Noticias: Festivales de cine

Logo of Green-Go Short Film Contest

Fecha Límite
15 Aug 2014

Publicado: 28 Jun 2014
 NO tiene tasa de inscripción

Banner Green-Go Short Film Contest

Green-Go Short Film Contest

-, Hungria

The Green-Go International Short Film Contest aims to gather environmentally and socially conscious youngsters to organize the contest and the festival on one hand, and on the other hand, to inspire youngsters to creatively express their ideas in a
short film format. With the shorts, we aim to raise awareness on environmental and social problems at global, European and national level. With Green-Go festival, we wish to create the basis of a sustainable green film event that activates both youngsters and the civil society, attracts interested people and stakeholders and generates dialogues within the whole society about key eco-social questions.

Within the film contest, we accept shorts in three categories to reflect on European awareness, global environmental and social problems and the connection between biodiversity and society.

The Green-Go Short Film Contest is generously supported by the European Commission.

This year we are awaiting short films (and Testimonies!) in the following three categories:

1. Build green, live green (Green infraestructure)
2. The last day on Earth? (Earth's overshoot day)
3. Your Europe in 2050 (EU budget)

Festival Internacional

Festival de cortometrajes

 Ficción  Documental  Animación  Fantástico  Otros  Experimental