Logo of EduDoc 2017- Stories of Education

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15 Sep 2017

Опубликовано: 14 Sep 2017
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EduDoc 2017- Stories of Education

delhi, India

EduDoc: Stories of Education
International Short Film Competition
The government has been the main provider of education in many parts of the world. However in emerging economies, the private sector is playing a pivotal role. Many poor parents forego free government education and spend their hard earned money on private alternatives. There have been lots of stories of creative innovations and solutions devised to tackle challenges and issues in Education.
EduDoc: Stories of Education is an International Short Film Competition by Centre for Civil Society (CCS) where we want to put Challenges, innovations and celebrations in the spotlight. The main objectives are:

• To identify and document social, political, cultural and regulatory challenges of education system through audio-visual medium
• To highlight various solutions devised by individuals, groups, communities, organizations, governments etc
• To celebrate Eduprenuership
The Theme for EduDoc: Stories of Education | 2017 is “Education: Challenges, Innovations, Celebrations”

“If you know someone who is redefining education, share their story with us in a short film.”

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