Logo of La Axarquía Film Festival

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10 Sep 2022

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Короткометражные фильмы

Banner La Axarquía Festival De cine

La Axarquía Film Festival

Málaga , Spain

Start of the festival: October 6, 2023 End of the festival: October 23, 2023

“La Axarquía Film Festival”, annual and unique in the Andalusian audiovisual scene, will take place in the region of La Axarquía, Málaga, Spain.

Its main objective is to bring cinema and its production closer to rural municipalities with less than 5,000 inhabitants in the Axarquía, promoting these territories as cultural tourist destinations.

There where the cinema does not reach, where the nearest theater is in a shopping center kilometers away and where people nostalgically remember the cinemas of yesteryear where neighbors and families gathered around the big screen, "La Axarquía Film Festival" wants to turn the streets, squares and churches of these towns into outdoor film festivals.

The Festival will have its Opening Gala in Almáchar, where the works that will compete in the different official sections and the programming and activities and workshops that will take place during the Festival will be announced. With an itinerant program in the municipalities hosting the Festival. The municipality where the Closing Gala will be held will be announced shortly, in which the works awarded by the juries of the different sections will be announced and the awards of the different sections of the Festival contest will be delivered.

The screenings will take place, as far as possible, in open-air public spaces. The idea is to recover the festive atmosphere of the festivals of the past, combining them with the magic of summer cinemas. Chairs, banners, bars outside the bars, red carpets around the squares. The Festival dresses the entire town in celebration to welcome all the residents in a unique and unrepeatable event.

"Axarquía Film Festival" seeks to consolidate itself as a showcase for new works and second works by new directors and directors from all over Spain and the region..

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