Blog: Festivals de cinéma

Logo of BUDAFEST - Budapest Film Festival

Date limite
06 Oct 2016

Publié: 05 Oct 2016
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Long métrages

Banner BUDAFEST - Budapest Film Festival

BUDAFEST - Budapest Film Festival

Budapest, Hungary

BUDAFEST is a Budapest film festival dedicated to the glocal culture. 2016 is the first edition. It will be the feast of the brotherwood of two people and of two movie worlds: the Italian and the Hungarian.

We will connect the world with Budapest and Budapest with the world: we have the Magyar section and the international one. We have also a special section dedicated to very fast movies, maximum 3 minutes. This section, called BUDAFAST is a contest, the "Easy Ticket" to the global market for young filmmakers, with no other limit of age and nationality but a fresh, immediate vision of the world & a new way to shoot it. Participation is easy, register is easy. A very short duration of minimum 30 "seconds and maximum 3 minutes in a Ground-level sequence with a mobile phones, a tablets, a digicamera... Upload & send it !

Festival International

Festival d court métrage

Festival de long métrage

 Fiction  Documentaire  Animation  Fantastique  Terreur  Autres  Experimental  Music Video