Logo of Leiden International Short Film Experience

Prazo de entrega
21 Dec 2018

Publicado: 20 Dec 2018
 Com taxas de inscrição

Promotional card of Leiden International Short Film Experience

Banner Leiden International Short Film Experience

Leiden International Short Film Experience

Leiden, Netherlands

Leiden International Short Film Experience (LISFE) is an annual film festival held in the beautiful city of Leiden in The Netherlands. LISFE is dedicated to Short Films from all genres and from anywhere in the world. Over the years we have built the reputation of successfully showcasing though-provoking films through a diverse and selective program.

This year the festival will take place from the 7th until the 10th of May in Kijkhuis (Leiden).

Note: We are interested in programming films from around the globe. In extraordinary geo-political circumstances, we may wave our submission fee. If you think you qualify, please contact us for more information.


Festival Internacional

Festival de curtas-metragens

 Ficção  Documentário  Animação  Fantástico  Terror  Experimental