Logo of Videoclub 85 En Corto

28 Jul 2021

公開済み: 26 Jul 2021

Promotional card of Videoclub 85 En Corto

Banner Videoclub 85 En Corto

Videoclub 85 En Corto

Gijón, Spain

Videoclub 85 has been open for more than 30 years in Gijón. It is one of the few video clubs in Spain that has its own projection room. That is why we want to support the culture and creation of audiovisual material that continues to fill the cinemas with the magic of cinema. Thus, the first edition of this short film contest is born, where all kinds of genres will be able to participate. There will be a section destined to Asturian cinema, to promote and give visibility to the great amount of works made in Asturias.


 フィクション  ドキュメンタリー  アニメ  ファンタジー  ホラー  その他  実験映画  Music Video