Logo of Lorne Film 2014

Крайний срок
31 Jul 2014

Опубликовано: 18 May 2014
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Короткометражные фильмы
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Banner Lorne Film 2014

Lorne Film 2014

Melbourne, Australia

Lorne Film 2014 will build on the success of the inaugural 2013 festival – where over 1000 admissions viewed 29 films across 5 screens, and film professionals from across Australia descended on Lorne to create, and interact in a true festival community.

Featuring a range of intimate venues against the backdrop of Lorne’s unique coastal beauty, Lorne Film 2014 is a four-day celebration of international film for the people who make, watch and love film, held from November 13 – 16, 2014.

Lorne Film 2014 will continue to nurture and promote Lorne and the surrounding Otway region as a centre for film culture and commerce, a port of call for industry leaders and world-class talent for the duration of the festival and beyond. In creating a ‘film market’ Lorne Film will capitalise on Lorne’s history as a meeting place where in people will come from across the planet to buy, sell, talk, and think film.

Международный фестиваль

фестиваль короткометражных фильмов

Фестиваль художественных фильмов

 Художественный  Документальный