Noticias: Festivales de cine

Logo of Mostra de Cinema Feminista

Fecha Límite
14 Oct 2017

Publicado: 26 Sep 2017
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Mostra de Cinema Feminista

Belo Horizonte, Brasil

The 6th Feminist Cinema Exhibition is organized by Coletiva Malva and will take place in the city of Belo Horizonte - MG - Brazil between the 18th and 26th of July 2020. The curatorship excels in diversity, importance of themes and representativeness. The show will show films directed or co-directed by women.
The Malva Collective believes that cinema translates as a mechanism for the production of meanings and social representation, with emphasis on the way it portrays / reinforces / sustains or questions the differences between gender, sexual and ethnic-racial relations. The audiovisual sector as a whole reflects and (re) produces phallocentric and misogynistic paradigms in different aspects: in the way historically women are portrayed within the cinematographic narrative and in the exclusion and non-acceptance of the occupation of women in positions and in the construction of thought Brazilian audiovisual. Thus, this Exhibition seeks to create spaces for the diffusion, integration and preservation of audiovisual production made by women at national and international levels.
It is from the incessant and ambitious production of the feminine gaze when returning her aesthetics, her dimension, her body, her feminist becoming to the community through audiovisual materials that we have developed, since 2015, the Feminist Cinema Exhibition. We are jointly in the struggle for visibility and strengthening of black, indigenous, urban and rural cultures, LGBTIQA +, and we assume that a woman is every human being who identifies herself as a woman

Festival Internacional

Festival de cortometrajes

Festival de largometrajes

 Ficción  Documental  Animación  Fantástico  Otros  Experimental