Logo of 72 Hours Short Film Fest

11 Mar 2022

Pubblicato: 09 Mar 2022
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72 Hours Short Film Fest

Cañada de Gómez, Argentina

Each year, more than 300 teenagers and filmmakers turns Cañada de Gomez into a huge cinema studio. In this 40 thousand inhabitants city of Argentina, the 72 Hours Short Film experience takes place. This is a unique experience in Latin America and it is fully-developed and self-managed by the local government. Secondary students from different schools are put together randomly to conform teams which will be led by experts. Their aim is to make 12 or 15 short films in only three days. In this race against the clock, they have to go through all the stages of a film-making process, from the creative stage in which they have to imagine a plot to the encounter with the public in an Avant Premiere with a crowded audience.

In the 9th edition of this experience, 72 Hours Short Film opens call to national short films realized in Argentina. They will be shown as part of the movies schedule that will be taking place simultaneously with the 72 hours experience. The films must be general public oriented, especially those movies oriented to a young audience.

The aim of the 9th edition of the 72 Hours Short Film Festival is to promote the passion not only for watching but also for making films.

Festival del cortometraggio

 Finzione  Documentario  Animazione  Fantastico  Terrore