Festival Internacional De Cine Cannábico

Montevideo / Buenos Aires, Uruguay

Logo of Festival Internacional De Cine Cannábico

24 Jul 2022

Published: 22 Jul 2022
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films

THE FICC -International Cannabis Film Festival- launches its call for editions 2022/23

Open until July 24, 2022 Audiovisual works of any length (short, medium or feature film) of any genre (fiction, documentary, animation, video clip, etc.) are received.

This year the "Other Trips" section opens where we will receive films that present other psychoactive substances in their plot.

Bases and conditions: https://bit.ly/3xIHK4i
Registration form: https://forms.gle/QdAvZoSyJR8XXUJ88

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Music Video

Photo of Festival Internacional De Cine Cannábico
Photo of Festival Internacional De Cine Cannábico
Photo of Festival Internacional De Cine Cannábico
Photo of Festival Internacional De Cine Cannábico

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