkei eta haien ekintza- ahalmenari heltzeko mugiaraztea, mikrofilm-labur lehiaketa baten bidez. Lehiaketa ikus-entzunezkoen sorkuntza teknologia berrien bidez zabaltzera dago bideratuta, ikus- entzunezko sortzaile gazteen talentuari esker, klima-larrialdiak eta -ekintzak ezagutarazteko modu berriak aurkitzeko asmoz. Horretarako, gai hauek ezarri dira: “Klima-ekintza: Ikuspegi berri bat” non lanek ikuspegi berri bat erakutsi beharko duten ekintzara pasatzeko, klima- aldaketa arintzeko eta espero diren inpaktuetara egokitzeko eta motibazio-mezuak txertatzeko.

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Other

Logo of IV Youth Film Festival Ideas for Peace

31 Oct 2023

Published: 29 Oct 2023
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner IV Festival Juvenil de Cine Ideas para la Paz 2023

IV Youth Film Festival Ideas for Peace

Armenia, Colombia

It is a space of encounter that has been developed in Quindío since 2020 and where through a formative process in peace, coexistence and reconciliation with young people of the territory, tools are provided so that they can narrate through audiovisual content, their realities and generate proposals that advocate for Peace. In previous versions, more than 40 audiovisual contents have participated, as well as more than 100 teenagers and young people trained in audiovisual production from the pre-production, production and post-production stages.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary


31 Oct 2023

Published: 29 Oct 2023
 Has submission fees
Short films



New Delhi, India

Chinh Youth Film Festival is a celebration of Youth culture, it is a platform to connect and express through cinema and give voice to the meaningful, thought-provoking, and brutally honest narratives from young people across the globe.

We aim to encourage independent artists and provide a grandstand for youth to channelize their creative energies.

CYFF experience is a stage for all of us to share YOUR STORIES and create new ones.

CYFF is where youth decides, a place where youth is encouraged to bring out their ideas on cinema, with emphasis on developing the right cinematic language in them.

Helping youth see beyond the basic elements of the cinematic experience and provide an opportunity to engage, evaluate, critique, asses and appreciate the best cinematic expressions from across the globe.

Festival films will be judged by YOUTH JURY.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of Utsav International Film Festival

31 Oct 2023

Published: 29 Oct 2023
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Feature films

Banner Utsav International Film Festival

Utsav International Film Festival

Mumbai, India

Utsav – Celebration or Festival

We have started this LGBTQ+ & Independent Film Festival for cinema lovers. This film festival will be a celebration of creativity and ideas. After a successful completion of the first edition of the festival, we are now ready for the second edition.

LGBTQ+ cinema globally as well as in India has become an important part of the film industry. OTT platforms have increased the reach of these films to a larger audience. Of course, these avenues are mostly for mainstream cinema and filmmakers. There are a lot of independent film makers who also have interesting stories to present. We hope that this festival will be a platform for these independent film makers and their wonderful stories.

Each film has various components – story, script, cinematography, editing, sound, music, acting – to name a few. In this festival, we wish to acknowledge all aspects of film making and creativity. Thus, we hope that film makers will be encouraged to submit their work to showcase any or all aspects of their creativity.

Not all film makers, particularly independent filmmakers, and students, have the luxury of large budgets and wonderful locations for filming. We appreciate these limitations and would like to provide a platform to these filmmakers. We would encourage first time filmmakers who would like to present their work to submit to the festival.

It is also important to learn from each other’s experiences. During the festival, we hope to have panel discussions with filmmakers, writers, editors, sound engineers, cinematographers, musicians, and audience as well. This healthy exchange will enrich the experience.

The first two days of festival will be for LGBTQ+ cinema, and the next two days will be for other independent films in this edition of the festival.

Come be a part of this ‘UTSAV’!

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Other  Experimental


31 Oct 2023

Published: 29 Oct 2023
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films



Mumbai, India

India is a land of art and cultural heritage and it is spread in various forms in our society whether it's dance, drama, music, films, painting, sports, etc. Being a global enterprise, Indian Cinema (Bollywood) is a remarkable example of our cultural diversity and it has the greatest influence on India's national identity. We always celebrate our art and one of the best ways is to do so is film festivals. There are many film festivals in Asia where filmmakers and film lovers alike can celebrate the best and the brightest. We are adding one more precious feather to it and that’s the BOLLYWOOD INTERNATIONAL FILMFESTIVAL (BIFF).

