Logo of Using Other Audio-visual Narratives

22 Dec 2019

Published: 21 Dec 2019
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Bideotik. Ikus-entzunezko Bestelako Narratibei Begira / Atendiendo A Otras Narrativas Audiovisuales

Using Other Audio-visual Narratives

Bilbao, Spain

Azkuna Zentroa - Alhondiga Bilbao launches the Call for Entries to participate in its programme entitled BIdeOtik. Focussing on other audiovisual narratives, which forms part of their film and audiovisual season to be held in February and March 2021.

The Call for Entries is aimed at artists and video-creators whose artistic output in terms of video expression is channelled through the audiovisual medium.

Azkuna Zentroa is a Contemporary Societal and Cultural Centre in Bilbao, the Basque Country, that connects society and contemporary culture through six lines of programming: Contemporary Art, Live Arts, Cinema and Audiovisual, Society, Digital Culture, and Literature. Through constant dialogue with each other these different lines have generated a hybrid, multi-faceted, and expanded programme of events that favours the regular day-to-day presence of the contemporary, using mediation and education as a means to generate critical knowledge and transform society through art and artists.

As part of its programme of events, Azkuna Zentroa carries out various initiatives to support creation in contemporary cinema and audiovisual media, reaching out to different audience sectors through either completed works or the creative processes.

BIdeOtik. Focussing on other audiovisual narratives is conceived as a bridge where audiovisual creation and the audience can meet with the following purposes:

- Provide visibility for artistic, cultural, and creative audiovisual creation, as a tool for creation, reflection, and cultural and social transformation.

- To encourage the development of the audiovisual sector by creating a space to showcase local and international audiovisual works.

- To incentivise the dissemination and exhibition of contemporary audiovisual creation.

- To promote the use of new linguistic forms of expression through moving images.

- To consolidate Azkuna Zentroa as the place in Bilbao where the various agents participating in the audiovisual chain of creation can interact.

- There is no element of competition between the selected works, but rather the intention is to promote and disseminate different artistic and experimental practices within the video sector.

The artworks selected will be screened during the course of the BIdeOtik. Focussing on other audiovisual narratives programme of events at Azkuna Zentroa-Alhóndiga Bilbao, in accordance with the schedule to be compiled once the Appraisal Committee has given its verdict.

The works will be screened within the context of sessions designed to encourage interaction with audiences that are interested in exchange and dialogue regarding the process of audiovisual creation. As such, those authors whose works are selected will be required to attend in person on the date set for the screening of their work. These sessions will include a colloquium with the live audience, and will be held at the Golem Alhóndiga cinema at Azkuna Zentroa (Annex I. Technical specifications).

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival
