Noticias: Festivales de cine

Logo of Mirage International Film Festival

Fecha Límite
30 May 2014

Publicado: 29 May 2014
 Con tasa de inscripción

Banner Mirage International Film Festival

Mirage International Film Festival

Sherman Oaks, Estados Unidos

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Film Competition Categories

The Festival welcomes submissions for feature films in narrative and documentary categories. All selected features will participate in the festival’s MAIN EVENT competition. Entering all films into the MAIN EVENT puts everyone on an even playing field in the completion and recognizes the best from across all different styles and genres in the independent film community. In addition, Mirage Film Festival offers several competitive sub-categories designed specifically to recognize excellence within various genres and help promote the various styles, methods and techniques that populate the ever expanding world of cinema.

Main Event - main competition program for all eligible feature-length films
Darkest Before the Dawn - dedicated to showcasing feature length genre films
Cinema Mavericks - feature-length films with budgets less than $1.5 million USD
Newcomer - available exclusively for first-time, feature-length directors.
WorldCine - feature-length films which were financed and filmed outside of North America
The Dockect - non-fiction feature-length documentary films


The Festival offers a robust competition program for short films, divided into institutional and non-institutional categories.

Institute Of Cinema - highlighting the very best in student produced short films
School Of Hard Takes - giving independently produced short films a voice of their own


New Media Marvels is designed to recognize and reward exceptional work in the expanding new media landscape. With the increasing number of success stories of TV series, films and documentaries being developed and produced based on new media content, the Festival's New Media Marvels program provides a solid forum for these new age filmmakers to showcase their stories and network with distributors, producers and industry executives.

Festival Internacional

Festival de cortometrajes

Festival de largometrajes

 Ficción  Documental  Fantástico  Terror  Otros  Experimental