Launched in January 2020, Bollywood International Film Festival–BIFF is founded by some of the best-known actors, directors and film professionals. BIFF intends to provide a place that connects the film lovers and makers around the world.

This film festival promotes new movie makers, looking to get publicity for their films, exchange of knowledge, information, ideas, the culture of India and other nations in their social and cultural ethos.

The festival will host various forums for academic interactions on Filmmaking, Film Appreciation like seminars, Workshops, Master classes etc., for the benefit of film professionals, discerning audience and students on unique aspects of cinema.

We invite filmmakers, people from the film fraternity, film critics, journalists, discerning cineastes from amongst the public & International and National film Institutes; distribution agencies/organisations, to witness the glorious start of BIFF. We sincerely hope the film lovers will use this opportunity to enroll as delegates and enjoy the contemporary world cinema and the classics.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Music Video

Logo of Ooty Short Film Festival 2024

31 Oct 2023

Published: 29 Oct 2023
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner Ooty Short Film Festival 2024

Ooty Short Film Festival 2024

Ooty, India

6th Ooty Short Film Festival (Ooty SFF) - December 27-29, 2024

The Nilgiris Film Club (NFC) is thrilled to announce the 6th edition of the Ooty Short Film Festival (Ooty SFF), scheduled to take place from December 27th to 29th, 2024. We cordially invite filmmakers from across the globe to join us in celebrating the art of independent short films in the picturesque mountains of the Western Ghats.

About the Festival

Since its inception, Ooty SFF has grown into a vibrant platform for showcasing exceptional short films. Our carefully curated sections feature some of the most remarkable experimental and artist-made short films, ensuring a diverse and inspiring cinematic journey for all attendees.

Our Vision

At Ooty SFF, we strive to curate a program that embodies unique and original artistic visions. Our focus is on short films that boldly push the boundaries of both form and concept, opening up numerous avenues for interpretation and understanding.

We have a special interest in works by emerging filmmakers and artist-made shorts, believing that these voices bring fresh and innovative perspectives to the cinematic landscape.

Opportunities for Filmmakers

Ooty SFF is more than just a screening platform. We provide filmmakers with:

- A platform for sharing their work with a discerning audience

- Exposure to diverse filmmaking styles and narratives

- An opportunity to be part of a growing community of independent filmmakers

Submit Your Film

We welcome submissions from filmmakers of all backgrounds and experiences. If you have a short film that challenges conventions, explores new territories, or tells a compelling story in an innovative way, we want to see it!

Join us for the 6th Ooty Short Film Festival and be part of a celebration of cinematic creativity in the heart of the Nilgiris.

The Ooty Short Film Festival is produced by the Nilgiris Film Club (NFC), a pioneering film club in the mountains of the Western Ghats.

International Festival

Short film festival


Logo of Political Film and Video Festival Carlota

31 Oct 2023

Published: 29 Oct 2023
 Has submission fees
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Feature films

Banner Festival de Video y Cine Político Carlota

Political Film and Video Festival Carlota

Viena, Austria

To promote audiovisual projects that encourage the understanding and transformation of reality.

To show films and videos that, from a social and liberating perspective, can upset the system, the empire, the elites.

To serve as a platform for committed filmmakers and video activists eager to change the world.

This festival is held in Vienna (Austria). In other countries (Mexico, Palestine, Rojava, India) we have partner organizations and collectives that will show the selected films.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of Madrid Sci-Fi Film Festival

31 Oct 2023

Published: 29 Oct 2023
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Short films

Banner Madrid Sci-Fi Film Festival

Madrid Sci-Fi Film Festival

Madrid, Spain

MSFFF was born from a mission:

We’ll take you on a journey through the genre’s cinematographic productions from all over the world.

