Logo of Drone film et Photo Festival

20 Apr 2016

公開済み: 19 Apr 2016

Banner Drone film et Photo Festival

Drone film et Photo Festival

Chastre, Belgium

The 1st Festival «Film & Photo by Drone» (DFPF) organised by ASBL Cercle d’Arts et Un Talent Se Dévoile will take place at the airfield of Saint-Hubert from 3rd to 5th June 2016.

Un Talent Se Dévoile is a new not-for-profit organisation that aims to promote young artists, and the Cercle d’Arts is a cultural association, benefitting from financial support and recognition from many public and private, Belgian and foreign, institutions.

The competition is offers 5,000 euros worth of cash and other prizes offered by our partners.

1. The objectives of DFPF:

To promote the production of images taken by drone encouraged through a competition

To promote works that combine technical and aesthetic innovation in the field of cinema and general picture creation

To bring together professional and amateur photographers and filmmakers passionate about aerial images

To foster the relationship between all involved in the drone photography and cinema world, whether directors or producers, and public authorities

To highlight the potential of drones and the various possible areas for shooting

To educate the general public about the use of drones in different sectors of image production by promoting a selection of films and movies.

2. Target audience:

All filmmakers and producers whether they are amateurs or professionals.

3. FILM CATEGORIES: 6 categories short movies

1 - Fiction
2 - Nature - Documentary
3 - Sport - Extreme Sport
4 - Tourism - Travel
5 - Architecture
6 - Clip-Institutional Advertising

The films submitted must have at least 10% of their images produced by drone and these images need to have been shot in compliance with the legislation in force on the location(s) of the shooting(s). The image shooting locations, the dates and equipment used will need to be disclosed on a compulsory basis.
Amateur or professional candidates may submit one film per category.

The jury reserves the right to reclassify the choice of the category.

The films will be evaluated according to the following criteria: quality of the images, quality of the photography, quality of the realisation, quality of the direction.

The movies that will not be part of the official selection will have the opportunity to be presented out of competition.



 フィクション  ファンタジー  ホラー  その他  実験映画  Music Video