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Iron Mule is New York's only monthly short comedy film series, screening narrative, documentary, animated and experimental comedies from around the world. In our 15 years we have presented more than 1,000 movies, including early work from many celebrated filmmakers and comedians such as Stephen Colbert, Seth Macfarlane, Lena Dunham, Aziz Ansari, and Abbi Jacobson and Ilana Galzer.
Each screening features a guest judge from the world of film, comedy, television, or the New York art scene. Hosts Jay Stern and Victor Varnado interview attending filmmakers during the show, and each screening is followed by an after party, in which filmmakers and audience members can mingle.
In addition, Iron Mule produces the "Wanna Be a Star" contest, in which an audience member is chosen to star in a new film directed by an Iron Mule filmmaker to be shown at the following month's screening.
The Iron Mule is an open, accessible festival dedicated to fostering a community of filmmakers and film fans.