The next December we will be able to enjoy the best and most current animated productions in Madrid.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Animation  Fantastic  Experimental

Logo of Link International Film Festival

31 Oct 2023

Published: 29 Oct 2023
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films



Virginia Water, United Kingdom

​Link International Film Festival is an international competitive cultural event that serves to inspire and connect filmmakers and audiences throughout the region and beyond. It is a cultural expression that aspires to unite through ideas and ideals, diversifying minds, promoting understanding, and cultivating compassion and camaraderie among people regardless of their differences.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Animation  Fantastic  Other

Logo of BEFREE

31 Oct 2023

Published: 29 Oct 2023
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films



Zaragoza, Spain

El Festival "Be Free" es un proyecto educativo y participativo para concienciar a niños, jóvenes y adultos sobre la violencia, considerada como la coacción física o psíquica ejercida hacia una persona para conseguir objetivos en contra de su voluntad, conocer los tipos de la misma: violencia de género (sobre la mujer), violencia doméstica o intrafamiliar (la vulneración se produce con cualquier miembro de la unidad familiar) y violencia de pareja (entendido como cualquier acto dañino producido en la intimidad de la pareja indistintamente de que la victima sea hombre o mujer, e incluyendo en esta tipología también a las parejas homosexuales), los diferentes tipos de maltrato (físico, psicológico, sexual, económico, social, ambiental y patrimonial) y sus repercusiones en la época actual (la influencia de los medios de comunicación y publicitarios, el poder de las redes sociales como medida de control, la evolución del machismo en los adolescentes y el aumento del individualismo, aplicando una falsa "normalidad" y "aceptación social" ante actos violentos desde la perspectiva del espectador, es decir, mirar hacia otro lado ante la visión de una situación de maltrato) cuyo objetivo es la lucha contra esta violencia, aprender a reconocer el maltrato y potenciar la igualdad de sexos.

Short film festival


Logo of Les Étoiles du court-métrage

31 Oct 2023

Published: 29 Oct 2023
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner Les Étoiles du court-métrage

Les Étoiles du court-métrage

Cabestany, France

The Stars of the short film were created in Pau in 2007 by Vidéo Tout Tendance. They were then "transferred" in 2010 to Mourenx and then "died out".

With the agreement of the founding members Didier LABAN and Jean LASSUS-PIGAT, the city of Cabestany and Image In decided to continue the adventure by organizing since 2012, the Étoiles du court in the André ABET cinema hall.

This concept, unique in France, allows the best award-winning films to be presented at the biggest events (César, Clermont-Ferrand, etc.) and the various partner short film festivals.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of Mujerdoc - VIII Festival Internacional de Cine Documental sobre Género

31 Oct 2023

Published: 29 Oct 2023
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Feature films

Banner Mujerdoc - VIII Festival Internacional De Cine Documental Sobre Género

Mujerdoc - VIII Festival Internacional de Cine Documental sobre Género

Soria, Spain

mujerDOC - VIII INTERNATIONAL FESTIVAL OF DOCUMENTARY FILMS ON GENDER, organized by the NGO Mujeres del Mundo and the City Council of Soria, is a platform for the exhibition of DOCUMENTS created to help eliminate gender stereotypes and make visible the role of women in development of societies.

The works presented will include topics related to demands for equality and the feminist agenda.
They will be documentaries produced from January 1, 2022.

Participation in the Festival is open to all people, individually or collectively, without distinction of nationality or residence.

The festival will take place in March 2025 in Soria (Spain).

The festival, through a Committee, will select films to be part of an Official Section, with the following prizes:

- Woman Award: 3,000 euros (for this award, only films in which the director is a woman will be eligible)

- Long Film Award: 2,000 euros (from 60 minutes)

- Short Film Award: 1,000 euros (up to 59 minutes)

- CIMA Award for the best filmmaker (statuette and one year as a member of the Association of Women Filmmakers and Audiovisual Media).

* Each selected film will receive 150 euros for the total exhibition at the Festival, covering a maximum of 4 screenings in the Cinema in Soria or in Festival windows in other cities around the world.

The selected films will also participate, if they wish, in the online edition of the contest, through the online cinema platform Filmin. The films can be seen on Filmin during the official festival dates. The benefits obtained will be distributed as follows: 60% for participating documentary films, 40% for Filmin.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival


Logo of Dieciminuti Film Festival

31 Oct 2023

Published: 29 Oct 2023
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner Dieciminuti Film Festival

Dieciminuti Film Festival

Ceccano, Italy

Dieciminuti Film Festival was created in 2005 by IndieGesta. It was able to quickly become one of the events dedicated to short films most important in Italy.

