Curta O Gênero ()

Curta O Gênero


29 Nov 2021
Aufruf zu Einschreibungen

13 Apr 2022
Festival geschlossen

21 Mai 2022

20 Jun 2022
02 Jul 2022


Carlos Juaçaba, 1133,  60710715, Fortaleza, -, Brazil

Festival Beschreibung
Gender relations and sexualities
Kurzfilmfestival 25'<

Festival Anforderungen
 Hat KEINE Einsende-Gebühren
 Internationales Festival
 Online und physischer Standort
 Januar 2019
 Produktionsländer: Jede
 Länder Dreharbeiten: Jede
 Nationalitäten Regisseur: Jede
 Kurzfilme  25'<
 Jede Sprache
Teilen in sozialen Netzwerken

Photo of Curta O Gênero
Photo of Curta O Gênero

Photo of Curta O Gênero
Photo of Curta O Gênero

German ML

Festival Start: 20 Juni 2022      Festival Ende: 02 Juli 2022

The AX International Audiovisual Short Film Show aims to disseminate short films (documentaries, fiction, animations and experimental) for all ages, children and adolescents, young people and adults, which present as a central or relevant element such as gender relations and sexualities. Thus, short films that show intertwining between gender and sexualities with other markers such as social class, race and ethnicity, generation, disability, migration, are very welcome.
The Show also includes a multitude of themes that can cross issues such as life trajectories, violence against women, masculinities, fatherhood, motherhood, eroticism, corporeality, LGBTQIAphobias, sexual exploitation, sexual and reproductive rights and processes of resistance and struggle of women and subject LGBTQIA +, as well as a multitude of fields of sociopolitical life such as the State, capital, coloniality, politics, human rights, education, work, health, culture, public policies, among others.
In recent editions, many short films have been produced and selected that portray more general themes, of collective interest, in the field, for example, of indigenous rights, land, housing or the defense of democracy. So this year, realizing that such productions only enrich, densify and pluralize our Curta o Gênero, we formally opened for submissions of short films of this nature, which will be produced in specials.



Fábrica de Imagens – Educational Actions in Citizenship and Gender invites audiovisual directors to register their works in the X Curta o Gênero International Audiovisual Show, which will take place during the X Curta o Gênero, in June 2022, in Fortaleza, Ceará, Brazil.

About Short the Genre

Curta o Gênero is an action conceived and carried out by Fábrica de Imagens – educational actions in citizenship and gender and is characterized as a space for the convergence of people interested in sharing their thoughts, interpretations, experiences, doubts, propositions, performances, perceptions and artistic creations in the fields of feminisms, gender, sexualities, connected, above all, with other social markers, especially social class and race.

It also constitutes a plural space for the production of meanings and the development of dialogues committed to denouncing gender inequalities, violence and violations, with the construction of other representations and symbolic interpretations, based on gender equity and the affirmation of sexualities and with the promotion of theoretical-political articulations between counter-hegemonic fields, oriented towards a horizon of overcoming a social order that is patriarchal, therefore sexist and heteronormative, but which is also capitalist and colonial/racist.

The AX International Audiovisual Short Film Show aims to disseminate short films (documentaries, fiction, animations and experimental) for all ages, children and adolescents, young people and adults, which present as a central or relevant element gender and sexualities. Thus, short films that show intertwining between gender and sexualities with other markers such as social class, race and ethnicity, generation, disability, migration, are very welcome.

The Show also includes a multitude of themes that can cross issues such as life trajectories, violence against women, masculinities, fatherhood, motherhood, eroticism, corporeality, LGBTQIAphobias, sexual exploitation, sexual and reproductive rights and processes of resistance and struggle of women and LGBTQIA+ subjects, as well as a multitude of fields of sociopolitical life such as the State, capital, coloniality, politics, human rights, education, work, health, culture, public policies, among others.

In recent editions, we have received and selected many short films that portray more general themes, of collective interest, in the field, for example, of indigenous rights, land, housing or the defense of democracy. So this year, realizing that such productions only enrich, densify and pluralize our Curta o Gênero, we formally opened for submissions of short films of this nature, which will be shown in special sessions.


2.1. Audiovisual productions completed after 2019, with a maximum duration of up to 25 minutes (including credits), may be entered. The Mostra will receive short films from directors without distinction of age, however, if they are under 18 years old, the person responsible for the registration must be over 18 years old. Selected works from other editions of this Exhibition cannot be entered.

