EùroComedyAwards Fìlm Festìval (0)

EùropeanComedyAwards fìlm festìval

Dates limites

14 mai 2018
Appel à Inscriptions

30 sept. 2018
Date limite précoce

14 oct. 2018
Date limite standard

15 oct. 2018
Date limite retardée

15 oct. 2018
Festival fermé

03 nov. 2018
Date de notification

08 nov. 2018
11 nov. 2018


Nervesa,  20100 , Milano , Mìlano , Italy

Description du Festival
Festival d court métrage >1' 30'<

Exigences du Festival
 Festival de cinéma
 Music Video
 Tous les thèmes
 A des frais d’inscription
 Festival International
 Lieu physique
 Date de production: Tout
 Pays de production: Tout
 Pays de tournage: Tout
 Nationalités des directeurs: Tout
 Premiers Films 
 Projets scolaires 
 Courts-métrages  >1' 30'<
German Spanish French English Italian
Spanish English Italian
Partager sur les réseaux sociaux


Début du Festival: 08 novembre 2018      Fin du Festival: 11 novembre 2018

ECAFF 2018 5th edìtìon director Fab Seb Caleffi EuropeanComedyAwards for FictionFestival Dedìcated to Eddìe Cantor, the Eddìes Awards are ìnspìred to the B'way Tony award for theatre. The 2018 edìtìon (5th edìtìon) wìll take place ìn Mìlano and Padua, ltaly, accordìng wìth the medìa partners NTV and Padùa Press. We have 4 categorìes for thìs edìtìon: A) short comedy B) feature fìlm C) web serìal pìlot D) comedy teaser

All the selected works take part of Euro Comedy Academy 2018 and the categorìes wìnners wìll get the 2018 Eddìe Award (Certìfìcate of Award). Other prìzes are: BoB Best of the Bests Certìfìcate for the best dìrector, actress, actor, screenwrìter(s), specìal promotìon on our tv channels for pìlot and teaser wìnners, FAME awards for new medìa (Fame Award for Medìa Excellence), FEST show reel specìal awards for yoùng actress and actors, NTV specìal awards. The fìnal days and wìnners cerìmony wìll be on Nov. 8/9/10/11 at the GEA space ìn Padua, ltaly, at 18 Lagrange st. and ìn oùr stùdìos ìn Mìlano, at 59 Lodì blvd. The dìrector of ECAff and presìdent of Jury ìs Fabrìzìo Sebastìan Caleffì, an ìnternatìonal playwrìght, screenwrìter, dìrector and actor, co-fonder of the prìvate tv ìn Mìlano (Canale5), awards wìnner and awards juror.

Rules are so easy: you have to send to the festìval add the lìnk to yr Short or Feature Fìlm (short, from 1' to 30' maxìmum, feature no lìmìts), yr web serìal pìlot (max 15'), teaser (max 3') and the ìnscrìptìon vìa paypal tivubene@gmail.com (early bìrd deadlìne Sept.30.018) or other pay system. The Fee ìs: 25euro (30 USD) for short and web pìlot; 35euro (40 USD) for feature fìlm; 15euro (20 USD) for teaser.



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