The Festival, whose first 19 editions attended by more than 18,000 short films involving a total of nearly 23,000 spectators, is structured in various competitive sections: Official Selection (for short films up to 10 minutes released after the 1st of January 2024), Extralarge (for shorts between 10 and 15 minutes released after the 1st of January 2024) Animations (animations for up to 10 minutes released after the 1st of January 2024), Doc10 (documentaries for up to 10 minutes released after the 1st of January 2024), Music Videoclip (videoclips for up to 10 minutes released after the 1st of January 2024), Visti da Vicino (for short films up to 10 minutes released by directors coming from the province of Frosinone after the 1st of January 2024).

At the Competitive sections, joins the Dieciminuti Academy, a school of cinema that brings young people of our province to create from scratch a short fiction or animation. The thing that is unique about the festival on the national scene is to be a real school for young people who want to explore the world of cinema. It ‘s also very much appreciated the Section Esplorazioni, which allows viewers to get in touch with the short film coming from a different country each year. During last years, the festival has hosted the short unpublished masters of Japanese animation by Studio Ghibli, directed by Hayao Miyazaki, the animated short films of the Tehran Film Festival, the short films of Georges Méliès, the avantguardes, the web-series. During the 13th edition was opened also the Futurama Section, dedicated to masterclasses for students.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental

Logo of Festival of Chilean Films FECICH

31 Oct 2023

Published: 29 Oct 2023
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Short films
Feature films

Banner FECICH, Festival de Cine Chileno de Quilpué

Festival of Chilean Films FECICH

Comuna de Quilpué, Chile


Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation

Logo of Cortos Con Ñ. International Shortfilm Festival

31 Oct 2023

Published: 29 Oct 2023
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner Cortos Con Ñ. International Short Film Festival

Cortos Con Ñ. International Shortfilm Festival

Madrid, Spain

Cortos con Ñ. International short film festival held in the center of the city of Madrid (Spain).

Every Tuesday, at 8:00 p.m., at the La Escalera de Jacob theater (C / Lavapiés, 9 - Madrid, Spain).

Cortos con Ñ organize public screenings of short films every week in the city of Madrid.

Each short film received at Cortos con Ñ is carefully reviewed by a committee of film experts, who are in charge of selecting the best short films received at our festival.

The awards jury team is made up of notable Spanish filmmakers and producers and the jury prizes are valued at € 500.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of La Mirada Tabú Film Festival

31 Oct 2023

Published: 29 Oct 2023
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Promotional card of La Mirada Tabú Film Festival

Banner Festival La Mirada Tabú

La Mirada Tabú Film Festival

Zaragoza, Spain

The LA MIRADA TABÚ film festival wants to motivate artists and creators to show their view of the “taboo” concept, which is broad and diverse, encompassing from the dreams, the unconscious, the mental worlds and the ghosts that populate them , the mystery, the magic, even the untold reality, the unsaid, "the clothes hanging", in the workplace, emotional, family, vital ... from a vision as polyhedral as human thought is: casual, humorous, dramatic, dreamlike ... always from respect for all ways of thinking and from creativity.

LA MIRADA TABÚ launches an invitation to bring to light the personal and non-transferable world of each creator, which, as we have been able to verify throughout the history of art and cinema, through great names in world cinematography, connects with the deepest, unknown and elusive imaginary of the spectators

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of 42th Encounters Short Film Festival ’Image In Cabestany’

31 Oct 2023

Published: 29 Oct 2023
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner 42es Rencontres du court-métrage ’Image In Cabestany’

42th Encounters Short Film Festival ’Image In Cabestany’

Cabestany, France

In 1981, André ABET and the city of Cabestany decided to create the First Encounter Short Film Festival of Cabestany. It is truly a encounter, more than a festival, because everything is planned to promote exchange between audience and directors, like the numerous “verre de l’amitié” (friendship toasts), offered after each screening. Always a fun and friendly moment!

Animation, documentary, experimental, fiction, musical clip and report with a maximum length of 30 minutes and French subtitles can take part in this international event.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of Akida International Film Festival For Schools

30 Oct 2023

Published: 28 Oct 2023
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Akida International Film Festival For Schools

Akida International Film Festival For Schools

Sevilla, Spain

The Akida International Film Festival For Schools came as a sub-category of the famous Akida International Film Festival in order to give schools the best documentaries and educational films to their students.

With the possibility of various programs, we give students a more entertaining way to learn and participate actively in the festival.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Documentary  Other