2.2. Registration is free and will take place from November 29, 2021 to February 28, 2022.

2.3. International works must contain, obligatorily, subtitles in Portuguese (BR).
2.3.1. It is strongly recommended that national works also contain subtitles in Portuguese (BR), considering accessibility issues, however, their absence is not a criterion for rejecting the application.

2.4. Applications must be submitted exclusively by completing the online application form, via Google, through the link:, observing the following:

2.4.1. A link to view the work valid until the 10th of April must be sent at the time of registration, with the aim of evaluating it by the Curatorship of the Exhibition, as well as, if you need a password to access the short film.

2.4.2. They must be sent, also at the time of the
registration, 02 (two) photos of the film's disclosure in JPG format, PNG with a minimum resolution of 300dpi;

2.5. The registration process will be completed exclusively by complying with the procedures contained in items 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4.1 and 2.4.2, with registrations that are not related to the thematic field described in item 1.

2.6. The organization of the Exhibition will not be responsible:

2.6.1. By corrupted uploaded files;

2.6.2. By incorrectly filling out the Application Form;

2.6.3. Thus, the organization reserves the right to eliminate the audiovisual work from the selection process if the situations mentioned above are verified.

2.7. When submitting to audiovisual work to the selection process the person responsible for the registration declares to be authorized and to be responsible for all image and copyright rights arising from the
making and showing the video.

2.8. In the registration form, the person responsible for the registration must choose to authorize only item "a" or simultaneously items "a" and "b", described below:

a) The exhibition at the X Mostra Internacional Audiovisual Curta o Gênero - Edition 2021/2022, in person and through a digital platform on the channels of Curta O Gênero. The material shown online will be removed from our channels 48 hours after the exhibition at the event.

b) The traveling exhibition of the X Mostra Internacional Audiovisual Curta o Gênero, Edition 2021/2022 and in educational activities of the NGO Fábrica de Imagens in Cultural Associations, Culture Points, NGOs, Film Clubs, Teaching Institutions, Partner and Sponsoring Organizations.

2.9. By submitting the entry to the X Mostra Internacional Audiovisual Curta o Gênero - Edition 2021/2022, the person responsible for the entry declares that the work does not infringe the rights of third parties, copyright of any nature, does not incur in total or partial plagiarism, being responsible in the civil and criminal sphere for non-compliance with the rules contained in this regulation.


3.1. The selection of videos will be made by a Curatorship to be appointed by the Organization of Curta o Gênero, composed of people linked to audiovisual production and criticism, universities and movements and organizations of gender, sexualities and feminisms.

3.2. The result of the selection will be published on social networks - Instagram @curtaogenero and Facebook @cogenero - and sent to the person responsible for the application's e-mail, on March 31, 2022, or at a later date to be properly and widely communicated in case there is an extension of the registrations, being irrevocable the opinion of the curatorship.

3.3. The Exhibition Organization may include guest audiovisual works in the exhibition program.


4.1. The short films selected for the X Mostra Internacional Audiovisual Curta O Gênero must send a link to download the exhibition copy of the audiovisual work, preferably in DCP format, ideal for projection on a movie screen. A copy must be in MP4/H264 format with a minimum resolution of FULL HD(1920x1080) and accessible on cloud storage platforms (eg DropBox, One Drive, Google Drive, MEGA, etc.). Movie links on viewing sites (eg youtube, vimeo, etc.) will not be accepted. If a password is required to download the files, it must be sent together with the link.

4.2. If, eventually, the submitted work file is incompatible with the formats necessary for exhibition and transmission, the team will contact you requesting the most suitable format.


5.1. All ideas/opinions expressed in audio and video in the selected works are the sole responsibility of the filmmakers and do not necessarily reflect the opinion of the Images Factory and/or the Curatorship Committee, it being up to those responsible for the entry to declare the indicative classification in accordance with current legislation.

5.2. For publicity purposes, the organization of X Mostra Audiovisual Internacional Curta o Gênero reserves the right to display extracts of the participating videos in any media.

5.3. The omitted cases will be evaluated by the organization of the Exhibition.

5.4. Questions regarding the application/selection process should be sent to the email: or via WhatsApp at +55 85 98622-5041.

5.5. The registration procedure binds the participant to the full acceptance of this regulation.

X Enjoy the Genre - edition 2021/2022
X International Audiovisual Show Enjoy the Genre
Fábrica de Imagens – educational actions in citizenship and gender.
Fortaleza, November 29, 2021.

Christiane Ribeiro Gonçalves Monte Rocha
President of Fábrica de Imagens - educational actions in citizenship and gender



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