Logo of YoFiFest, The Yonkers Film Festival

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12 Aug 2018

Опубликовано: 11 Aug 2018
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Banner YoFiFest, The Yonkers Film Festival

YoFiFest, The Yonkers Film Festival

Yonkers, United States

YoFiFest was created for filmmakers by filmmakers. Movie Maker Magazine says “what stood out at YoFiFest 2017 was the organizers’ obvious respect for the people who craft cinema and video.”

YoFiFest is Your Film Festival! Now in its sixth year, the 2018 YoFiFest returns November 2nd through 8th to celebrate moving pictures, the people who make them and the people who watch them. YoFiFest was awarded the Best of Westchester's Best New Film Festival and recently named one of 2016's 39 Most Notable Events by Westchester Magazine. We were also named as one of the top 10 hippest things about Yonkers in 2015 when Yonkers was dubbed Hippest Town by lohud.com/The Journal News.

The festival offers a full schedule of screenings, workshops and parties that celebrate the independent, artistic spirit from around the world, and right in our own back yard. We present all types of work, including feature films, short films, documentaries, animation, music videos and student work. Our always popular "mini film school" will be back, with lectures, workshops and panel discussions hosted by top film and television industry professionals. Each day has receptions and parties where attendees will get the chance to mix and mingle and talk about movies. In short, the festival offers something for everyone.

We're all about audiences and filmmakers connecting so in addition to lots of great movies, hands on workshops and our “mini film school”, we have plenty of parties, networking events, Q&As, meet and mingles, and other social opportunities to engage with your fans and fellow filmmakers and build contacts for future collaborations. Filmmakers whose films are screening are encouraged to attend and receive an All Access VIP Pass, which allows free admission to the entire festival and all events. Life long friendships and partnerships have been made among our attendees!

We take our selection process very seriously and are careful to ensure that each movie is reviewed in its entirety at least twice. We are filmmakers ourselves, and we understand and respect the amount of hard work put into each film.

Here’s what filmmakers are saying about us:

“A wonderful experience and I expect the good word of mouth will continue to grow the festival. It was obvious your team put a good deal of work leading up to the event...As you know, we stumbled upon the festival last year as visitors and were really impressed with the quality of films, workshops and overall organization of the event. This year, we had the same impression. Yofi is one of the best film festivals that I have attended and I encourage other filmmakers to submit here. I look forward to attending again next year!”
- Kal Toth, Director, Building Magic

“Thank you again for giving us the opportunity to screen ...with Birthday Cake. It was a great experience for everybody. I can tell you guys put so much effort into the event. It had such a good vibe. All our actors attending made valuable industry contacts and helped their careers so much. WE LOVE YOFI! We have already begun to post pics on our various social media. You are getting to be REALLY well-known!”
- Scott Powers, Executive Producer, …with Birthday Cake

“I just wanted to say thanks again for accepting our film into your film festival. It was an amazing experience from beginning to end! The workshops taught me valuable information about the industry. I am incredibly thankful for all the connections your festival allowed me to make. Congrats on how successful the festival was! I look forward to submitting my future films to your festival, and I wear your shirt proudly!”
- Alexzander Ellenboge, Director, Good Day “

"From YoFi’s first screening on Thursday to the last one on Sunday, the Red Carpets, the Receptions, the very informative Panels (I loved the one about Independent Film Distribution), you really did everything right. It was neat to see how the festival has grown and how filmmakers came from near and far to participate. The friendly and nurturing environment felt especially welcoming and we will most certainly be back, whether or not we are attending with a film or simply as supportive audience members.”
- Carina Rush, Producer, No Letting Go

Many, many thanks for including our short film, Time is the Longest Distance, in this year’s line-up of YoFiFest. Being part of a festival in my home county, Westchester, and meeting some other local filmmakers felt special and was most enjoyable. It was wonderful to see how YoFiFest has developed over the past few years. Keep up with the great work!

A heartfelt thank you from director Bryan Powers and me for all your support for our film, as well as the effort and creativity you put into this terrific festival.

- Claudia Murdoch, Producer, Time is the Longest Distance

Thanks for hosting Martin’s Hagge last week. It was a pleasure attending and meeting such terrific people from Yonkers and abroad.

You must be exhausted but please know your attention to detail and the care you take to make the filmmakers welcome, wasn’t lost on me!

Hope to see you next year!

- Penny Eizenga, Writer/Director Martin’s Hagge

Located on the Hudson River and adjacent to New York City, the festival draws its film-friendly audiences from NYC, Westchester county, Rockland county, the Hudson Valley and the entire NY/NJ/CT tri-state region. It's a chance for filmmakers to screen work to an enthusiastic audience and top film professionals in a warm, fun, friendly and supportive atmosphere.

In short, we love great stories, we love our filmmakers, and we love connecting audience and filmmakers. We are looking for personal, innovative, imaginative and compelling stories that are well told. We want passionate filmmakers with a fresh point of view, traditional story tellers who dig deep to find the truth and courageous, new visionaries coming to filmmaking for the first time. We are not overly hung up on when the movies were made or if they are premiers. We just want to share good work with a thoughtful audience that wants to see your work.

YoFiFest is easy to get to, fun to hang out at and not to be missed!

Thanks for your interest and we look forward to seeing your work!

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